Do You Miss The Ocean?

2 years, 6 months ago

Based on the prompt "Do you miss the ocean?" The answer is yes. But.

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The lake water lapped at the shore as Soren and Ville bathed in the setting sun’s fading warmth. It was almost time to go home, but Soren was hesitant to leave the water.

Ville cuddled into him. She noticed the longing way he stared at the calm waves, and turned her gaze to appreciate the light reflecting off of them.

“Do you miss the ocean?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

“What? Oh, um, well…” Soren trailed off, “a little. It’s a lot harder to move around on land. I only went on land a couple times, and those were tiny islands. Here… it’s the opposite.”

“The lake can’t compete, I bet.”

“No… the ocean is like a totally different world. Things make more sense.”

“Do you wanna go back?”

Soren paused, looking down at Ville with big, round eyes. “No. Of course not. I don’t want to leave you behind. I would miss you too much.”

“Aw,” Ville smiled as she curled further into him, “you’re sweet.”

“Thank you.” Soren nuzzled into her as they waited out the sunset together.