Tempered Hope

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
4 3253

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Ficlet collection for the self insert ship with Xenoverse!Trunks~ Writing by offsite friends will have credits in notes!

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Feathers of Time

Peace wasn’t exactly something Jasmine was used to.

Though Toki Toki City was now in ruin, for the time being, it seemed that they would have a bit of reprieve from changes in history. It meant that rebuilding could happen, something she originally thought would be impossible to do. The Time Nest was at least relatively safe thanks to Chronoa’s power, in fact it was the only structure really finished being brought back to its former glory. She had to wonder, did the huge tree inside it have anything to do with that?

Tokitoki had eventually come to visit her while she hid away in that large tree that seemed to grow right out of the Time Vault, perching beside her with a coo and a tilt of his head. There wasn’t many places where she could just be alone even before Demigra attacked, but this seemed to be best. After all, if the quirky owl liked looking out — or napping, for that matter — at the Time Nest from these branches, then surely it must be. Hiding her ki made it a little easier to avoid the much needed quiet being interrupted.

“You know, Tokitoki…” she finally spoke, scratching in the space in-between the owl’s eyes. “My mentor, or, well… I suppose I should say my father, he used to sing a song about an owl who who created the fabric of time with their feathers.”

The owl looked up and cooed again, his interest peaked. It was almost as if to ask her ‘Really?’, though it would be silly to think so. Well, maybe not; Chronoa did act like she could understand the bird, maybe there was more to it than she thought. Still, she gave a quiet laugh as she nodded. Tokitoki’s feathers ruffled a bit.

“Shocked? I can see why,” Jasmine laughed, “Now, how did it go again? It’s been so long, I hope I didn’t forget…”

Little did she know that she was actually being looked for. Trunks couldn’t seem to find the Future Warrior anywhere; not that there was any immediate danger, but considering all of what just happened, he doubted she’d blame him for being cautious. Yet, try as he might, he couldn’t sense even a slight trace of her Ki anywhere. He exited the Time Vault, stumped. He’d looked everywhere at this point, so where was she—? It was as if she’d vanished just as quickly as she arrived, as if Shenron whisked her back to her own era. But that wasn’t possible, the Dragon Balls still couldn’t be used again for at least another few months. Was she hiding? Why would there be any reason to…?

Wait, where was that sound coming from? He looked above at the tree sprouting from the Time Vault.

{.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}

Feathers threaded and weaved,
Each giving but a day.
When the feathers were all gone,
One’s time has gone away.

{⋅. ♪ .⋅}

It almost sounded like… singing?

Trunks began to fly up towards the voice he heard, and though it was oddly familiar, it almost sounded hushed. It was as if whoever was singing didn’t want anyone to hear it, but he had to see who managed to get into the Time Nest. What if it were someone that shouldn’t be there? It came from the section of branches nearest to the top, though close enough to the trunk where no branches would snap from added pressure. Tokitoki was perched on the same branch as whoever was singing, scratching the feathers atop the owl’s head as they did so. Though the song was calm, almost like a child’s lullaby, the words themselves were melancholy.

{.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}

Time saved and time lost,
That was all Maotouying could give.
Though many wished for another day,
He could not weave more time to live…

{⋅. ♪ .⋅}

Only a few people were even allowed access here, but the swirl-pattered gi, and the long brown hair…. Surely that voice couldn’t be—


The song ended abruptly, replaced by a startled shriek as the figure flinched at their name being called, red eyes being all too clear among the branches covered in green leaves. Tokitoki fluttered off to a nearby branch, startled by the sudden movement and noise, but that wasn’t the only thing to happen. Jasmine lost her balance from where she sat on the branch, and seemingly, she forgot how to fly too. Rather than focus her ki to float, a hand grabbed onto the branch as she fell, the rest of her dangling above the far-off ground from there. Her face was almost as red as her eyes, as if he’d stumbled on some embarrassing secret of her’s.

“P-Please tell me you didn’t hear any of that—” she asked frantically, though it sounded more like a statement than any kind of question.

“I… didn’t take you as the type to like singing, but you’re actually really good at it!” Jasmine’s free hand raised to cover her face, shaking her head in disagreement, but she didn’t say anything. A hand reached up to the back of his head, best change the subject, “Er— Was I not supposed to hear that? I was just looking for you and overheard someone up here, so I came to investigate. I’m sorry if I intruded somehow.”

“…No, it’s fine. I’m just not used to any of this; nothing’s been this quiet for me in so long and, well, I’ve never been comfortable having an audience.” she sighed as she finally seemed to recall that she could fly, resting back upon the branch where she was. Tokitoki soon joined her, letting out a quiet hoot. She glanced down at the owl, continuing to scratch his feathers as she had been doing before. Red eyes glanced from Trunks over to the time-creating owl, who seemed to be enjoying all the attention he was getting. What a silly bird. “Tokitoki decided to join me up here even though I’d hidden my ki, then I remembered a song from when I was a kid that sounded a lot like him — about an owl whose feathers determined the lifespan of a person.”

“A-Anyway— Why were you looking for me? Did something happen?” she continues on, “Is there another change in history, maybe—?”

“No, not at all—! Actually,” Trunks paused, “You were nowhere to be found and no one could sense your presence, so I thought I’d make sure you were alright. Just a force of habit, don’t worry too much about that—”

Jasmine was quiet again as she listened, but a small smile crept onto her face. It was true, he was probably used to doing things like that since — at least in his timeline — there were still people around that he had to protect back then, unlike herself. Of course he would lean on the side of caution; after all that he’s been through, and all that’s happened here? It’d be harder to expect the contrary from someone as kind as Trunks was.

“Thank you, Trunks. I’ll try not to worry you like that again,” she finally answered, though she did want to repay him for all the trouble. But what? “…I suppose if I can’t sense anyone around, I won’t know if anyone’s listening, huh?”

It was then that Tokitoki decided to be a mischievous bird, fluttering into the air towards Trunks. He pulled at the time traveler's hair with his beak, Jasmine laughing all the while at Trunks’s sudden confusion, but it seemed he eventually figured out what Tokitoki was saying. Tokitoki wanted him to stay, or maybe Jasmine wanted him to and he was sensing it. Either way, Trunks stayed as the bittersweet melody continued.

{.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}

As one’s time ends, another begins.
In truth, Maotouying knew that too.
Though many wished for another day,
Many more would live on as each feather falls…

{⋅. ♪ .⋅}