The New Akio

5 years, 6 months ago

Kaori finding out about her brother becoming Hiraku Yukihira's assistance.

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The young girl paused and put down the knife with which she had just cut lemongrass. With a questioning look she turned around, in the direction from which the voice had come from.

In front of her stood a slightly older, bespectacled woman whose chestnut hair was already showing traces of mouse-gray and snow-white. She looked puzzled. “What is it, Granny?” Asked Kaori.

“Oh well, I’m just surprised. Seeing you down here. “A small smile showed on her face. "After all, since you’ve of the entrance exam for highschool division, you spend all your time learning in your room. So that’s what makes me wonder what made you come out again. ” She glanced around the kitchen. “But I think I can see what’s going on.”

The table in the kitchen was nicely set. Kaori had picked out the porcelain dishes and to do justice to this fine art, she had picked out a purple tablecloth with pretty patterns. She had also a placed a perfectly matched bouquet of beautiful flowers arranged in a talented manner on the table. Adding to that she set the coronations out of her garden on the windowsill. And it just took her granny a look at the ingredients Kaori had gathered to know what she was cooking.

“His favorite soup?” Chuckled her granny.

A timid, small smile now appeared on Kaori’s lips as she answered. “He finally comes home after the Stagiares today after all. Mom has already told me that this really is not a simple hurdle and he worked hard as always. He deserves a reward. And of course a nice welcome. Besides …. "She moved away from the kitchen counter and took a colorful flyer from the table which she held up with sparkling, brown eyes. "His invitation to Autumn Leaf Viewing has arrived!”

Her grandmother took the flyer out of her hand and expertly adjusted her glasses. “Oh, that’s right. The much anticipated meeting with the Elite Ten. ”

Kaori turned back to the lemongrass and began to cut. “I think he might want to get in touch with the second years rather than the third years. After all, they will be here a little longer and could be good allies. The best choice is Shinomiya Noboru. After all, he is the son of the famous Shinomiya Kojiro. I bet he is going to be the next first seat. Like his big brother and his big sister before him. ”

Her grandma laughed and put the flyer back on the table. “You’ve made quite the studies on the Elite 10 didn’t you.” Kaori slyly smirked. “Naturally. After all, I have to know who to defeat later. ”

Kaori’s grandmother looked at the young girl and her precise movements for a long time before mumbling. “You really are very ambitious, Kaori.”

Kaori pushed the lime grass aside and started cutting the ginger. “I learned from the best.” She explained and added with a warm smile. “Mom and Dad are both truly fantastic. And Akio as well. He works so hard and is on the best path to follow in their footsteps. I can only take that as an example. ”


Time passed and the time for Akio Hayama’s arrival approached.

Kaori was sitting on the sofa, reading a book about medicine while the finished soup on the stove simmered. Then she finally heard a key lock being turned and immediately Kaori jumped up and put the book aside. Even her grandmother Jun, who had read e-mails on the computer, looked up.

Kaori quickly left the kitchen to get into the hallway. Just in time when the door opened and her big brother Akio Hayama entered. “Onii-chan!” Exclaimed Kaori and ran towards him. “Welcome Home!”

Despite smiling, Akio looked out of breath and…..unfocused. “Hello, Kaori! How are you? ” He turned his head away again. Kaori’s smile weakened a bit. “Fine, and you? How were the Stagiares. ”

“Nice to hear.” Akio explained hastily and patted her head absently. “I’m fine and the Stagiares were good too.” Then he rushed past her. Kaori was sure he would go to the kitchen and she was already looking forward to his surprised expression. But all he did was call “Granny Jun, I’m back!” into the kitchen and then walk upstairs.

Kaori cocked her head in confusion. Why was he in such a hurry?

When Akio had disappeared upstairs, Jun stepped out of the kitchen. “What’s that about?” She asked, giving Kaori an equally confused look. Kaori could do nothing but shrug her shoulders.

A few seconds later, Akio came downstairs again, his laptop in his hand and his hair ruffled. He looked at Jun. “Granny, unfortunately I have to go again. I have something important to do. I’ll come back later, okay?”

