2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
2 1286

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

me and an ai generator makin little mini stories together :3 i may use them later, i may not. either way it's just a lil thing for fun !!

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You are Fai, a fairy living in the kingdom of Larion. You live in a fairy realm hidden under a grassy hill near the castle. Your skin is a light tinge of blue, your wings sparkle in the sunlight and you are very small and good at hiding. You are fascinated by humans and love to watch them from their flowers where you blend in. While you are hiding, suddenly a beautiful woman in a bright red dress comes running up to you, she is human and beautiful, her hair is a mass of dark red curls, and she is running very fast. She smiles and asks you "Well hello, where did you come from?""I was hiding, I saw you when you came in, I was hiding under a rock," you reply. "Well come with me, I want to show you something." You follow her down a sunny path you've been on before. After a few minutes you ask her "so what is this place?" "This is Myrtu Vyrian, the kingdom of dreams," she replies, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Slowly you begin to realize the differences in the environment. The leaves seem to sparkle and twinkle with delight under the warm sun, and the bird seem to be having a concert under the blue sky. A gentle breeze sends a stream of yellow petals over your head. It's all so fantastic that you don't know what to say. "How did you find this place?" you ask, in awe. Your new friend looks at you and smiles. "I've been coming here since I was a little girl, and I knew you would like it too." You look around and then back at the woman running with you. She seems ... almost alive. Not in the way you've come to expect from humans, but alive in the same way as the leaves and the birds. She has this glow about her, and her skin seem to thrum under the morning light. You can feel a pull towards her, like the current of a river, and you don't know why, but you find yourself wanting to be near her, to be with her. She catches sight of something and her eyes light up brighter, if that's even possible. Her feet dig in and she starts running even harder in the direction of whatever peaked her interest. You decide to match her run, and before you know it, you've run up to the very edge of a cliff that overlooks the forest and the kingdom of dreams. "Holy acorns ..." you say, tiny mouth dropping in awe of the view. You can see everything, the bustling animals, the big beautiful sun, even the other fairies giggling and fluttering about. Your heart is beating so fast, you don't even think you're afraid of falling off the cliff. Of course, you could catch yourself, but that's besides the point. You feel so safe and happy, your heart is fit to burst. You turn around to face your friend, but she's gone. You spot a gleaming silver feather on the ground, you reach down and pick it up, holding it in your hand. It softer than any bird you've ever encountered, yet so strong and resilient. Normally, you would be worried after such a swift disappearance, but you simply feel ... happy. Lucky, even.  You turn back towards the edge of the cliff and launch yourself off of it, into the wonderful world of Myrtu Vyrian.