Round 113 Special Prompt

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It was quite ironic, really. Of all the trials that Tek wished he could try again, it was one of the goat herding trials. He was a livestock guardian for his own herd of goats, and yet Tek had failed his level two goat trial the first time he attempted it.

It was quite the sore spot for the collie, and he didn't like being reminded of it.

It had been his own fault, Tek could admit that much. Whenever he practiced for any of the herding trials, Tek employed his own herd of goats. He knew them very well, and was able to predict what they would do in different herding situations with a good amount of accuracy. When he made it to his level two goat trial, he didn't realize just how lazy practicing with his own herd had made him become.

Right from the start, Tek started subconsciously projecting the expectations of his own herd onto this herd of goats that he had never met before. He grew frustrated with they obviously didn't follow them. He lost his focus, failed to find it again, and allowed the herd of goats to scatter all across the trial field.


If Tek could redo any of his herding trials, it would be that one.