"My Miracle" Arc

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
9 3261

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

When I first created Charlii he was written as a recluse, a man burning both ends of the candle and struggling to stay afloat. This story arc broke him out of his grief and allowed him to heal. Now, he proudly accepts the role of Father and loves his Kilden. They are the light that brings hope and warmth into his world!

This arc was written as a series of short stories accompanied by an art piece each.

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Author's Notes

Kilds are nocturnal creatures and stay indoors during the day. At this point in time Charlii was plagued by nightmares and often couldn't sleep, so it was not uncommon to find him working in the Hatchery at odd hours. 

The Incident

Charlii turned towards the Hatchery door, his ears twitching at the sound of soft yet urgent knocking on its woodden frame. Had he been a Noctan or Kabiisian he would have missed it. As luck would have it, Charlii was a Zugisain, and Zugisains had very good ears. 

"Who in the world is up at this hour?" He muttered, setting down a pile of Zanginite stones. Other than those who ran Taverns or completed business best done in the glare of the sun, most kilds would be fast asleep in their beds with the curtains drawn and covers up. Charlii swiftly strode to the door, swinging it open with a warm smile. Standing, he looked around. No one was there. 

Charlii was slightly relieved to see no stranger; He'd been caught at an awkward time and was wearing only his sleepwear, clothing a bit sheer for public affairs. Stepping forward a few inches, his foot brushed against something hard and cold to the touch. Charlii looked down and his heart skipped a beat. 

An egg?