Round 129 Special Prompt

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As the Christmas festivities progressed throughout the day, Tek was surprised to find that the trainer had gotten gifts for all of the dogs at the Slate Mine estate. He observed the whole process very carefully, interested to see what everyone was getting. Meir got a new vest for his therapy sessions, and Tek could hear him gushing about how comfortable it was. Ember got a new piece of equipment to practice his agility on, which Tek knew he would be excited about. Poor Ember was starting to get rather frustrated about his performances. Makeda got some kind of grooming tool that Tek didn't recognize. He wasn't used to being groomed, but he knew Makeda's long coat required quite a bit of upkeep. The newest collie to the pack, Beaux, got a brand new plush bed to hang out on. It must have been the weather proof kind, because Tek watched Beaux drag it out onto the deck.

After all of those gifts were given out, it was finally Tek's turn. He waited patiently at the fence line for a good portion of the day until the trainer finally came out to see him. Tek wagged his tail a little in excitement as the trainer hopped the fence.

"Are you ready?" the trainer asked. Tek nodded happily.

Tek followed the trainer to the other side of the goat field, making sure to keep an eye on his herd. They passed through a gate, and then the human stopped in front of a large, wooden structure that Tek had never seen before. The trainer stepped inside and Tek followed closely.

"I know you don't like to come inside the house, but I can't justify just letting you sleep outside all the time," the trainer explained. "I had this built a couple of weeks ago. It's big enough inside that it should fit you all."

Tek walked around the building carefully. It was definitely warmer in here than outside, and the trainer had been right that all of the goats would easily fit inside. Tek looked up at the trainer and wagged his tail, eager to show his gratitude. The trainer grinned back at him, obviously pleased that Tek liked the gift.