I Need A Doctor

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
4 13562

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Vonius and Curt meet, owo

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✏ Parfait Nook

Grim decided to come along properly, since it was clear her Rider was incompetent and messed up whenever the pressure was high. She floated alongside the others, looking suspiciously at the doctor’s fluffy collar to check on the supposed rat. If presented with the opportunity, she would eat it and confirm there was indeed no dragon bond between them. Curt had an idea of what she meant to do, so he was walking between them, and quite close to the doctor. Getting in the way, as always.

Given what happened yesterday, this doctor was either dumb or trusting or both. All she wanted were whatever enchantments he wove into the candies so she could find her own way to make them. Curt, naturally, would have nothing to do with that. She selected the parfait nook and waited patiently for the entrance bartering to finish before finally finding a lounge seat that could properly accommodate a wyrm. This would be their table.

Walking along, it was pleasant enough even if his little companion was giving him updates on how he didn't trust either of them. Von didn't blame his dragon, but that didn't mean he was going to turn a cold shoulder to them. Strange they were, but didn't everyone have their quirks?

Thanking the staff member who walked them to the suitable table, he finally took the coat off and Monty stayed on his shoulder furthest from Grim. Given two different menus, one for humanoids and one for dragons, Vonius handed them out with Grim getting one of each incase she wanted something from either one. He himself wasn't too hungry, planning to get something small for himself and something considered finger food for the metal dragon hybrid.

"You can order whatever, my treat~" He told them, still seeming clueless but nice as ever, even if some part of his mind was yelling at him for being foolish. Maybe he was, but he could indulge in friendly relationships if he wanted.

Curt smiled. He knew very well when he was dealing with someone too kind. This meant he could have whatever information he wanted with minimal prodding. "Well, if you insist, I'll indulge a little." Despite what he said, he only got one parfait--a small cup with layered strawberries, whipped mouse, fluffy cake, and the cute cream sculpture of a rabbit on top. On the other hand, Grim indulged enough to cover her side of the table. It was odd eating beside her Rider when Rozaliya was nowhere to be seen, but this was important. She would attend. "Anyways, what brought you to visit if you weren't part of the militia? It's odd for a doctor to get away with a visitor pass, so you must be very talented."

Letting the guests order first, even as Grim ordered PLENTY and kept going Vonius didn't seem moved or concerned at all. He waited and then ordered a smaller strawberry parfait for himself, and then a fruits granola parfait without yogurt for the rodent who was sitting on his shoulders quietly. He also ordered a strawberry ice tea for his drink, thanking them as they ran off. Even if he was getting a small something to eat, he felt as if he might have still ordered too much. At least Monty would eat anything he didn't finish when that time came.

"Oh, my tutors actually live around here. I'm still in my final years of schooling before I get a official degree, so when I'm not traveling I come to this area so they don't have to come to me. I feel bad as one of them has a newly started family." He was happy to tell them why he was here at least, it not being a secret if Curt happened to do any research on him later. "I'm not quite sure if I'm as talented as others, but I do try my best to assist when needed. I usually travel with the Naki Alliance and they sent out a message saying helpers would be appreciated at the militia as they were quite packed, I just happened to be the only one to respond is all."

Pausing as drinks, waters, and any smaller appetizers were handed out, he didn't want to take all of the spotlight, and was curious of the pair that had accompanied them on an impromptu breakfast date. "Speaking of the militia though, are you allowed to tell me what you two do? The workshop looked quite interesting during the short visit I was there for, reminds me a bit of mine at home for my dragons. Though more extensive and larger."

Curt took his spoon and swiped off the rabbit's head before eating it in one mouthful. A bit of it got on his lips, but he licked it off without losing focus on the parfait. He was more than happy to tell him his own not-secrets. "I'm a security engineer, but I usually interact with the rookies and fix what they need in the barracks. Even if there's nothing to fix, I like to keep my hands busy, so I've started upgrading the offices." It was easier to ask for favors when his superiors got whatever they wanted crafted. "I guess I interact with the Alliance every now and then, but it's not my main job." After his initial burst of energy, he was eating his parfait slower. "I also like studying up on everything. If you ask me how to do something, I usually know how to do it...with magic being the exception." He made puppy dog eyes at Vonius. "But you can help me with that, can't you?"

Grim supervised her Rider and was ready to step in as soon as he did something stupid. Curt was on his best behavior, though, so she was content to devour her side of the table and then stare into a certain someone's collar.

Eating his own smaller parfait as it was set down, Monty finally came down from his shoulder sitting area to munch on the fruit and granola in the glass. His small hands grabbing at pieces, staring at Curt and Grim but was silent as he did so. He didn't need to use his actual voice to talk to Vonius, and that was a point of added bonus to his bond with the sweet other. He didn't like those colored auras, but they were keeping at distance for now...

"Oh, sounds like it could be fun. I don't think I would do well long term in a workshop. I'm too people friendly and orientated." Using a small fork, he stabbed at one of the strawberry slices and held it down to Monty to grab, before back to making progress. It was slow, but he did end up finish both the drink and parfait with time. "I'm not sure magic is something that works that way. Most of my job goes without it in honesty, your case was just... extreme and special. You seem to have a good handle on it as well, your  did quite well until you forgot which arm was meant to be injured."

