I Need A Doctor

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
4 13562

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Vonius and Curt meet, owo

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Author's Notes

Von: Naki (Regularly Duties)

Depict your character getting someone out of a tight situation. This can be rescuing slaves, helping out the impoverished, and similar circumstances.

✏ The Doctor's Visit

"And do you feel silly now?"


"And are you still angry with me?"

"No." It was a tacit agreement that Curt had decided to stay.  That did leave them with a slight problem, though. Grim had been quite thorough and he knew there were a couple different broken bones in his arm. He didn't really understand the extent, but figured just putting a bar and bracing it and wrapping it up would work. He did his best to jiggle them into the right angle, until it felt like the bones were touching. Now it felt worse, and with the cast off, there were more pieces than there were when he covered everything up. He sighed in annoyance.

"I sent for a doctor to treat you. You want to look good at the award ceremony, don't you? And you'll need two hands if you want to make a set of fancy rings." They were as close to encouraging words as she could get, but she still sounded spiteful as the words left her mouth. "And I want a new set of wings. Small still, but with better engravings. These ones are scratched. Make it as soon as your arm bends again."

It was an annoyance, but he supposed he had to. It wouldn't do for Grim to be displeased with her attire. He pulled the tarp over his surveillance area and turned off the machines, being very careful to turn off the audio as well. This tarp was getting a lot more use than he thought it would. He didn't know what the doctor would need, so he just cleared off one of the metal cutting tables and hoped that would do. If anything, the inside of his arms would look very sparkly by the time this was over. And the waiting began.

Standing at the desk as the receptionist was making the proper calls, Vonius was patient as always as one hand rested over his bag and the other hung to his side. He had never been within the walls of the militia building, only spotting it on the outside as he was passing by on explorations or the path to see his tutor. It was cold, so his usual thin coat was replaced with one with a fluffy collar, snowflake clasps keeping the coat closed as he waited. Soon enough though, a visitor's ID badge was handed over.

"Alright Mr. Argyris, you can head in. Follow the right wall and once the hall loops around it should be the door marked workshop. It's past the animal coop and garden area. Your patient today is Curt Svoboda." The receptionist still looked him over as the badge was handed over, wondering why he would want to help, but he smiled and nodded.

"Thank you very much for all your help, I'll see you on my way out." Taking it, he started on the path told to him. It was exciting really, but also left him nervous. They had accepted his help as the one he was seeing today to start off has a troublesome injury, from the sounds of it it was his dragon who requested a visit, and with everyone busy some extra work was needed. As he walked he did open the coat more, revealing a neat white colored dress shirt that was tucked into darker blue pants.

Arriving, he gave a loud knock on the door as he found the one labeled 'WORKSHOP', wanting it to be known he was there. "Hello! I'm here for Curt Svoboda!" He called, wondering if he was meant to just enter or wait, he was picking the latter option for now.

Grim wanted to snap at him for shouting in the workshop right away, but she held her tongue. She had invited the doctor and didn't want to chase him away until after her Rider was fixed. So instead, she muttered a, "You're in the right place, proceed down with your visitor pass showing."

Curt was much more welcoming. He put on a charming smile and hopped to the bottom of the stairs, making sure the doctor didn't lose their footing. "Be careful, the steps tend to be a little slippery. It's hard to manage all the sawdust. I set up a table we can use." His cast, or whatever it was before, had been sliced open partway and the arm underneath didn't look great. The setup still functioned as a sling, so he had kept it in place for now. "I made my own cast, just like the tutorials online, but I don't think I set the bone right."

"It's beyond not setting it right, this boy made it one thousand times worse--and probably put it into one thousand extra pieces."

Once the doctor had reached the bottom of the stairs, Curt noticed the slight difference in eye color. It was intriguing. Would one of them change colors, like Radice? Was he Irrit, or maybe some other species from the Chronoscape? He hadn't investigated too far into the doctor, since Grim surprised him with the invitation, and he barely had time to put on makeup. It would be fun to see if his guesses were right later.

