How Characters Will Sing (TXT ver)

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
69 12460 2

Chapter 30
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

bc they literally have no skippable song, again not a voice claim list but it's close enough XD

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How Symphony Would Sing Eternally

Spotify link

Grey Kelly Madoka Yuuko Teruko Percival Hijiri

Please stop
This nightmare that I dream every night
Your hand which is so close yet so far

Tell me now
That name that hovers in my mouth
The meaning of this sad dream

My heart which is stuck in a nostalgic maze
Save me
In this eternal dream that is the deepest
My blue secret that is asleep

Don’t go breaking my heart, don’t go
This broken world
In our forgotten diary
Take me to that secret

When I open my eyes, that night
That day when it rained flames
That dance that called for a nightmare
That rhythm that won’t stop

This darkness that swallowed a scream
This distance between you and me is growing bigger
This doodle in front of my eyes
I push through my dream again

My heart which is stuck in a nostalgic maze
Save me
In this eternal dream that is the deepest
My blue secret that is asleep

Don’t go breaking my heart, don’t go
This broken world
In our forgotten diary
Take me to that secret

I want to end this world

When I open my eyes, that night
That day when it rained flames

That dance that called for a nightmare
That rhythm that won’t stop

This darkness that swallowed a scream
This distance between you and me is growing bigger
This doodle in front of my eyes
I push through my dream again

My heart which is stuck in a nostalgic maze
Save me
In this eternal dream that is the deepest
My blue secret that is asleep

Don’t go breaking my heart, don’t go
This broken world
In our forgotten diary
Take me to that secret