A Formal Dance

2 years, 4 months ago

Mild Violence

In which Darkwood and Rees attempt to infiltrate a gala hosted by Placard.

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"I can't believe I let you drag me into this.." Darkwood shifted in his seat awkwardly, staring out of the tinted limousine window in apprehension. The outside night city glowed with neon lights and bustling people. In the center of the commotion rose a tall, commanding skyscraper, lit up in bold words that spelled 'Placard'. "C'mon, this is the best chance we have at sneaking in there!" Rees pointed out, straightening out her puffy gown. "In plain sight??" He huffed, looking back at her, going to retort, but was stopped mid-sentence as she slid a thin mask onto the bridge of his nose. He blinked and grimaced in confusion, making her chuckle. "It's a /masquerade/ party, Darkwood. Hiding in plain sight is the whole deal! Besides, we won't have to stay for food if you're that antsy. We just have to wait for the patrol to shift- then one acts as decoy while the other grabs the papers. Easy peasy!" She clapped her hands, leaning back into her plush seat comfortably. "Man, I could get used to this.." "I don't believe it's going to be that easy.." Darkwood grumbled, his amber eyes constantly flickering to the window. "And maybe it will! Look, we'll be fine. Remember, you're Roger Stevenson and I'm Camila Leon, no one suspects a thing. Besides! You're used to these fancy things, aren't you?" "Unfortunately.." He groaned under his breath.

The limo slowed to a stop in front of the bright penthouse-like establishment, and Darkwood stepped out, taking Rees's hand to help her outside. Both figures walked towards the entrance, perfectly disguised in the silhouettes of hundreds of other richly dressed people. "Names, please?" Darkwood stopped abruptly, glancing at the guards in front of the doors. His mouth went dry for a moment before he spoke up, in a smoother, more elegant voice. "Roger Stevenson. This is Camila Leon.." He watched the pages turn. "...Hm. Alright. First time invited?" The guard looked back up. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Placard never sells short on their galas." He waved them through, but Darkwood's shoulders didn't relax as they merged in with the chattering crowd. Rees squeezed his hand, staring around in awe at the palatial residence. The floors were tiled Italian marble, rich artworks and crystal chandeliers hung from the walls and ceiling. The hall opened into a lavish ballroom, and the glowing spotlight illuminated a well-decorated stage. Darkwood glanced to the side, noticing a group of decadently-dressed Alennants gathering. "Welcome, all!" In a flurry of shock, Darkwood cringed at the familiar voice coming from the microphone. Ruth commanded the stage, dressing in a sparkling gold dress. It was vaguely off-putting to see her in such formal wear.. He blinked frantically, glancing down at Rees. "I can't be here-" He hissed in her ear. "She'll recognize me immediately." "Mask." Rees whispered back, tapping the side of his face. "Just stay as far away from her as you can, you'll blend in with the crowd. Alright?" She smiled reassuringly. "We just have to wait till the patrol switches." She motioned with her eyes to the guards stationed at the doors. Darkwood glanced back at the stage, hearing the music begin to swell. Rees paused, becoming the nervous one this time. "Were we supposed to be able to dance?" She questioned, glancing around as other couples grouped together. "You've never danced before?" "Darkwood I only know the cha cha slide and some russian squat dance I don't know how to /waltz/-" She hissed frantically. "It's a good thing you have 'Mr. Fancy Pants' with you, isn't it?" He muttered teasingly, sliding her hand around hers. "It's not that hard." "You said that last time and I nearly got swallowed in a mud ravine-" "This time I /promise/ it's not that hard. Even for you." "What's that supposed to mean-?!" She was cut off as he brought her near to his chest, moving back and forth with the music. "Take a step back and to the side, move around." He instructed quietly, moving in rhythm to the melody. Rees shut her mouth, focusing on not tripping instead of making pointed remarks. Darkwood said nothing when she accidentally stepped on his foot, but she could feel the absolute satisfaction oozing from him, and it took all her willpower not to scowl tremendously.

She gave a huge sigh in relief as the music faded, and the crowd began to disperse and take refreshments and chat. "There-" She grabbed Darkwood's arm, discreetly motioning to the guards as they moved away from the entrances. "You stay here, I'm gonna go to the 'bathroom'." She winked. "/You/?" "Yes, me. You're Mr. Fancy Pants remember? You know what to do here- I'd mess something up like spilling champagne all over your mom's face- Sorry, right, Ruth's face." She corrected herself upon feeling him wince. She whispered, narrowing her eyes in determination. Quickly fleeing the room, she made for the hallway, but an aimed weapon stopped her in her tracks. "You!" "Oh boy-" Swiftly, she swung out her leg, knocking the figure down long enough for her to sprint towards the hall. Too late, she heard a gunshot. She gasped and toppled to the floor, her mask flying off into the wall. No excruciating pain followed, however. She opened one eye, staring up at the figure planted in front of her. Another shot rang out and he stiffened, throwing a look over his shoulder at Rees. "Get up and /run/-" He rasped. Rees shook herself out of her panic, grabbing the documents. "Right-" She squeaked frantically, dashing to the fire escape once she got to her feet. "Not that way-" Darkwood grabbed her arm and pulled her towards a window. "We're not on the first floor dARKWOOD-" "I know." He smothered her yelp, wrapping his arms around her as he smashed through the glass, plummeting with her a good fifteen feet. She felt the wind fly from her lungs, and heard a dull crunch beneath her. She quickly rolled off her friend, gasping like a seal for air. "Darkwood?!" She squeaked, staring down at his pale face. To her immense relief, he sat up, his pale blue scarf askew. He was bleeding from the mouth and two puncture wounds, but he stood, holding out his hand.

"Ready to go, Camila?"