2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
2 1286

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

me and an ai generator makin little mini stories together :3 i may use them later, i may not. either way it's just a lil thing for fun !!

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You are Dr. Laus, a doctor living in Chicago. A patient is brought to you in a coma. No one knows who he is, just that he collapsed in front of the hospital with a note in his hand and a pendant in his pocket. As you examine him you discover he has no visible wounds and his only injuries appear to be a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder. You get him on the stretcher and take him back to a room. There you decide to perform surgery on him. You quickly set his shoulder and bandage up his nose. He has yet to wake up, but you finally decide to take a look at the note. You find that it is a page from an old book. You give it to a nurse and ask her to get a translator. There's nobody on duty today who recognizes the language, so they have it shipped off to the main facility. You take the man's vitals, and his heart is beating a little strangely.  Checking his blood count, it looks like he has been bitten by a werewolf. The nurse returns and tells you that the patient has indeed woken up. "Who are you?" he asks in broken English. "My name is Dr. Laus," you say, "you collapsed in front of our hospital, so we brought you in and took your vitals." "I don't remember anything," the man says, "I found a book with some strange writing in it and then I woke up in here. I don't know how I got here or who brought me." "We saw a strange page of a book in your possession, so we sent it off to find someone who can translate it. Do you remember your name or family, sir?" you ask. "I don't know, I'm sorry. I was on my way to join a circus when... I don't know what happened." "Were you traveling alone?" This seems to give him pause. He grabs his head and groans like he's been hurt, and then grips the side of the hospital bed. For a moment you think he might collapse, but he seems to pull himself together. "I'm sorry I ... I'm sorry. What was the question?" "Were you traveling alone?" you ask. "My name is Tom Joseph. I was a page in the circus with my two friends, Keith and Mark." He seems to be drifting off again. "Sir please stay with us, do you remember where your friends went?" "I... I'm sorry, I... I can't remember." He closes his eyes slowly and you wonder if he's suffering from the same kind of post-traumatic amnesia that you and your friends experienced. "That's alright, I'm gonna have a nurse grab you a water is that okay?" When the nurse comes in, you tell her that you want to give the page to him. She is hesitant, but eventually gives in. "I'll go get you a water, and I'll be right back."When she leaves the room, you turn to the patient. "Are you alright?" you ask. "It's... it's been so long I..." Tom says, breaking off into a coughing fit. It takes him a moment to top the fit. You quickly hand him the water, and he gulps it down immediately. "Thank you," he manages to say, and then the coughing starts up again. The next several hours are a blur. What you've learned is a bit strange. He doesn't quite remember everything, but as time goes on things keep coming back to him. He says his friends split up with him just before they got to the circus. He has no idea where they went, just that they told him they'd be right back and dashed off in another direction. He says he fell asleep before they even got to the circus grounds. He doesn't know anything about the circus, except that it was on a massive scale. When you asked him to elaborate on how he fell asleep, he said he just got so exhausted and couldn't stay standing anymore.At some point he starts asking about the language on the page. You tell him as much as you remember and that you think it's some type of ancient language.