With the meal almost done, the staff member was back and left the check with him. Good, as he often had trouble with them leaving it with his guests. Taking out his card, he wrote in the tip and handed it back, only glancing at the amount as he did so for tip purposes. It was quite a bit, but his expression didn't falter at all.

"People friendly, hmm?" Curt mused. "You work with people who need commissions, but I suppose no one enters the workshop. Maybe it's because Grim doesn't open the door for them, though." He made a small giggle and the dragon looked annoyed. "I think she'd make an exception for you, as long as you gave her more candy. Anyways, we won't know if magic works that way unless we try, so why not try?"

He ignored the comment on his own magic and scrutinized the 'rat' instead. It seemed to be quite clever and have a strange appetite. "Are you sure that's not a dragon?" Grim was staring as well, for different reasons. While Curt still had half his parfait left, her side of the table was clean.

"I just like being around more people over fewer, It's good social interaction and you get to learn many things from them." At the mention of the candies though, he took back out the ones he tried to offer earlier and weren't taken for whatever reason. Vonius didn't know, but he didn't mind sharing them at all as he ordered them often and his family would send it to him as well. "You should have taken then earlier, Monty might act a bit mean but he's quite sweet."

Squeaking at the mentions of his name, he did seem more tame and quiet. Though was just keeping to himself and having private conversations with the rider when needed. He finished up his 'breakfast' and took a moment to clean himself of any crumbs before he was back to the shoulder, resting himself back into the cozy spot.

"Monty is one of my companions and that's all that maters to me, halcyon don’t usually bond with dragons." Avoiding a direct answer once more, he hoped the question would stay away. Did the pair realize he wasn't as truthful as he was with other topics? Maybe, but he meant no harm by it. He just wanted Curt to be comfortable with Monty.

Grim grumbled, took the candies directly, and was silent. She had her immediate needs and would arrange another meeting soon. If her Rider’s ‘accidental’ flirting didn’t work, she would pull in someone more dependable. She watched him dig his hole deeper, doubting he would strike treasure.

Curt was still incredulous, especially since Vonius was answering very indirectly, but it was enough confirmation for now. He held up a fork of strawberry slices and sponge bread. “You’re adorable, aren’t you? Can you help me finish up here?” He was offering his parfait to the rat, of course, but since it had hopped back into the collar, any passersby could easily misinterpret it as Curt feeding Vonius.

Watching one of the dragon's claws come out to take the two bags, one much smaller then the other, he smiled at her all the same and let that mater lie. She apparently liked them enough, he'd have to buy some more or find things similar that she might like when he was out and about.

Wiggling his nose, Monty did come back down, sniffling at the fork and very gently took bites. He was careful and didn't dare bite the fork, helping finish off Curt's food before cleaning himself up using a damp napkin. He was far from full, but he had eaten enough to be pleased for now.

"See, isn't Curt so nice? No need to be so hissy at him." Getting those stares of you know exactly why, he still pretended he didn't as he kissed to top of the dragon's head. Getting some quieter chatters, Von did make that 'oh' expression. "Oh yeah, we should return to shopping at some point. I don't think I have anything for any events if something were to come up... though I don't think there is anything." More chitters were given, but Vonius did seem to agree that their day was far from done.

“Oh, you’re not already planning to attend the awards ceremony?” He was genuinely surprised, for once. “I figured someone who could mend a shattered arm in less than an hour would be first in line for that sort of thing. Do you want to go with me?” An idea crossed his mind, but it wouldn’t do to say it right away. “You can make quite a few connections. I don’t want to brag, I’m not unimportant in the engineering field, you know? And it seems someone with Halcyon magic might have an aptitude for engineering.”

His eyes sparkled. Grim shot him a warning glance, but he ignored her. He wasn’t disobeying. “And I’m a tailor too, so I can make you something amazing. You’d be dazzling. I just need to take your measurements.” Before the doctor could go through any sort of logic loops, Curt pulled out his phone and navigated to his blog post ‘Four-armed Fashion.’ “Look at my niece here, I designed all her clothes. They get a lot of likes.” See, he was innocent and pure, he even made professional outfits for his baby niece! The likes were all from bots he made, but there was no way for the doctor to tell that without looking into it deeply.

"Award ceremony?" Vonius repeated back, seeming clueless as ever about such a event. It wasn't strange he wasn't invited, often quite busy, but he was interested it in. "I'm not the easiest to get a hold of, I must admit. So they might have tried to but I just recently have a vacant schedule." Rubbing the side of his neck, he didn't take pride in being so busy he missed fun things, but that was the life he seemed to live.

Scooting closer to the blond male as he pulled out his phone to show him pictures of things he made, Von was indeed impressed and complimented Curt on his craftmanship as he showed more and more pictures of the clothes he made. "Oh they all look so lovely!" Monty warned that it felt like just a different excuse to get him undressed, but Von counted himself safe between his pair of dragons that were almost always with him. Plenty of people had seem him mostly nude for measurements, what was one more that was quite cute?

"I do have a hotel close by we could meet at, though I don't want to take up your time if you're busy."

“Oh, I’d love to visit! Do you have any fashions or fabrics you like? Just give me the address and I’ll meet you there once I have my tools and materials.” And, naturally, the cameras. Grim gave a rare smile hidden underneath her mask. It seemed she wouldn’t need to interfere for a while. Of course, it was unacceptable for him to give his food to a lab rat. She swiped the rest of his parfait and cleaned out the glass in an instant.