(The Silk Road) Book Snippets

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
18 34894

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Explicit Violence

A collection of drafts and snippets for my upcoming first amazon novel surrounding my OC's! It's all posted here so friends and fans are able to see the latest add ons so please be respectful and do not steal my work :) (C)

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This is a drabble on how Corvo met his now employer G.

The puddled streets at night deemed absolutely freezing and the rain continued to batter the ground as well as drunk fool-hardy people going about their pub crawls or weaseling their ways into questionable clubs. It was the perfect area to take advantage, to steal. People just drunk enough it wouldn't be until they trapse to their last train will they even realise the missing wallet, the absent phone or ring. That is why Corvo would sit there in the pummeling rain and endure, Thankful for the now tattered gloves as he rubs his hands together with a quiet sigh. He despised having to target these kinds of areas, witnessing all kinds of lucky loosers off their heads on drugs or booze looking so disgustingly carefree and ignorant. 

Corvo hugs his knees to his chest, lowering his forehead as the sound of the rain blotted out the slurred shouting and chattering echoing off the streets. It wasn't until closing time when more and more people clogged the streets with their pushing and shoving did Corvo find himself stirring. His baggy hoodie absolutely soaked to the bone as he forces himself up, keeping close to the wall with his head down. With his scrawny body and dark clothing it was easy for people not to pay him anymind as they all go their seperate ways, off to their well heated homes and ridiculously safe lives. 

It was simple and easy to snatch and pickpocket a few of the passers by who got too close, a loose handbag or two with a few bustling purses mainly. Corvo stuffs them greedily into his damp pockets as he continues to walk out of there, taking the less noisy backstreet as he continued to observe and pinch at any oportunity that presented itself. It seemed to be going as good as it gets, that was until he spots ahead a tall slender individual. The oddest part of this man was his large black mask that completely covered his face. A long dark coat with tall stylish boots. He really seemed oddly overdressed for such an area, The guy practically radiated an air of wealth compared to the fumbling idiots around. A delightfully prime target. 

Corvo quickens the pace a little but keeping just a few feet behind as he scans the man up and down looking for any easy pickings, loose pockets, jewlery. Bingo. In the coat's pocket peeked out a very fancy looking pocket watch that glowed under a passing streetlight. Corvo decides to do a pass and grab, make it quck and simple... He picks up the pace once again brushing past the stranger, with one hand snatching up the watch and discreetly stuffing it into his brimming pockets. Keeping his head down he continues on buzzing with excitment from his good haul tonight. He had nabbed from ssome real easy suckers tonight with absolutely no hassle, no drama. From the charming weight of his pockets he was more then certain he was in for some good treats.

So wrapped up in his victory he turns off the street and into an alley that would lead him back to 'home' just a couple streets now until he could go through his newfound treasures. At least. That's what it should have been...

He had no time to react to a swift kick at the back of his knee, a gloved hand grasping the back of his head and throwing him down on the ground. Causing most of his looted goods to come flying out onto the dirty puddled ground, Corvo yelping out in surprise as he landed. Quickly trying to scoop up his precious little pile only to have the air pretty much knocked out of him as a large boot slammed onto his chest forcing him back on the ground. 

"W-Wait it's not what it-

I'm sorry! Look! I can give you whatever you want-" He chokes out raising his eyes to his attacker only to meet the masked face of the overly dressed man from before, an eerie silence passing as Corvo fell quiet. There was something nerve wracking about not even being able to see the expression of this man, was he furious? Would he prove merciful? 

There came a low sigh from behind the mask, putting a little more force into his foot as he pressed Corvo down. The hand reaching into the long coat pocket to draw out a silenced pistol as he aimed it steadily square at Corvo's pale face. He leant down a little as if to look at the filthy street rat who dared cross his path.

"You think youse can just pinch from me...? ME? Kid you really ain't got a clue who yer dealin' with.." His voice sounded heavily inspired from some mafia wannabe, but with a gruffness that made him sound like some kind of heavy smoker. He removes the safety from the pistol keeping it aimed however his finger rigid and steady over the trigger. He was doing it for fear factor, to have this kid piss himself in fear. But it was also clear to the two of them he were fully capable of shooting and feeling absolutely no form of guilt in doing so.

Corvo couldn't draw his eyes off from him, terrfied in doing so would follow the sound of the gun. In the corner of his eyes he scanned the ground for anything to help him, his hand very slowly trapsing the space beside him trying to find the damned watch that got him into this mess. 

"P-Please... This is about the watch right? I can just give it b-back, take it!" Fumbling he manages to feel the outline of the watch, gripping it and raising it up for the strange to see.
"Pfft. This ain't just bout the watch. It's the utter disrespect. Desprate trash like yous. Make me sick."

Corvo  kept his arm extended his hand a little trembly but managing to keep his cool, he took a slow breath. He had fully expected this to be the degrading and embarassing way for him to die, by the hands of some mentally unhinged victim who he had tried to push his luck with. He was beaten down from years of homelessness, no purpose or drive aside from committing petty crimes in order to survive but for what reason? He had really just forgotten why by this point. It's not as if he had anyone waiting for him to come back.

"I get it, Sir. I really do. I know I'm a no good thief and street rat." He gives a small shrug, his eyes glancing towards the watch.
"This ain't about honour or anything of the sort for me, I just needed new clothes..Maybe some food or something.." He chuckles weakly, which seemed to confuse the stranger. 

"It's a fancy little watch, Mr. You should really keep it better hidden next time, take it from me." 

The rain that had been filling the air was becoming faint, the streets were quiet with absolutely no onlookers or knights in shining armor. Corvo gives a small raise of his hand, glancing back to the masked man.

The stranger pauses staring daggers into Corvo's eyes as he very hesitently lowers his gun, This kid. This piece of desprate trash wasn't begging and hovelling for his sad empty little life, This guy was deprived of a purpose. Of a reason to wake up each day. The stranger huffs, snatching the watch back and removing his foot only to give a sharp kick to his ribs causing Corvo to gasp and curl into the fetal position where he lay hugging his knees for a moment, with his eyes shut. Expecting a further beating to ensue.

"Get up."

The voice sounded harsh, blunt. Corvo froze in place before obeying, getting up from the damp ground looking like drowned gutter trash as he rose to his feet.

"Your coming with me."