By Leoclare

2 years, 4 months ago

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Author's Notes

This is a copy of the literature for record purposes in case the original gets deleted or lost (and to keep all the CP in one place). None of the writing is by me.

The moon was high in the Warrenfall sky. Griffith and Adelaide walked through the dense trees until they reached a small village nestled in a clearing on the green hills. They met Enara on the edge of the village. She was excited to see the pair and welcomed them to the small floating lights festival that was going on. 

"It's going to be good," Enara beamed, "I come here almost every year!"

Griffith and Adelaide looked at each and then back at Enara before they noticed a blue vayron with many tails standing just behind her. 

"Ah, Enara," Adelaide started and nodded her head towards the stranger, "who's that?"

"Oh!" Enara bounced to the blue vayron and dragged the small vayron to them, "This is Trickster."

The chaser's eyes darted between the two new reoseans before giving a slight bow. Trickster didn't say much, but indicated with his head to follow them. Enara happily bopped behind him while Griffith and Adelaide followed a bit more cautiously. It wasn't a far walk, at least it wasn't long before the group could see the orange glow break through the dark night blue light.

Griffith and Adelaide's eyes widened as they got closer. Small pools had floating lights centered in them while more lights were hanging from the trees. The multitude of lights covered everything and everyone in a golden orange light. Trickster's eyes glowed with the reflections of the lights and showed everyone their favourites. Enara having been here many times never failed to be amazed at the new lights each year. 

Trickster bounced from one small pool to the other with their many tails wigging and wagging with joy. 

"This is beautiful," Griffith sighed as he wandered around ignoring the excited chaser. Adelaide only nodded her agreement and Enara smiled at their appreciation. 

Trickster found his way back to the group and pulled at each of them, making it more clear that speech may not be in the cards for him. Griffith and Enara were the first to follow his lead, while Adelaide hung back with memories that came flooding to her. Trickster made note that Adelaide was following just much slower and adjusted his speed so she wouldn't get lost. 

Griffith and Enara followed Trickster to a small booth where unlit lanterns sat. he indicated with his paw that they were welcome to take one or maybe two. Griffith was looking over the different patterns cut and painted on the lanterns taking care to chose one that would represent his lost love. Enara did the same, she picked one with small animals cut into it. Adelaide joined them and absentmindedly pick one with painted with blue fire. When the three were ready they looked to Trickster.

Trickster went wide eyed at the sudden attention. He had three lanterns hanging out of his mouth, a couple hanging off his back, and then each tail was gentle curled around another lantern. Nobody of the trio said anything, and Trickster gave a lopsided smile before he trotted towards the river. The three looked to each other, shrugged their shoulders, and followed Trickster's lead. 

As the group walked away, Griffith heard complaints about the lack of lanterns. Griffith looked back, but Enara grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

"Don't worry," Enara said, "more will come."

Trickster led the group to an isolated section and began to place his collection of lanterns on the river. Some floated away, while others stayed on the surface and floated down the river. Griffith lit his and watched it float up into the night sky. Adelaide and Enara placed their lanterns on the river watching them circle and follow Trickster's lanterns. 

Trickster watched the lanterns until they were out of sight and then he vanished. Griffith didn't notice as he's eyes were solely focused on his lantern, but the other two pullers watched the excited chaser sneak back to the table and grab another batch of lanterns with his tails. Trickster approached the group and gave one lantern to Adelaide and Enara. He tried to approach Griffith but Adelaide stopped, "leave him be."

Trickster looked between the puller and the giant sad tyrian. With a whine Trickster did as he was told and walked to the river's edge. He placed the lanterns in the water one after another watching the light dance off the surface of the dark water. When he placed the last lantern he walked into the shallow river to follow the lights a little longer. 

Enara and Adelaide placed their lanterns on the ground next to them and watched Trickster with interest. As he stepped into the water, three glowing orbs appeared around him and to the pullers it looked like Trickster began to fade into the night. 

"Grif," Adelaide whispered, "look at this."

Griffith broke from his trance and looked to Trickster in the middle of the river. At this point it looked like the chaser was a ghost with a floating mask appearing along with the orbs. 

"Enara, who is Trickster?" Griffith asked softly. 

It was towards the end of the festival, the last of the lanterns were being placed. It seemed fitting if the deity or spirit the festival was meant to celebrate would also leave with the last of lanterns. 

"I-I don't know," Enara mumbled as Trickster gave a happy chirp and vanished completely. The three orbs followed the lanterns and the trio, stuck in their places, watched until the orbs faded from view. 


Griffith 14225

Adelaide 14362

Enara 13779