By Demonic-Designs

2 years, 4 months ago

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Author's Notes

This is a copy of the literature for record purposes in case the original gets deleted or lost (and to keep all the CP in one place). None of the writing is by me.

Anubis had heard tales of a tricky vayron with many tails. Another anomaly? He thought to himself. Determined to meet the newest fable whispering throughout the lands, he sets out for Warrenfall. With him he brought some small offerings. He had heard this new vayron was a strong believer and wanted to share with them his own beliefs. After all it wasn't every day you found a vayron who strongly followed the more human beliefs. 

Anubis made his way to the grassy lands and found the designated path to a shrine. The kitsune vayon was assumed to be at one of these shrines. He hoped he would somehow be lucky once more and find him at this one. Though his main goal was to deliver an offering to the kitsune gods. 

Anubis made his way up the long path of stares, enjoying the trees that surrounded the way. Once he reached the top of the stairs he was greeted by large tall red gates that lined a winding path. The gates were so close together and followed the curves of the path that he couldn't see the end of them. There were strange markings carved into them along with the occasional strips of paper on them. Anubis tilts his head and begins walking under them, mesmerized by the strange structures.

As he walked he heard some giggling from above. Something shoots across a few of the gates leaving behind only a blue of white, red and blue colors. Anubis pauses and looks to where he saw the blur land.

“Well come on then” calls out a voice. “Follow, follow” it calls again then darts over a few more of the gates above. Anubis didn't wait and quickly took chase after the creature. He ran through the gates at first confused but then he began to enjoy the chase. It was more playful than aggressive and even the little chaser running on top of the gates was laughing as they ran. 

Then suddenly they leap down in front of Anubis and run in front of him, showing their full splendor. It was indeed another chaser, though slightly fluffier. It was coated with creamy whites, blue, red and lined with gold. A fox mask floated above its head and seven full fluffy tales flowed behind it. Anubis fumbled a bit as he stared in awe.

“Hehehe do not tumble now” it hollered at him. “Catch me if you can!” it picked up pace and began to move at a blinding speed. Was this chaser part fox? It moved with such agile speed that it didn't seem real. Anubis frowns with determination and does his best to follow. But his little legs could just barely keep up with the bouncing chaser as it ran and hopped off the torii gates like they were nothing. 

How many gates are there!? Questioned anubis as he started to get winded. It just seemed endless! Was it an illusion? Kitsune’s are tricksters, so maybe this one tricked him too. He couldn't run anymore. He was out of breath and his chest hurt. He slowed down to a walk and watched as the white and blue chaser ran out of view. He sighs and sits down, letting his head droop. They're too fast....I can't keep up. He pouts a bit. It seems he wouldn't have such a pleasant greeting with this anomaly. Then again he couldn't expect EVERYONE to be friendly with him. He sighs again and wonders if he should just head back.

“Awww don't tell me you're done already?” came a voice from right in front of him. Anubis jerks his head up to lock eyes with the chaser. They were so close that when he looked up, their noses touched. He pauses a bit stunned by them. They were so energetic and fascinating. Unlike the other two he had the chance of meeting the kitsune chaser tilts their head. “Something wrong?” it asks. 

Anubis shakes his head then scoots back a bit. The chaser smiles and giggles again. “Well we're here” they chime then move out of the way to reveal a beautiful wooden and stone shrine. When did that get here! There was nothing but torii gates a moment ago... 

“Well?? Didn't you come here for the shrine?” they question circling anubis and peeking into his bag. He looks over at the chaser and gently pulls away as he stands. “Oh? My bad. Sometimes I can forget boundaries.” they chuckles then trot forward a couple feet. When they notice anubis isn't following they stop and look over their shoulder. “Well hurry along now, or you’ll get stuck in the torii gate maze again” with this anubis sprung forward and trotted next to them.

The shrine was fairly big, big enough to have several people and varyon maintaining it. He was a bit surprised by the size of it. At the entrance were two large lion-dog statues on either side of a path that led straight to the front entrance of the shrine. To one side stood a wooden shelf with multiple bells and pieces of paper hanging from it. To the other side was a water station for prayers.

Anubis makes his way down the path to the offering and pauses. The kitsune was no longer in sight. He looks around for them but can't seem to find them anymore. Was it a dream? Or were they another illusion? He shakes the questions away then pulls out his small anubis statue and sets it down with the other offerings. He closes his front paws together and makes a small prayer before turning out to leave. As he approaches the torii gates again, a bit hesitant, he notices a shimmer from something on top of them. He looks up to see the kitsune chaser lounging on top of them without a care in the world. He smiles up at them and passes through the gates, happy to have met another strange but fascinating reos. 

Word count: 1,000
