Round 112 Special Prompt

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Fall was here and the air was cooling. Tek couldn't be happier about it. Having lived outside for almost his entire life, he had developed some level of temperature tolerance. The warm weather of the summer could still be rather brutal on the collie, but Tek handled the colder seasons of fall and winter very well. He loved how cool breezes felt in his fur, and he found that he performed better in his trialing career when the weather was cold.

He was getting ready to start his last set of herding trials, where he would be herding ducks. In the days leading up to the first of the trials, he spent his days wondering how it would go. Knowing the trialing schedule, Tek was sure that the last trial would take place during the winter. It would be delightfully cold, so Tek hoped he would perform well. It raised some questions for the collie as well. He knew that ducks loved water, and was sure that there may be some water involved in the herding trial. What if the water froze over because it was cold? Would Tek be expected to herd ducks on ice?

The thought was both exciting and terrifying.