Codex 1: Azido (Old)

5 years, 6 months ago

Final details of the Arkerus Experiment.

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Oh sweet lord in heaven, please lend me your strength. We have created a monster. It’s unlike anything this galaxy has ever seen. We attempted to clone a Novakid, and it went south so very fast. The thing we created has {bloodstain covers a few words} no survivors other than me. My only hope is that {stained, smudged, and illegible}, it is the only way to blow this facility to bits. The surrounding buildings have no clue as to what is going on. If only there was a way to reach them before {more blood covers the words} gets to them. If you manage to find this note, either you are an explorer who needs to turn back, or you are too late and {blood splotch, covering words} 

{In large etched in, burning marks} 


{Two handprints are covering the rest of the paper. One of blood, the other is scorch}