Watching as the door seemed to open after he called through, he did take a few careful steps inside and greeted the pair of dragon and rider. The dragon was quite large, though not the largest he had ever seen, and the rider was on the younger side, close to his age range he would assume. He'd wonder what someone so young was doing in here, but he was a fine example himself of working hard to get where he wanted. Taking his coat off to reveal the long sleeved white dress shirt and its entirety, he laid the coat down for now on an empty space for now. His hair was tied back, which made him look a little more girly, but he liked his hair length as is.

"Greetings to the both of you." He did show his pass, which had little personal information on it aside from he was an outside doctor here to help. "I must say, you are quite a pretty dragon." He told Grim, but didn't deter from his job at hand, as he grabbed some gloves from his bag to put on to start looking at Curt.

Thankfully, it was rather clear what the issue was, not so thankfully, it wasn't a simple one. He was one who loved to be challenged though, humming as he ever so tenderly felt along the arm. "I can't say if it's better or worse then before, but I can agree it's not set and healing right in any way. Have you seen a doctor aside from me?" He voice was calm and pleasant, purely business but sweet as could be. Even as he made eye contact with Curt he gave a kind smile, trying not to put him in too much discomfort as he examined the other over.

Grim was careful not to let her emotions be manipulated. She had allowed Roza to treat her nicely and even indulged a little, but in a way, she felt she was a bit too soft. This doctor was someone who had seen her for mere seconds; Cozying up to a dragon like her meant there was some sort of ulterior motive. She personally inspected the pass, and when she decided the ID chip was genuine and matched the information, she stepped back a few feet to let the doctor do his work. Just a few feet. She would be watching. "I hope my closeness won't hinder your work, but you understand, it's a safety measure." She was the only one allowed to hurt her Rider, after all.

"I think he's safe, Grim. Don't mind her, please. Nice to meet you, Dr. Vonius." He had seen the name on the ID when he descended the stairs, naturally. It hurt having his arm touched, but he didn't show it at all, still smiling and cheery. "I haven't been to a doctor. I worked a few days without a cast and then decided to try one. It didn't need to be fancy, just a thing to let it rest and make sure everything was pointed in the right direction. I figured it would be fine as long as I could bend it and move my fingers in the end." He looked a little proud. "Does it look that professional?"

"I understand completely." He replied to Grim, not seeming bothered at all if anything, and was focused as he wrote down a few notes. They still wanted him to take down any notes as he saw fit and turn them in, reasonable really, but if Curt hadn't been to a doctor all his notes were new information.

"It's natural for a dragon to worry, so I don't mind at all." Turning over the arm to look at it more, he wasn't sure there was anything in normal medicinal training that could help the male before him. Nodding as he listened, part of him was saying it was beyond help BUT he didn't get far admitting defeat in near impossible situations. He was best at somehow creating miracles. "It indeed looked professional, but looks aren't everything when it comes to your health." Or your bones, but that was a comment he'd keep inside. "Just sit tight for a moment though, I know something that might be of help."

Searching through his bad, his father often gave him very sweet tasting candies that would fix whatever ailed him. He, had however, ran out. After watching his father make it so many times, he supposed now was as good of a time as any. There was free space, not as clean as he hoped, but that would be fine as it was a simple mixture. An almost crystal like vile was poured into a larger one full of a shimmering liquid, and just giving it a circular mix almost rock like candies formed. Setting the bottle down to continue doing it's thing, he returned to Curt to confirm just how destroyed his arm was.

"This might sting a little, but I need to numb the arm down first since the healing process will hurt. But your arm should be fine by tonight." It might be healed before that, but he wasn't sure if his magic was that advanced now. Taking his gloves off, a light blue glow came from his hand, circuit like markings just visible on his cheeks and some of his temple as Curt's arm looked to be enveloped in ice. However, it seemed to fade as if an illusion, and once he seemed pleased with that the glowing markings vanished and he grabbed the vile. "Alrighty~ Just have a good handful of these and you should be set. There should be some sign of progress so I'll stay and do a basic exam for your employers in the meantime. It should only take 5 or 10 minutes to see progress."

