Tempered Hope

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
4 3253

Entry 3
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Ficlet collection for the self insert ship with Xenoverse!Trunks~ Writing by offsite friends will have credits in notes!

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Christmas Letter


I know you said you didn’t need a Christmas card this year, but I always wrote letters around  the holidays to everyone from my timeline. It was something my mother came up with… The  idea was, if we could capture the way we felt about each other on paper, it would be something  no machine could ever touch, even if the Androids came for us. Elder Kai said the Androids  could’ve just ripped them up anyway, but Chronoa said it was sweet and that I should write one  for you. 

Besides, it didn’t feel right not to include one of the most important people in my life in that  tradition. Never forget, you’re my irreplaceable partner. …It always scares me to say that. I keep  thinking, someone will hear that and take you away from me. But that’s not fair to you. You’re  strong. Whatever the world decides to throw at us, we’ll meet them head on, right? I’m really glad you loved the sword I got you, too, but there was something else I wanted to give  you. I’ve never had much time to listen to music, and what I do listen to doesn’t tend to be very  happy, but I wanted to share this with you. Whenever I listen to these songs, I think of us, of  everything we’ve been through together and everything we’re fighting to protect. Maybe they’ll  be able to say everything I’m too scared to say out loud. 

Here’s to another year! I can’t wait to spend it by your side, if you’ll have me. 

- Trunks

Author's Notes

Proton wrote a letter from Trunks to Jasmine for me as a Christmas gift, and has allowed me to post it! >w<