Xil'Maat Chronicle REWORKING

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
2 555

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

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Xil’Maat has been a believer of “if you work hard, you can achieve your goals,” for almost all of her life. Her family has never been the highest in wealth, though luckily just not enough to be the lowest. She has a good relationship with her parents but didn’t necessarily get to develop it with them until she was older, almost a young adult.

She got into trouble a lot when she was younger, mostly from her habit to steal shiny items any time she saw them. This love of precious materials only got reinforced the day she ran into an odd looking Lefika-Dragon with big gold teeth hanging out of his mouth. After their first meeting, she went into the market everyday to check for Valadin but only saw him a few times every other month. She didn’t understand why but it didn’t matter to her because when he did show up, they got to talk for hours about all the cool shiny things they found. One day, in the back alley of a shop, Valadin mentioned that he heard of Ptithians who could “create shiny things anytime they wanted!”. It was all the inspiration she needed to quickly get into the craft of jewelry smithing.

Long after her adolescence had worn off and she had taken time to straighten out, Xil was still friends with Valadin and had been on the verge of opening her own jewelry shop right by the Tucruitora market she spent her childhood in. Her very first customer was definitely close to what she was expecting, a female Lefika about her age (though the two sets of wings surprised her), but the lady’s beauty threw Xil way off her game. Valadin poked fun at her after the first interaction for all the stuttering but obviously she did something right. Vesta, as the other was named, came back multiple times (sometimes just to chat) and Xil also ran into her quite a lot around Tucruitora.

They all started to regularly hang about and although they both loved having Valadin around, the two would cherish the days they spent together. After a couple years of knowing each other, a few first dates, and some help from wingman Valadin, Xil and Vesta were finally together. Her shop has been growing more successful ever since, Vesta was even made a co-owner! Valadin was offered but said he had other plans in mind.