Bed of Flowers - Unedited Thread Replies

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
3 1295

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

I'm a narrative-based roleplayer and, more often than not, I've realized my reply length sometimes pressures folks into replying to the same length as my posts and it leads to too much happening in one reply for me to react to. I'm used to editing down my posts at this point, but I've always wanted to share them somewhere as is, so this is one of those places now. This is for that very thing, just for one of the threads I'm in as my lad, Breaker. I'll elaborate on it more another time.

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A sum up of the thread partner's reply:
   The giant saw Breaker leap through the hole he threw open in reality and vanish without a trace and, growing frustrated, rose to walk very slowly around the house, making steady laps as he peered into the top floor where he last saw him. When every room but one revealed no sign of the stranger, he approached its window but did not immediately peer in.

   He voices that he'll give the intruder one more chance to come out. To talk "like adults," as he put it, then promised he wouldn't hurt him as his steps stopped just outside his mark's window and as he crouched to peer inside, he continued: "But I will if anything happened to the old man."

Reply #39

     A promise was little more than words hoping for trust. The assurance that something was to follow should certain requirements be met, with nothing more than sounds easily made to drive it's worth.
     Breaker's eyes shut tightly, fingers digging into his scalp with palms pressed to his forehead.
     He was overthinking this. He felt like a dried leaf left shaking from the faintest of winds. He couldn't think.
     Those thoughts were doing no justice. He needed to breathe. He didn’t remember curling into a tight ball on the floor again.
     Curse this body's racing chemicals.

     He needed to listen to that voice. The mortal wanted nothing less than to follow the giant’s demands, but the giant wanted to talk. A claim terribly hard to believe with that hand’s shadow burned into his mind, but his word was all Breaker had. It was either listening or ruining what little trust he was putting in him by refusing to respond.

     The voice resounded just overhead; right through the window Breaker had finally decided to hide beneath, none of the furniture large enough to cover him., While it took him a moment to process, Breaker's eyes blinked open after realizing something:
     Did he say 'old man?'

     "Cassius?" His voice chimed up, still out of the giant’s sight until the top of a blonde head peered out hesitantly. He refused to leave his spot entirely -- his hands braced just out of sight, close to the floor, ready to open another portal on a moment's notice -- but until then, there was the little mess of hair with odd eyes peering out, his long nose almost set atop the window's edge as he looked up at what he could see of the giant's face.

     His voice held as steady as it could to little success, wavering yet doing its best to not be as small as it felt.
     "You know Mr. Morgan?" he called out hesitantly.