We Depend on You

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Jamie had a couple of favourite places that he delivered to, but the bar and grill a few blocks from the back was probably at the top of that list. He loved the energy of the place, and those who worked there were some of the most genuine people that he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. Usually when Jamie rolled up with something that they'd ordered, he opened the back door to barely contained chaos. His friends there always held it down with a smile and the best attitude. Sometimes they'd even let Jamie stick around and chat.

Today he had more packages, so as usual he pulled his van around the back and parked up. He stepped out to move to the back of the van, smiling once he realized that he could already hear the bustle from inside the restaurant. He grabbed the packages he needed then walked up to the back door, the one that led into the kitchen. He knocked on the door with his foot then stepped back, making sure to hold the stack of packages securely.

The door swung open and Jamie was met with a familiar face and a grin. Hawk ushered him in and led him through the crowded kitchen to the usual storage place in the back. Jamie set the boxes down carefully and turned back to Hawk, ready to welcome their usual conversation.

"Ready for the rush tonight?" Jamie asked, stealing a glance out into the rest of the kitchen. Hawk snorted.

"It's Mother's Day. It's gonna be hell out there," he replied. "I'm starting to seriously worry about the new kid. I know he's been improvin', but some of the mistakes he's already made today were pretty bad."

"You think he'll survive out there?" Jamie asked, eyeing the new kid - Ren - as he walked by.

"If he can survive me first," Hawk replied with a small smile. Jamie chuckled.

"Guess I'll check in tomorrow," he said, heading back towards the door.

"I'll let you know if he lives!" Hawk called after him as Jamie made his way back to the truck.

The rest of Jamie's delivery route was pretty uneventful. He drove around, listened to music, greeted his regulars. By the time he got home, he was tired as usual but happy with the day he'd had. He dropped his hat on the table and got ready to settle in. He flopped down onto the couch, and was promptly surprised by his cell phone starting to vibrate. He rolled over and picked it up, frowning as he read the caller name.


"Jamie? Oh, thank god," came Ren's reply.

"Are you calling about the van?" Jamie asked. "I appreciate the call back, but the check engine light went away so I think it's good now."

His brow furrowed even further. Hadn't they had this conversation already?

"Not about the van," Ren replied bluntly. "I need a favor. I'm in deep trouble, and I think Hawk might actually kill me this time."

Jamie wasn't sure that Hawk would, but he heard Ren out all the same.

"I was tryna get out a bunch of dishes, but I slipped and dropped them and now we're down about half our plates and my life will be basically over if we can't get more. I've got some on rush order, but the guy says they won't be here for like an hour because he has to call in a driver."

"I can go get them for you," Jamie replied instantly.

"Would you?" The desperation in Ren's voice tugged at Jamie's heart. "I'll owe you my life, seriously."

"I got it," Jamie replied. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"You're the best, oh my god."

Jamie smiled and sighed to himself as he got back up off of the couch. As much as he probably shouldn't be doing a favor like this, he liked Ren and the rest of the bar and grill staff too much to brush them off. He put his hat back on and headed back out to the truck.

He made it to the distribution center in record timing. Jamie's boss was surprised to see him, but Jamie brushed him off about clocking back in to work.

"Don't charge for this, boss," Jamie said as he found the correct packages. "It's a personal favor."

"You're not letting someone walk over you again, are ya?" the boss questioned. Jamie shook his head.

"Nah, promise."

His boss sighed, giving Jamie a slight shake of his head.

"Don't let that change."

"Got it, boss."

Then Jamie was off again, back towards the bar and grill. He pulled up to the back door for the second time that day and stepped out of the van. Before he could get to the back, however, he was stopped by Hawk.

"Plates?" Hawk asked.

"How'd you know?" Jame asked, head slightly tilted.

"The new kid's a panicky mess," Hawk replied with a sigh, walking to the back of the van with Jamie. "He's currently taking a breather in the storage room. I asked him about the plates and he just completely broke down."

"Go easy on him?" Jamie asked as he handed Hawk the first of the two packages.

"I'm not gonna fire him, don't worry," Hawk replied. "But he shouldn't have called you like that. I appreciate the favor, but you're not just someone we can ask to run around like that. That, Ren has to make up for. I'm sorry you had to run out here again."

"It's really not a problem," Jamie replied with a shrug, but Hawk narrowed his eyes at Jamie as the human held the door open.

"No, it is a problem," Hawk pushed back, letting Jamie inside the kitchen. "Come back tonight after closing. I want to make this right."


Jamie had never been to the bar and grill after close. He could immediately tell that the atmosphere was different; there were no chaotic noises emanating from inside the building. He knocked on the door and Hawk answered, letting Jamie inside. The first thing that Jamie saw when he walked into the kitchen was a very sheepish-looking Ren holding a box. Hawk went and stood off to the side, shooting a sharp look at Ren.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Hawk asked him. Ren looked like he wanted to sink into the ground.

"I'm sorry for calling you for a personal favor to fix my own mistake," Ren said, voice shaking slightly. "I should have just taken the hit and dealt with it by myself. Thank you for doing what you did, but it won't happen again."

The whole speech was incredibly awkward, and Jamie found that all he could do in the moment was give Ren a sympathetic smile. He could only imagine the tongue lashing that Ren had received. Hawk was a good guy, but Jamie was sure that he could be terrifying when he needed to be. As if on cue, Hawk nodded at Ren.

"Oh right! Here's a take-out dinner for you, as thanks," Ren said, pushing the box into Jamie's hands.

Seemingly satisfied, Hawk allowed Jamie to say goodbye to Ren and then walked Jamie outside.

"To be completely honest, you really saved us today," Hawk admitted as they got back to the van. "But seriously; don't do that again. I don't want it to seem like we're taking advantage. As much as we depend on you, you're not our fetch guy."

Jamie went to protest, but Hawk cut him off.


Jamie sighed.
