Xil'Maat Chronicle REWORKING

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
2 555

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

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Toyhouse Link: https://toyhou.se/7863030.xil-maat

Reference Image: https://toyhou.se/7863030.xil-maat#60487383

Name: Xil’Maat (Zeel-Mot)

Alias: XeeXee (Zee-Zee)

Gender: Female

Orientation: Lesbian

Age: 157

Species: Lefika

Height: 15’7”

Affiliation: Tucruit, Justice virtue

Aura Level: Average

Magic Type: Geoshift, Yellow Jasper

Occupation: Jeweler/Hunter for hire

Native Location: Stilted City, Tucruitora

Residence: Tucruitora Capital, Tucruitora

Personality: Strong-bodied and able-minded, Xil is a jokester much like her friends. She acts humble until you compliment her jewelry or ask her anything about it. She’s a strange mix between introverted and extroverted, her act dependent on who she’s around. Oftentimes, she’ll be a bit more calm and on the shy side around strangers or someone of respectable authority but if she’s around someone she likes, she becomes more boisterous.

Relationships: Vesta (s/o), Valadin (friend), Chimera (adopted daughter), Dalilah (adopted daughter), Agni (adopted son), Indra (adopted son)