Little gestures

6 years, 2 days ago
306 1 2

The smaller gestures are often more tender.

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Author's Notes

wrote this a few years ago, inspired by a lovely commission i got from micchan


Jacob turned around and was greeted by the sight of his boyfriend running up to him.

“Hello, Thomas,” greeted Jacob.

“Good morning,” responded Thomas with a grin.

“You’re full of energy this morning,” said Jacob.

“Yeah well, Luke paid us a visit last night and, boy, we had one hell of a dinner,” said Thomas, scratching the back of his head. “Also, it’s not every morning I get to walk to school with you.”

“Perhaps you’d get more chances if you woke up earlier in the morning,” said Jacob, with the hint of a snort.

“Shut up, you,” said Thomas, scowling.

Jacob stepped into Thomas’ side, giving him a playful shove.

Thomas responded with a shove of his own, squashing their shoulders together.

The two stopped walking and paused for a second, both taking a moment to look the other in the eye.

“Jay, can you hold out your hand for a sec?” asked Thomas.

Jacob regarded him with a confused look. “What? Like this?”

When the Seikatsei hesitantly reached out, Thomas met him halfway and held his hand up to his, gently pressing their fingertips together.

Jacob's face heated up upon realising what was happening and Thomas let out a quiet laugh.

“You’re so cute,” mumbled Thomas, smile spreading across his face.

Jacob was torn between pulling away in embarrassment and taking in the sight of Thomas right in front of him. In the end, he settled for shifting his hand and lacing his fingers between Thomas’. A snug fit.

“I’d say you're the cuter one,” said Jacob.

At those words, Thomas’ face turned a deep shade of red and he began blurting incoherent noises.

Eventually they let go of each other's hands, realising they’d probably end up late to school if they didn’t stop messing about.