Small Kalmin and Cortez Meet

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
3 3417

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

A AU of Kalmin and Cortez, if they met when smaller. They're good beans

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 535

Kytazy: 251

Heading Out Into The Rain

The phrase 'soaked to the bone' was a difficult one to apply to the drenched warpa considering at least a forth of him was exposed bones. But he was wet enough now that he no longer felt the chill of the rain, meaning the rags he wore were no longer keeping him warm. It was a horrible day to run away, he wished he could have picked a nice, bright, sunny one. That would have been so much more difficult, however, it'd be so much drier too. Shaking his head, it wasn't like he could go back anymore.

Not wanting to be sold off to another family, the youngling fled from home before they even had a chance to properly tell him about the situation. Simply overhearing his own was in a small crisis, and a noble needed a child. It wasn't too uncommon, sometimes the high ranks being infertile, or simply needed new servants to raise from an impressionable age. Sometimes for meals, but his family weren't actually that heartless, they had found a good home for him. Better than they could ever provide, though Cortez knew none of this as he spotted a balcony. Not a completely dry spot, but it was at that perfect angle out of the brunt of the rain. For the time being it kept the wind at bay as well, it was the perfect spot for a short rest. Maaaybe a tiiiny nap so he wouldn't have to lay in the growing mud puddles.

“Kal, I know you grow antsy but you can’t go out...” The small warpa stared up at his father, currently sitting in his humanoid form in the chair while the youngling still took on his nightmare form. Looking back outside to the rainy day as he flailed his penguin wings at his father, it just called to him. THe maid had told him to just ask the king if he could head out to splash in the puddles of the summer months, but with how sick the older warpa was becoming he knew this would be the answer he got.

‘But father! It wouldn’t be long at all, I just want to go into the town with one of the maids--’

“No, Kal. It’s too wet and dangerous. Go.. play...” Coughing as the older male grew tired, Kal pouted but pushed it no more, looking it over to his older brother who was also in his humanoid form. A very handsome male with longer hair who offered their father some water and understood the young warpa’s desire to play, but said nothing to aid.

Huffing and waddling off, Kalmin was tired of always being treated so young. He was older than many of the maids and butlers! And they got to do whatever they wanted. So what if he didn’t have his own humanoid form yet, that didn’t matter! Heading back to his room to sulk, the dark skinned warpa male missed the good days with his mother. Those pleasant days where they’d sit in the garden and go into town, or maybe float on the cold water as it rained around them, it was always so nice and he loved how everyone was happy then. He’d cling to his mother in his small squirrel form, bushy tail twitching around as he had a good time, it was always so wonderful...

But... that was long gone. Shaking his head, he flung open his door, making the warpa that was sitting on his bed reading jump and blink at him. The young snake male was told to stay as Kalmin ran off to talk to the king, and Denzil was one to please and listen to his friend and his prince. They weren’t that far off in age and Denzil had already gotten his own human form, though often sat in his snake form to make Kalmin feel more at ease.

‘What did he say?’

“He said no....’ Sighing as he plopped onto the ground bean bag next to the bed, he pouted more and wiggled his flippered feet. He wasn’t one to linger for long though, and wiggling and rolling back over he started at Denzil with his many eyes that were still popping in. ‘Why don't you go pick up some snacks for reading time?’

Assuming Kalmin had abandoned his idea of heading out, the personal guard was more then happy to wiggle off to the kitchen for snacks. Kalmin wasn’t done with his want to go out though, watching until Denzil was down the hall before he went waddling towards the windows and flung himself right out. He was going to go into town if he wanted to, even if father said no...