By Chrysokami

2 years, 7 months ago

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Author's Notes

This is a copy of the literature for record purposes in case the original gets deleted or lost (and to keep all the CP in one place). None of the writing is by me.

With a deep breath Zorseoliss looks up the high mountain that she herself is standing in front of together with her companions. She had come all the way from Warrenfall over to Vitalus to help Amoccan and Eferra with their quest. There had been some sightings of a creature with multiple tails that uses glowing orbs to try and get passersby to get off the trails and deeper into the woods. These glowing orbs are what Eferra referred to as “will-o-wisps” or will of the wisp. The creature behind it could be very dangerous and she has to make sure it is not. Otherwise it will have to be moved away into a deeper part of the woods where it cannot harm reoseans. Or it might even have to be killed.  The purple runner with rosette and dapple flecks covering the entirety of her body looks to her left. Amoccan stood there, solid as ever and smiled back with a gentle glance. Her brown merle coat had never been so shiny. The creme colored parts looked very soft and her black snout was lighter in color than normal. It was noticeable how great her life in Vitalus is. Even her health and the way her coat is brought out makes it very clear. 

On her right is the stoic and fierce Eferra. With her blue merle flecks similar to Amoccan’s but a tad smaller and compact shining like a magpie's feathers. They have a green and blue glow as soon as the sun hits her just right. Her brown pointed marks give her a nice contrast and suits her well. 

“Let us go” Eferra puts her paw in front of her and the first step of their adventure has been taken.

They slowly ascend up the mountain, the red Torii gates are yet to be found and seen as they are deeply hidden within the woods, covered by gorgeous large trees and lush growths. Every step they take seems like a huge weight is dragging them down. Even Eferra, the experienced hunter and myth slayer seems to be having trouble. The more they go up the longer it appears to take. 

The sun is slowly going down behind the mountain. Casting a huge shadow over the land and cloaking them in the dark. From within the woods small blue lights start to shine. How long did it take them to get to this point? They all had no idea as they tried to keep quiet in case the creature decided to jump out. Only facial expressions, low sounds like grunts and bodily language were being used so far. 

With the shadow covering the mountain all life seemed to have gone quiet in an instant. They could hear rustling from nocturnal critters coming alive… but it was not a simple fox or owl that they imagined it would have been. Suddenly a dark figure emerges from the bushes and halts them in their ascent. “Who goes there?” is echoing around the place they stand. It’s a harsh but also somewhat gentle female voice, quite deep even. Eferra takes the lead and stands in front of Zorseoliss and Amoccan. “We are here to find out who and what you are. Since there have been multiple reports of some creature luring reoseans away from their path to the shrine.” 

It was hard to spot how the creature looked in this low light and Amoccan lights a lantern that she brought along. The fiery light suddenly reveals the creature’s appearance. A red, blue and brown reosean with a golden outline and smokey marking upon their body becomes visible. But that’s not the only thing that astonishes the three of them. It has seven long fluffy fox tails that are waving around slowly, almost hypnotizing and very mesmerising. They dance from left to right, up and down, very smoothly, almost mimicking calm sea waters.

The reosean’s eyes flash towards the lantern and almost instantly back at Eferra. “I’m a reosean myself. The others who got lost meant harm to the shrine so I tried to lead them away from it. They have visited before and left a lot of trash and other items around after they left.” Zorseoliss steps up next to Eferra. “So that means you did no actual harm right. They we’re only scared away because you knew what they would do. And if leading them away is all you did it should conclude that you are indeed not going to harm anyone”

The stranger nods. “Exactly” Amoccan moves closer too and they can all see that the reosean’s stance is getting less aggressive and more relaxed as they adjust and walk towards them. “What a beautiful lantern you have” she says to Amoccan and smiles. Around her neck there hangs a white mask with two pointed golden horns and red markings similar to a kitsune’s markings. “Well you have a gorgeous mask ma’am”. Zorseoliss looks at the reosean with much interest. “My lady, what is your name and how did you come to protect this shrine?” She chuckles and raises her head. “My name is not important, but my title is the Masked Trickster, you can either call me that or continue saying my lady if you wish. As for how i came to live here and protect this shrine, that is a long story. As you seem of no harm. Would you all like to accompany me to the shrine to stay for the night before you return down the mountains?” Zorseoliss and Amoccan’s faces show true gratitude but they turn to Eferra for a definitive answer. “Yeah sure, so far it seems like she’s telling us the truth.” Being a tad sceptical since she’s been in some weird and dangerous situations was something that the other two are aware of and they do not mind checking in on her for those kind of choices. 

With the masked trickster in front of them they keep walking on the path towards the now visible Torii gates. The trickster hums a soft and sweet melody and as they pass the first gate there’s some sort of echo, barely noticeable but Zorseoliss and Eferra pick up on it. “Do you hear that?” Zorseoliss says quietly while looking at the other two. “No but i see that!” Amoccan tries to keep her spontaneous enthusiasm at a low but it’s obvious that she’s surprised and happy. Eferra looks over and even more of the blue glowing orbs start to come from the woods. “Do not worry, they are only here to see who’s visiting.” Masked trickster explains while they pass another gate. More of the wisps appear every time they pass a gate and after they arrived at the shrine the whole place is lit up in a soothing blue color.

“Welcome. Please follow me to the main bedchambers where we can talk. Once you wish to go to sleep i shall leave and you can continue your journey tomorrow morning”. 

A big wooden shrine with multiple rooms covered in red and gold paint, ornaments and statues stands before them and they enter the room they are being led to. “Woah no wonder you want to protect this place, i cannot imagine anyone wanting to leave their rubbish in this place.” Amoccan gasps as she walks inside. “Yeah it’s a shame some reoseans still do it and think it’s okay.” Zorseoliss follows up and looks at the intricate architecture of the place. “They should have their ass whooped for doing something like that. They should be glad someone as gentle as the Masked trickster is only guiding them away. If it was me I would have bitten their feet and legs to keep them away.” Eferra laughs and seemed to have calmed down.

They spend the rest of their evening talking to the lady and enjoying the warm cushions underneath their buttocks before drifting off to sleep. 

With songbirds awakening them they rub the sleep out of their eyes and before the door stands a basket of fruits with a note from the trickster. “Thank you for keeping me company and respecting this place. As I appreciate it a lot, I took the time to gift you all a basket with fruits for your journey.”

“Ahhw how sweet!” Amoccan leaves the lantern that the trickster found so gorgeous inside and winks at Zorseoliss and Eferra.

Happily Zorseoliss takes the basket and urges the others to go so they can tell the nearby officers who the strange creature in the woods is and why reoseans got lost.

(1430 Words)
