How Characters Will Sing (TXT ver)

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
69 12460 2

Chapter 8
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

bc they literally have no skippable song, again not a voice claim list but it's close enough XD

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How Symphony Would Sing Our Summer

Grey Kelly Madoka Yuuko Teruko Percival Hijiri

Under the blazing sun, it’s muddy and it’s melting
The gray forest of buildings

A never-ending final exam
Toss and turning, sleepless noise of the grey city

Your swiftly appearing fantasy
It shines like magic

The sound of the breaking waves, your laughter
When your hand reaches out

Spread before your eyes is the ivory Milky Way
Blooming gold season, like our summer

No matter where you are, no matter what season
If we’re together, feel like summer

Your fresh fragrance, your sparkling eyes
Makes me feel better

Reality loses its power, even the Earth dies
The moment is eternal

Under the hot sun
You and I are gonna be us now

Over the Gray City
There’s a flood of blue waves

Spread before your eyes is the ivory Milky Way
Blooming gold season, like our summer

No matter where you are, no matter what season
If we’re together, feel like summer

Autumn, winter and spring climate again come together
Golden sand, summer, ocean on the hot sun

In it, the eternal promise brilliantly shine
If you imagine, if you continue to believe
Then you’re here

Spread before your eyes is the ivory Milky Way
Blooming gold season, like our summer

No matter where you are, no matter what season
If we’re together, feel like summer

Oh, feel like summer yeah, feel like summer, summer