!!! New lit!!!

Oh my god, Kenji, you're at a job interview and the first thing you do is eat the flowers at the door. And he doesn't give up until he gets the chance, either

I love these two old men trying to figure out the trends that are hip with the youths an being cute with each other. I also like the sense that they knew him as a kid, I wonder how? Through his mom?

Market 👏 Kenji 👏 as 👏 a 👏 lake 👏 boy 👏

A poofy shirt...tell me you have drawn this

Good stuff! I like these lighthearted snippets of life in this universe.

He was determined to taste those flowers, and it's that kind of determination that makes him fit for the job!

Oh, thank you! I was hoping I wouldn't be the only one who got a kick out of them. Also yeah, they knew Kenji's parents when they were younger, and are still pretty good friends with them.

I genuinely want to know what a Lake Boy would be. Maybe I should brainstorm!


Thank you, I kind of had a secret mission for this one: Get through it without any of the characters crying, since it seems like most of my longer stories involve that at some point.