Pemmy's Interview

2 years, 2 months ago
758 1

An interview from the Journalist.

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* Who are you?

  • Name’s Pemewope Buzzfuzz! You can call me Pemmy. I’m an entomologist. I study bugs! Insects, arthropods, arachnids… You name it! Though I do specialize in beetles and roaches.

* Aren’t you the one that discovered the Gourneiss Beetle? Whatever happened with that?

  • Ah... You’ve heard of me, then. Yeah… That was me. I discovered the Gourneiss Beelte a few years back, n’ it was my pride and joy! Studied everything I could about it, but couldn’t find another specimen for the life of me. And as luck would have it, the little guy passed away, so I preserved it.
  • Took what I had and went home with my head held high. The committee accepted it at first, but suddenly, outta nowhere, they didn’t believe that I had actually found a real beetle. Told me “Ya can’t recreate the platypus,” whatever that means. Tabloids got word, dragged my name through the mud, n’ now I can hardly get any respect in the field. Ugh. Nobody wants to work with Perfidious Pemmy. Thinkin’ I’m gonna make up another bug. Feh! I can identify beetles at a glance! Their loss!

* I believed you from the start!

  • Well, you n’ Liz both! But… A pawful of Grumpuses against the entire world, well that ain’t much at the end of the day. Still...Thanks.

* Why come to Snaktooth Island?

  • To study Bugsnax, o’course! Lizbert herself invited me, and I couldn’t say no to the opportunity! I mean, an entire island, chock full o’ li’l bugs just beggin’ to be studied and recorded? Sign. Me. Up!
  • … And, I guess, in a way, this is my swan song of gettin’ my name back in good standings. I just wanna work with bugs in peace, y’know…?

* Is it really that bad?

  • Listen, there’s a reason I don’t get along with Beffica. You can only take so many lies n' slander about how you fabricated your entire career.

* Thoughts on Bugsnax?

  • Heh! If I told ya everything, that tape of yours would be full before I’m even a fourth of the way done! But I’ll try n’ keep it short: They’re fascinatin’ creatures with strange biology. It’s hard to make heads or tails of how they work, but it makes for fun and challenging studies, lemme tell ya! I love learning their behavior, how they interact with each other, what they get up to all day… Sometimes I even forget to snack on ‘em while I’m watchin’ ‘em!
  • They’re also… Real cute. Their li’l food legs, them googly eyes, their silly voices... They’re a delight. But man, at some point I’d love to crack the code on how they work someday. Like, how do they reproduce? How long have they been around? Do they change to suit our tastes? If so, how do they know to make themselves into burgers n’ fries? Or is it otherwise around--did they influence our food? I know that’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s fun to imagine ancient Grumpuses introducing tacos to the mainland, heh.
  • Ah, grump, I’d better stop here, or else we’ll be here an entire day! … Or two.

* Why did you leave town?

  • Eh, I didn’t really leave. I was out doin’ research. It was pretty shockin’ comin’ back to Snaxburg to see nothin’ but a ghost town. Had no reason to stick around, so I just went lookin’ for the others while I continued my research. Two snax with one trap, right? That’s how I found out about the fight, and boy am I glad I wasn’t around for THAT.

* Any info on Lizbert?

  • Sorry… No. I’ve been tryin’ to keep an eye out for her and Egg, but I haven’t seen hide nor hair of either ‘em. At this point, I can only imagine somethin’ horrible happened to ‘em, and I’d hate to think that. I hope they’re okay… And they have each other, even if they’re not.
  • But I have found evidence of a Grumpus livin’ up on Frosted Peak, but I haven’t actually seen anyone, so I dunno for sure. Maybe that’s enough of a lead for ya?

* I think that’s everything. Thanks for your time.

  • Yeah, no problem! Glad not every interview leads to me bein’ mocked by the reporter. Good luck with findin’ Lizbert, and good luck with your paper.