Curt immediately wiggled his fingers, and when that worked as it had before, he decided to test his elbow. Nope, not working yet, but at least it didn't feel bad anymore. Grim grumbled at him not to make things worse and move it before the doctor was dumb, but Curt just looked at the candies instead. He held it up to the light and enjoyed the translucence; They were very pretty candies. He popped them in his mouth one by one and enjoyed the layers of sugar that sloughed off. "These candies are very good," he said happily. What sort of effect would they have? He should bend his arm every now and then to check the progress. Since he was numb, it would be easy to poke at the bones and see how quickly they improved. And what sort of magic had Vonius used? There was circuitry and ice, so it had to do with Halcyon. He wasn't terribly familiar with those magics, but he could fix that after a night of research.

Hey, give me one, Grim said privately.

But I--

I will have one of them. Curt relented and tossed the last star-shaped candy to her, which she snapped out of the air eagerly. In less time than it took to bite it, she spat out the half-crumbled bit of medicine and magic. "This is disgusting! Are you poisoning my Rider?" Her eyes started to spark as electricity coursed through her body. She would be quite content to smite this human where he stood.

Watching Curt closely as he munched on the candies as he did a basic one over of the male, he checked the normal things such as heart rate, testing his reflex is various joints, and a few more common things of checking for strange lumps that might form around the neck area. He was just about finished when Grim was given a candy, about to tell her it would probably be for the best not to have one, but it was too late.

"They can be quite bitter if sweetness isn't added, but the patient didn't seem to mind them. If you want some sweet candy I can fetch some from my bag." He offered her, internally worried as his father's always tasted so sweet and were addicting to eat, but he wasn't expecting things to go perfectly the first time he made them.

With the examination over though, he did look at the arm, surprised it was already mostly healed and just some minor fractures and misplaced bones were going back into place. He must have mixed it too strongly, but for this case that seemed to be best. "It looks like it's actually healing much faster than expected. I'll stay a bit longer to see how it goes, but I still advise to let the arm rest a few hours so everything fuses correctly. It would be a shame if I had to get called back because you returned to activities too early."

Finished with Curt for now, he did go into his bag to fish out an actual bag of star candies as they were called. They looked similar, but were in a sealed bag. They were good treats for children, they loved the pure sugar taste. "Try these though, they are much nicer."

Grim hissed at the doctor. "We'll see." She plucked the whole bag and ferried them over to her corner of the workshop. Once they were stashed away to her satisfaction, she returned. "I will eat them in a few hours, once I am sure they are not poisonous. In the meantime, you are not to leave."

"Glad to be of assistance," Curt said with a wry smile. "I hope you don't mind staying a while? There are some things I'm curious about, too."

Looking at his watch, they had allowed him 45 minutes for this check up and the rest were only meant to be 20 minutes at most. Only about 20 minutes had passed, so he had some extra time to just... make sure the patient was well of course. "The militia had limited my time, but I can stick around for another 15 to 20 minutes?" He didn't want to upset them on his first ever visit, and had a feeling they wouldn't take any excuses from him.

"That is unsatisfactory." Grim looked furious, thought that honestly didn't look any different than usual. "If I do not see improvement before then, I will have them extend the time. If you truly are able to heal him in the allotted time, then I will give you good recommendations, but I am doubtful some tidepool rocks will do anything good."

"It already feels better," Curt tried to assure her, bending his elbow a little to show that it was possible now.

She growled even louder. "Stop moving that. Wait until it's done."

Curt stopped his little experiments...for now. Maybe he would look into the candies some more after this. It would be interesting if he could mass produce these somehow. "What sort of magic did you use for numbing? With the markings and such? Can you do it again, so I can see if it really matches circuitry? I should be able to tell the function by looking." This was one of the few brags that was actually true. It hadn't looked quite like a 'real' circuit board, but that just meant it played by different rules, which he could learn by watching more.

"It looks simple and strange, but magic does do wonders when you can use it correctly." He, in fairness, never used his personal magic to help others, usually too nervous to let the patients be test subjects, but there wasn't going to be any other way to help the strange male before him. He wasn't about to step into that growling match either, leaving it to rider and dragon.

"It is a form of ice magic my family has, I believe it is similar to magic that rider and dragon can learn? I myself haven't gotten that far with my own so I can't confirm or deny it, but it's what many tell me it's equated to." He at least knew better than to say what sort of magic, more so as he was in territory that would happily use him for experiments. As helpful as he was, staying locked inside would not be very helpful to him. "The markings have no meaning as far as circuity is involved, But I can do a little more magic to look at your arm if this would help."

