OC question meme

2 years, 3 months ago
1592 3

Filled one for fun and to help developing Kuura a little maybe, might tweak these in the future.

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1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?

He's a patient type so depending on the situation he would be able to do so for a good while honestly. I imagine he would most likely occupy himself with some self reflecting or just enjoying the moment depending on the environment he’s in. Of course if there was some pressing matter at hand but was told to sit and wait he wouldn’t be able to focus so much and would be more restless.

2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?

Not really easy I would say but I also imagine some really odd things tend to make him laugh which sometimes can take some people by surprise as he tends to be a stolid type.

3. How do they put themselves to bed at night?

Depends really, sometimes with light, calm exercise or reading but most often probably by self reflection or thought process. Or just plain old exhaustion. 

4. How easy is it to earn their trust?

He prefers to give people a benefit of a doubt and keeps telling himself he’s a trusting type but a true trust? I would say it's a little more difficult, depending on the other person's actions.

5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?

Depends really, a minor slip he can forgive but putting people he cares for in danger for example or if it’s something that goes against his moral compass i would say it would be easily lost and hard to gain back.

6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?

They used to be more unyielding but as time went on they’ve grown more flexible, still with a strong sense of justice and hunger for truth though and not above bending the law though they would prefer avoiding it if possible.

7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?

Most often things like smells or sounds, like the scent of certain dishes from childhood or old rhymes he used to hear as a child, or specific flower scent that used to grow in his home area. Sometimes other people might remind him of people he used to know too. They're rather fond of nostalgia though it sometimes makes them melancholic. 

8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?

Fooling around, they were raised to be the next clan successor so he was taught to behave from a young age and focus on his studies.

9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?

I would say rarely, if the situation would need it i imagine it’s more like just frustrated yells or groans. I doubt they would care much to remember their first swear word either.

10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?

“ it’s going to be alright “  when even he doesn’t know the outcome, or is barely holding things together but it’s what you do right? To give a sense of hope and stability? So it doesn’t really haunt him.

11. How do they cope with confusion?

Kuura spent a big part of his life in seclusion so confusion tends to be one of the very states of being at times so he tends to try approach it calmly and common sense. But of course depending the situation frustration can get the better of him, which he can get embarrassed about. 

12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach

They’re resourceful type, he would probably try to find some sort of way or a tool to reach it. Asking someone would be.. awkward unless they would be close enough.

13. What color do they think they look best in. Do they actually look best in that color?

Light and cool colors, it’s not for show or to look best in just something they find pleasing to the eye.

14. What animal do they fear most?

He’s really animal/beast/creature friendly and finds most fascinating rather than scary.

15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?

Generally polite though few worded. Rehearses so much that they get stuck in their own head, awkward at socializing in general but tries to get better at it. Can get cheekier and more relaxed with people he knows.

16. What makes their stomach turn?

Traveling far and wide he’s seen quite a lot of things that have hardened him but still battlefields and suffering make him ache, teleportation sometimes makes him queasy too.

17. Are they easily embarrassed?

Oh yes.

18. What embarrasses them?

Pointing out his embarrassment, intimacy, getting misunderstood, being treated as a hero

19. What is their favorite number?

Doesn't really have a preference

20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would  they do so?

Most likely by using his team members as an example for familial and platonic love at least, those you’ve gone through thick and thin. Romantic love would probably be more embarrassing or difficult for him to explain.

21. Why do they get up in the morning?

Sense of duty to help and to hopefully one day  make a change, even if it's just a small act of kindness.

22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them?

Becomes distracted compared to his usual self, most likely dense with the feeling that it would make them confused and frustrated also.

23. How does envy manifest itself in them?

Hates the feeling so he would most likely bury it deep down.

24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?

Knows it’s nothing to be embarrassed about but still finds it awkward, unless it’s with someone they really trust

25. What are their thoughts on marriage?

Respects it as a beautiful and meaningful tradition

26. What is their preferred mode of transportation?

Flying or riding, teleportation is of course and fast but it sometimes causes him motion sickness. Though if he’s really taking his time he enjoys just walking too.

27. What causes them to feel dread?

Sometimes just uneasy gut feeling can be enough, but especially getting separated from his team members in a potentially dangerous situation.

28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?

Truth definitely, he doesn’t like being lied to.

29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals?

They try their best but can be strict to themselves and often end up finding something to improve on.

30. Who do they most regret meeting?

Don’t think there really is one, every encounter is an experience he values be it a good or bad one. Though some old memories are painful to carry, it makes him who he is.

31. Who are they the most glad to have met?

Honestly anyone who has left an impression in his life. For example scions for giving his life a direction or fellow adventurers who he has gone through thick and thin together and learned new things about himself and  the world around him.

32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?

Rather would like to hear other peoples stories

33. Could they be considered lazy?

Oh no, they’re definitely occupying themselves with something most of the time

34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?

Very, tends to beat themselves up for it for a long time, he is trying to get better at handling it though.

35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about?

Supportive and earnest, willing to offer a helping hand if they would need it

36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?

Not really waiting for it to fall into their lap, just.. right moment maybe? It will find it’s way one way or another.

37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order?

Tends to take the names of people he meets into the heart, numbers or orders he tries to memorize with best of his abilities or just writing them down.

38. What memory do they revisit the most often?

The peaceful moments of respite among all the things they’ve gone through.

39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?

Always aims to see the good in people and not to judge them so would say rather easily.

40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?

Often trying to improve or hide them, so i would say rather sensitive

41. How do they feel about children?

Tries his best to treat them with kindness though he can come off as awkward, can’t stand seeing them being mistreated.

42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?

He knows it’s a long term one and honestly he’s not too sure if it’s something he can ever really reach so he mostly just takes it as it goes, step at a time.

43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?

I don’t think it’s something they’ve really thought about that deeply at least, not really knowing how to describe it. It’s the actions and the way people carry themselves and the chemistry between them that he mostly would feel attracted to.