Meet Valor

2 years, 5 months ago

Mild Violence

This profile is partially inaccurate now.

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Valor is a male Aurusalkar. He stands at nine feet while anthro and seven feet when feral. He is thirty-seven years old and a father of two children.

His magic is very powerful. He can control and create lava and fire. When concentrated, his magic can even erupt and somewhat control entire volcanoes. He is a force to be reckoned with.

Valor prides himself on being proper and holds himself, and others, to high standards. He is quick to judge and even quicker to dismiss someone he thinks unworthy of his attention. He doesn’t understand or practice the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Despite his harsh and judgmental personality, he has a loving heart. Buried. Deep, deep down. But still there. He tells himself that everything he does is for the sake of others. He believes it....mostly.

He has a very strong sense of justice. Whether or not that justice is actually moral or correct doesn’t cross his mind. What he says is law and no one can convince him otherwise.

He believes in harsh punishment for sinful acts. And yet, he feels as if he is exempt from justice because he is the justice. Pretty hypocritical, hm?

Current Family

Audi, also an Aurusalkar, is his wife. Their relationship started strong...but isn’t staying strong. His heart never truly belonged to her. But no matter how hard he tries to make it work, he can never force himself to forget a previous lover that never seemed to fade.

Tyflos is his eldest son. Valor has been a distant and harsh father. Tyflos resents him, and Valor feels he’s too far gone to make amends. He does love him, however.

Afixia is his daughter. He was the same level of absent in her life as he was in Tyflos’. Her power and ferocity impresses him, if not worries him a little. She is much closer to her mother than to him.

His family has always been a chaotic mess. He frequently clashes with his wife, and his children suffer for it. He gave up on trying to fix the relationship and simply abandoned them. Valor still hates himself for doing this. And yet, he’s too afraid to own up to his actions.

Parents and Siblings

Valor doesn’t talk of his parents much. When asked, he ensures they were kind and well-meaning. That’s said mostly to preserve his own pride. He never seems particularly fond of them.. Though he would never say it, he didn’t feel loved by his adoptive parents. They set high expectations for him before he even hatched from his egg. When he wasn’t what they were expecting, their disappointment was clear. Even clearer was their motives for adopting him. They wanted his power. His status. Having an Aurusalkar for a son meant respect and riches to them, nothing else.

It didn’t take long for young Valor to pick up on that. His rebirth made him wiser than others his age. All the knowledge he had in his previous life left a little behind in him for his current life.

He hasn’t spoken to or seen his parents since he was seventeen. He has no plans to change this.

As for his siblings, his relationship with them is...complicated. He is closest to his sister, Tyde. Valor feels she is one of the few people he can confide in.

His brother, Finneas, aggravates him. They tend to fight when they see each other.

Other Relationships

Believe it or not, Valor actually has friends!

Even he’s surprised. Here’s what he has to say about them.


“Bewilder...what an odd boy. He’s insistent on following me, whether I like it or not. Hmph. I do not like it. But his persistence, his bravery? That.. that is commendable. Now, I’m not sure I mind him. Now, I find his presence comforting. It certainly beats being alone.”


“She is a sweet girl. Very quiet and shy. I respect her silence and she respects mine. I have no reason to dislike her.”


“I find it hard to believe this boy is related to Bewilder. Such polar opposites. His hot-headedness gets him in trouble. Though, I suppose I shouldn’t throw stones in a glass house. However, I can respect his sense of good and drive to help people. I suppose I can tolerate him.”


“If it weren’t for Bewilder I would have burned this steaming pile of dung to smithereens. I hate him. Very much. I hope he dies to something random so I will not be blamed.”


“Seeing her reminds me of my own kits I left behind... It’s bittersweet. I feel as if I can make up for my mistakes with my kits by helping Astonish take care of her properly. He’s not trustful of me, but he does take my advice. After all, I am an Aurusalkar and have raised two Aurusalkar kits. Even if I didn’t raise them perfectly...I still have knowledge to give. And, well, her being adorable and sweet certainly doesn’t make it any harder. She seems to like pulling my whiskers. I don’t have the heart to voice how much that hurts.”




“I don’t trust them. They don’t even seem to trust themselves!”


“....I miss him..I’m an idiot.”

Motives (warning; mentions of death)

Why is Valor so violent? Why does he feel the need to bring justice to wrongdoers, all on his own? Why is he so set on being “a hero?” His past answers all of those questions. More specifically, a past friend.

When Valor was very young, he had few friends. Most of the other kids were scared of him. And rightfully so; he was much bigger than them and his magic was dangerous. He didn’t have much control over it when he was a child. But there was one girl who was brave enough to approach him. One girl who decided to befriend the big, scary Aurusalkar.

Her name was Frielle. And she was fearless. They became the best of friends and grew up together. When they grew older, Valor began to develop feelings for her. He never had the guts to tell her. But he lost any chance he had when she was sixteen.

She was murdered by a crazed Alkarnabi. Valor, in a fit of rage and grief, hunted down the killer and nearly burned him alive. It took all the control he had to lower his fist and let the flames die. Instead, he brought him to the local law enforcement. Sadly, the killer had friends in very high places. They found a way to lessen his sentence to only five years in prison.

This made Valor enraged. This was when he saw how corrupt those who are meant to bring justice really were. He watched, five years later, as the killer who took his best friend’s life walked free. No guilt. No shame. As if it never happened. Valor wouldn’t let him forget. He snuck into his house the same night he was released and killed him.

It was then that he decided to enforce his own punishment. If no one else would punish sinners, then he would. The problem is, he holds all crimes at the same level. Stealing a purse deserves the same fate as killing someone in his eyes.

Valor has never been able to shake himself of that turning point of his life. He never was able to move on from his love for Frielle. Even now, after having a wife and two kids, he can’t let go of his love for her. He feels as if it was his fault she was killed, and his way of trying to atone for that is to completely dedicate himself to seeking out and punishing wrong-doers.

Thankfully, a certain nabi with a butterfly mask is determined to bring him peace. Valor will get his peace. Eventually.