The Unlikely Two

2 years, 2 months ago

A short story I wrote for a contest back in 2020.

I no longer own one of the characters in this story and so they will not be listed in the cast.

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A boy who sees too much.

A man who cannot be seen.

The hardships of two, when brought together, can transform into strength.

When faced with the burden of caring for an innocent soul, their strength will be enough to move mountains.

This is the tale of two strangers from worlds apart who come together with a common goal to save the world…and care for a kit. Say a prayer for them; they will need it.

Astonish is a young Alkarnabi boy who grew up in a small village. His family had unique gifts that revolved around death. The eldest son, Bewilder, can sense the impending death of any creature. The middle daughter, whose name was lost, can hear the spirits of the dead. The youngest son, Astonish, can see lost souls and wandering spirits. The village branded them as demons and freaks and drove them out when Astonish was a mere kit.

The distance meant nothing to the villagers who believed the world was better off without the family’s existence. They came to mock, hurt, and destroy the family and their possessions. The family always survived…but their minds suffered from the unprecedented hate and fear. It affected Astonish the most.

Once he was of age to strike out on his own, Astonish left the dreadful village in search of someplace that would accept him. He found no such haven. Instead, rumors of his frightful magic spread, leaving nothing but closed doors and ghost towns everywhere he tried to visit. So, he lived as a nomad. He traveled the world, helping any lost spirits along his way, all the while becoming convinced he was cursed. He wished for his magic to be taken away, until a fateful encounter with the most peculiar spirit…

Dr. Taim Pentar is a brilliant researcher with a love for history. In a world ravaged by an unknown disaster, he dedicated his life to exploring the past to save the future. For you see, Dr. Taim has quite the unique magic. He can travel back in time, to any time, but only his spirit may travel. His body remains in his own timeline, rigid and lifeless, until he returns. Spirits cannot interact with the world, so all he can do is observe the past. He has no means of altering it. His own timeline is that of death and miasma… An apocalyptic event sometime in the distant past caused the world to be what it is in his day. Not a living soul knows what caused such a horrific, worldwide event. This also means no one knows how to fix it. The world is on a steady decline and only gets worse as the years roll by. Dr. Taim hypothesizes that, in a decade, the world will not be able to support any life. With this on his mind, he continues to delve into the past with all his energy, day in, day out. It seems hopeless, until he meets a young boy that seems to be able to see his spirit…

When they meet, Astonish thinks Taim is nothing more than a random, wandering spirit. Defeated from his own self-loathing, he moves on without a second thought. Luckily, Taim knows a small amount of sign language, and manages to communicate to Astonish his origins and intentions. With that, the pair make a deal; Astonish will do what the doctor cannot and Taim will guide him in ways that he could never do himself. The only information Taim has so far is that the disastrous event was caused in some way by a powerful Aurusalkar. Thus, the two set out to learn more. Whatever must be done to save the world.

…and that’s the entire history of beans!

Astonish sighs as the doctor finally finishes his hour long retelling of the fascinating origins of…beans. Patience was never Astonish’s strong suit. He amazed himself with the ability to sit through Taim’s rambling with nothing more than a bored expression.

“That was very, um, enlightening. Thank you for that.” Astonish says with more than a hint of sarcasm.

It is my pleasure! What use is knowledge if one does not share it?

“Shoving it up your butt is pretty useful-”


“Nothing. Nevermind.”

Taim looks at Astonish with a mild disappointment. He never expected the youth of this time to be so disrespectful. Perhaps he just got the sour one of the batch.

Suddenly, Astonish goes crashing downwards, disappearing from Taim’s sight. Taim quickly floats down to Astonish’s level, inspecting him to ensure he’s unhurt.

Are you alright?

Astonish lifts his face off the ground, spitting out dirt.

“Yeah, I’m okay. What on earth did I trip over? It felt like a-“ He trails off as he stares at the strange object that caused his fall.

“Is that an…egg?” Astonish asks as he taps the oval object. It hums ever so slightly when his paw touches the surface.