“What…? But Akio?” Stammered Jun, but Akio did not seem to hear her in all his rush. So he also hardly noticed Kaori’s dumbfounded look. She shook her head before shouting loudly. “Akio”

That’s what her big brother actually got, but the only reaction she got was an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Kaori. But I really have to go. We’ll talk later, okay?”

And he was out of the house again. And left his completely confused family behind.

Kaori looked down. Jun saw this and started in a comforting tone. “Kaori …” But then Kaori suddenly said. “He did not see the flyer at all.”

She whirled around and quickly returned to the kitchen where she took the flyer off the table. Then she went back into the hall and explained to Jun while passing. “I’ll see what it’s all about.” And then she too was out of the door.


She followed him and the path led her to one of the many Shokugeki arenas on the Totsuki.

Immediately a proud surprise glowed in Kaori. Did he-?

She watched as her brother entered the arena and did the same a few minutes later. She had walked only a few steps as she already spotted him standing by the railing in the audience area. “Akio!” She exclaimed, trying to drown out the noise of the rest of the audience. She was successful as Akio turned around and gave a suprised: “Kaori?” “What are you doing here?” He asked as she got closer. She put her hands on her hips. “I am trying to understand what this means! You just arrived and you’re leaving again?”

“Oh Kaori, you know …” Akio wanted to start, but he was interrupted by the voice of the moderator down in the battlefield. “Hello, hello everybody! My name is Kawashima Hideyoshi and I am today’s host!” Kaori heard a rapt, female outcry through the hall while many of the boys clenched their fists annoyed.

“Today we have a really exciting Shokugeki on the plan! Kozuki Yu, master of Vietnamese cuisine! Against the genius Yukihira Hiraku, returning fresh from the Stagiares! ”

Kaori’s eyes widened and she turned slowly and questioningly to Akio. “…. Yukihira Hiraku?” Akio bit his lip. “…. you are not with us because you want to watch a Shokugeki from Yukihira Hiraku ?!”

Akio sighed. “…. Kaori, Listen …… I … I’m not just watching it.” Kaori only raised an eyebrow. Akio looked to the side and scratched his head. It became clearer and clearer that the whole thing was making him feel uncomfortable. “I …. I would also like to keep an ear open in the audience to see who intends to challenge Hiraku-sama….” Kaori winced “….I’ll have to create a plan for him and organize a schedule. ”

He turned back to Kaori. The state of shock almost written on the face. “What …” she whispered. “Why do you care?”

Akio swallowed. “Well, you know ….” He then tried to smile. “I am his new assistant.”

The crowd cheered as Hideyoshi declared the Shokugeki’s begin through his microphone in his usual cajoling manner and in this roaring audience, there stood a young girl who’s entire world had just been shattered through one single sentence.

“You’re what?” She rumbled. A few of the other guests gave her an annoyed look, but she did not care. Her brother had just been broken. Akio raised his hands reassuringly. “Kaori, please! I can explain that.”

Kaori crossed her arms and lowered her weight on her right foot. “Well I’m curious about that explanation. What made you throw away your position as top of the 114th just like that. What’s about your dream of becoming first seat?! ”

“I have not been the top of my generation for quite some time now!” Akio replied. “As long as Hiraku-sama is at this school, I have no chance for the first seat!”

Kaori’s expression darkened. “Hiraku-sama …” she repeated contemptuously. “So that’s it ….. You just give up.” “Kaori …” Started Akio and wanted to get closer, but Kaori interrupted him. With a cool look she held out to him the colorful flyer. “Here’s an invitation to meet with the Elite Ten.” Akio had just taken it from her as she already said in a sharp tone. “Since he also participated in the Autumn Elections, I’m sure Eizan Shigeo will be there too.” She turned around. “Why not talk to him. I’m sure he has some more dirty work lying around for you. ” Then she ran away, not paying attention as Akio called after her.

At home, she rushed past the worried Jun with the words. “Eat without me. I have to study.” Even Jun’s shouts she ignored and went straight to her room.