Holding out his hand so Curt would move over the arm, he started his magic again, though this time smaller crystals formed on the skin and faded away. Everything was healing fine, eyes focused on his job, but after so long he looked back over to see Curt's expression, curious if anything still hurt.

Curt had used the proximity to look at his eyes a bit more. They were just subtly different, and only one seemed to reflect a change during the magic casting. He had been distracted enough noticing the softer glow that he had to rely on photographic memory to look at the other marks. He closed his eyes and tried to put the markings together like a puzzle, but none of the pieces seemed to fit together. They were either random, or some form of conduit he didn't know of. He opened his eyes and they glittered with curiosity. He moved his arm a bit more; It seemed a bit wobbly, but it was functional, so he set it his hand on the doctor's shoulder. "I want to see more of you," he said with a smile.

Grim rolled her eyes. This again, soon after telling Rozaliya he wanted to sleep with her?

"The markings spread down to the body, right?"

Oh. He was serious.

With Curt seeming to be satisficed, Vonius thought himself as free to move on. Oh how wrong he was, a surprised expression on his face as he stared back at the male. He even looked over to Grim wondering if he was serious, seeing the eye rolls and looked back to him.

"I'm sorry Curt, that is a very unprofessional thing to be asked of me. I'm merely your doctor here to fix your shattered arm." He was amused, but he stood his group on this, far to many other previous patient asked something similar of him, though it didn't pertain to magic at all. Unless 'magical in bed' was somehow connected, though he had a feeling it wasn't.

"Unprofessional? I just want to see further down," Curt replied coyly. "I'll shut the windows if this sort of magic is secret." Just like that, the windows above were tinted a dark black. "We can see out, they can't see in. It's perfectly fine now."

"You're asking him to get naked," Grim said in exasperation. "No one in the world is comfortable hearing that from you, not even me."

Curt nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, just take off your shirt and coat. It would be nice if I could take video from different angles, to see if only certain parts light up, or if they move in sequence, or if there are different intensities, that sort of thing. Then I'd just study the video instead of bothering you." In truth, there was already video, but it wouldn't show off the detail he wanted to see. He wanted to replicate it later and see if it worked.

"I think I'm going to just look over your arm again, make sure it's healed, and continue to my next patient in the hospital wing. Asking a professional there to provide you a service to strip down is rather... strange." To say the least, unless they were a professional in those realms. Which he was not, his job was healing and doctor like things. None of that involved stripping. He knew some people had those sorts of kinks, but he was not with a significant other in a kinky setting, no he was with a strange patient who was too curious in him.

After confirming the arm was healed, he took off the numbing spell not that his work was done. The bones were solid inside, healed back to the spots they needed to be, and now stronger for the moments in case Curt wanted to be irresponsible once more and try to break them. "Well, if there is nothing else to be asked of me that isn't in my professional realm, I shall take my leave?" He directed his question more to Grim

Grim nodded. "Very well, you may leave." The doctor went on his way, probably feeling much better after escaping with all his clothes.

Curt sighed and flexed his arm. "We probably won't be able to get a follow-up appointment, it already seems good to go, and he saw that. It feels even better than before." He leaned back on the table. He really wanted to see more of the doctor, but it would be troublesome just doing it from surveillance, especially if the doctor lived off base. Private security cameras were easy enough to access, but not placed ideally, and certainly not just laying around in living quarters where someone might get undressed. As if remembering something important, Grim started to slither away, but Curt stopped her before she jumped through the circuits. "If we can't get a follow-up appointment, then we'll just have to get a brand new reason for him to visit."

Grim squinted. "You can be very dumb sometimes. They won't send the same doctor twice."

"They will if it definitely needs magic to fix."

The dragon shrugged. She didn't get many opportunities like this, so why waste it? Still, it wasn't fun if he just asked to get hurt. If she didn't do it, though, he might do something as stupid as cutting off his own arm. "Just pretend for now. Say it was crushed in something or other and put coal dust on it again. I'll make sure to tell them you personally saw to it and...it didn't work." Curt smiled and happily set about the ruse. He even started testing out some light magic to make it look particularly bad. Really, was he already forgetting his favor to Rozaliya? He should be working on that. While he was distracted, she made the leap and worked on her favor.