My word, that is the largest egg I have ever seen. What sort of unholy creature excreted this thing from its backside and lived? Taim signs as he floats around the egg, inspecting it. He oohs and ahhs at its pretty golden shine.

“Thank you for that disturbing mental image.” He says as he pulls himself into a sitting position, wiping the dirt off his face.

Sorry. Although, upon closer inspection- no, it couldn’t be…

“What? What is it? Let me guess- some joker painted a rock to look like gold to fool some poor traveler.”

No, that’s not it!

His eye widens with excitement and awe.

“Then what is it? C’mon, stop staring at it and tell me already, old man!”

If my eye does not deceive me, this is an Aurusalkar egg…!

He reaches out to touch it, forgetting he cannot, and sighs sadly as his paw phases right through it.

“An Aurusalkar?! You’re joking. There’s no way-“

No, it is. I am sure of it. I can feel its magic… Can’t you?

Astonish skeptically closes his eyes. The spirit was right. He could feel a soothing, innocent aura emanating from the golden egg. It made him feel happy; the kind of peaceful bliss you feel as a very young kit.

“It- it is an Auru. But what is it doing here, on the ground, in the middle of a merchant path? You don’t think some idiot stole it? If they did, we better get the heck out of here before the mama comes back to rip this place apart.”

No, no. To steal an Auru egg would require great skill. Great enough skill that they would not be dumb enough to lose it on a common road. This was placed here for a reason, I know it.

“Why? Are- are we meant to find it or something?”

I don’t know. The Aurusalkar are a confusing race. Their history and magic is vexing even to them.

“Well, good reason or not, we can’t just leave it here. Even if this isn’t like a destiny thing, anyone else that stumbles across this will probably just try to make a fortune from it. Especially with that golden shine.”

You are right. For now, take it and bring it to the cave you rested at last night. We can talk more there.

Astonish nods and gently scoops up the giant egg. He struggles under its weight but manages to haul it back a few miles to a secluded cave he recently camped at.

“Okay, it’s safe. Now what?” Astonish asks as he plops down on the cave floor with the egg on his lap.

You must care for it, obviously.

“And how do I do that? I’m not exactly overflowing with that motherly urge.”

Perhaps not, but I for one have fathered two kits in my life. An Auru egg surely isn’t much different! I can help you.

“So, we’re what, parents? …does that mean- dear Auru please don’t tell me we have to be a couple.” He wrinkles his nose in disgust.

Heavens, no! He shakes his head, laughing. Sometimes I forget you’re still just a boy- us raising this kit together won’t make us a couple. We’ll just be partners in parenting!

“…that’s almost worse, somehow.”

Okay, you’re the father and I’m the unrelated uncle. How’s that?

“I have to be a dad?!”

Aurus help me…Taim sighs to himself, chuckling.

And so, the two continued to talk throughout the afternoon until evening. Astonish laughed with Taim, their worries melting as they enjoyed each other’s company. Astonish held the egg all night, Taim keeping a careful watch on them as they slept.

This will be good for Astonish… A task as daunting as raising a kit will do wonders for his self-confidence. Taim thinks to himself. He lets out a quiet chuckle. They remind me of my own kits when they were this age. I wouldn’t mind being a father again…

I wonder when this egg will hatch.

Astonish’s mind wandered as he layed on his makeshift bed.

Taim said he had a few kits of his own, didn’t he? I’m sure he misses them, wherever they are. Maybe- maybe this kit will help him. Give him another round of being a dad. Although, I think he’s already doing that with me… Y’know, I’m glad he’s with me. I don’t know If I’d be here without him. And, there’s no way I could take care of this massive egg on my own. If only his lazy butt could actually touch things. Then I wouldn’t have to carry it everywhere! He smiles to himself as he drifts off into sleep.

Taim was like a father to Astonish. He had helped him overcome his past and love his unique abilities. Astonish gave Taim a chance to feel happy and, even for a moment, forget his burdens. Together they forged their hardships into strengths. This Aurusalkar will be more than just a kit to them. They will be a son, a brother, a reason to keep moving forward. And, even if they don’t realize it yet, this Auru may even be their salvation… Someday.