Marketplace Meetings

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
4 5082

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

The story of how Xarito and Zakios met up.

Content warning for parent death and enraged high blood. Nothing goes into a lot of detail.

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Author's Notes

Once again feel free to correct grammar or give tips! My trolls live in an AU world called Nolara so keep that in mind.

Brief flashback to parent death and how they died. This is brought up again in chapter 3. Enraged high blood in chapter 4.


     Zakios has heard all of the stories. Purple bloods going on rampages, how they'll kill anyone and everyone, and about how they couldn't be trusted not to go crazy. Everyone knew they were more peaceful now than in the past, but that doesn't change humans and trolls' opinions on purple bloods as a whole. He was tired of it. People would often judge him before they got to know him. It made him wish he was born a different caste. He never really had many friends growing up, so he had to cherish the ones who were brave enough to get to know him.

     Zakios hated that he had to hide his blood color on Trollian. He'd always get that question asking about what it is. They'd normally assume he was a lime blood. He always did his best to brush the question off. He liked joining in on live stream chats that were much more focused on the stream than a troll typing in a gray color. It was during one of those live streams when he met lovableRancher, a bronze blooded troll. Zakios quickly befriended him, and learned that his name was Xarito. He'd stay up late talking to his friend. He asked Xarito about his farm, about the things he liked, and told Xarito about what he liked too. He had to dodge the blood color question a few times, and was thankful when Xarito stopped bringing it up. He didn't want to lose a friend he'd grown so attached to.

     They'd been talking for a few months when Xarito mentioned the farmers trading market he goes to every year in Mirstone, and that he'd be there again this year. Zakios heard all about the farmer's trading market, thought he's never been there himself. He had been thinking about asking his friend if he'd ever want to meet up someday, and decided that he'd go and see Xarito in person since he didn't live too far from where the traders market was being held. He was hoping that Xarito would still want to be his friend even after seeing that he was a purple blood.

     When Zakios made it to the farmers market, he noticed that there weren't very many high bloods there. He swore there were more violet bloods than purples! He felt out of place as he wondered the market, ignoring stares and cautious glances. He noticed that the farmer's market didn't seem very different from the regular trading market that happened. Stalls full of farm fresh items were up for a price or even a trade. He would've shopped at a few stalls if he didn't feel like an outsider here. Zakios finally found Xarito, ignoring the moment of fear in his friends' eyes, and went over to say hi after Xarito visibly relaxed. He wanted to show to others that he wasn't just some raging high blood. He was more than that! Maybe he can start with Xarito?

     Xarito had been at his stall for some time now. It concerned him that he hasn't gotten a message from Zakios lately. He normally had a message from him by now! Was his friend alright? He had some time to check Trollian, and was about to pull out his phone until he heard whispers of a purple blood coming to the market. The bronze blood quickly put his phone up as he briefly thought about packing up early and going home before someone got hurt. He froze when he spotted the purple blooded troll. Xarito could only stare in fear as he thought back to his childhood.

     Xarito had been a lucky troll to be raised by his parents, even if that ended early. Trolls lower on the hemospectrum were more likely to be raised by their parents, or some family, and Xarito's parents had decided to raise him instead of giving him up as a grub. He was only a young troll when his parents died to a raging purple blood. One night he was watching a show with his parents when they heard something outside. He was told to hide and wait for them as they went outside to investigate, but they never came back, so he went to investigate, only to find bronze and purple blood all over the yard he called home. He knew his parents put up a good fight, even if it was a losing battle. He's feared purple bloods ever since that day.

     Xarito snapped out of it with a flinch when the other troll came up to him. That's when he realized that the troll was slouching. He remembered Zakios mentioning that he had back pains, and that he slouches because of it. He couldn't think of any reason for some random high blood to come up to his stall specifically. He may be known at the market, but he wasn't a famous farmer or anything! Could this be his friend? "Zakios? Is that you?" Was he really a purple blood this whole time?

     Zakios nodded to the question. "Yeah. Didn't mean to scare you. It looks like I already did. Let me make it up to you." He pulled out his ukulele, strumming the strings as he headed off again before Xarito could say anything. He was left alone with his thoughts as he waited for Zakios to return. What was Zakios going to do with that ukulele? Was he putting on a show? Or was he going to do something violent? He pushed away his bad thoughts about purple bloods as he waited. Zakios has always been kind to him. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Maybe this could be a new start? A change in his way of thinking about purples.

     Xarito had calmed himself down by the time Zakios came back with his ukulele in hand. He was organizing his stall a little better when he heard Zakios playing the stringed instrument, and saw him leading a small crowd to his stand. Xarito was amazed by how many people he gathered, and how much money and trades he was getting! He's never had a line this long before. It was a little overwhelming! Zakios had left again before he could say a thank you. Zakios came back with more people a few more times before the market ended. Xarito was absolutely ecstatic with all the sales and trades he made!

     Xarito was purring as he began putting away what wasn't sold or traded from his stall. He was quiet while Zakios helped. He was right to trust him. His friend really wouldn't do anything to hurt him. This really could be the change he needed! Once the stand was cleared, Xarito finally spoke. "Thank you for that. I've never had so many customers before!" He'd have more than enough to support himself until the next farmer's market, and he had Zakios to thank for it! He couldn't wait to tell Flydad once he got home!

     Zakios beamed at his friend. "It was the least I could do for hiding my blood color from you. So... Are we still friends?" He didn't want to lose Xarito as a friend. Especially after all those late night chats they had together. To him, those nights could never be replaced. They meant a whole lot to him. More than he could ever describe. Xarito was the closet friend he's ever had!

     Xarito put down the box of traded goods he was carrying to his cart, then wrapped his arms around Zakios in a big hug! "Of course we're still friends! I'm sorry that I was wary of you." He wanted to tell Zakios the reason why, but felt like now wasn't the right time. He'd like to explain why someday.

     Zakios hugged Xarito back and couldn't help but to do a little happy dance without realizing it. "Everyone's still scared of us, so I get why you're wary. Come on. I can help you get this cart home, and maybe we can hang out?" Xarito liked that plan. They loaded up the rest of the boxes, then Xarito led Zakios to his farm in Alderbarrow.