A gift from a God

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
2 1929

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Anthousai has just hit level 100, he doesn't really know what that means but however it does mean he gets a special visit from a god. The real questions is, how does he explain this afterwards

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An Egg

Anthousai raises his head, what is that sound? He can both hear something but if he focuses on it, there doesn’t seem to be anything there. He glances around, his friends all asleep in their baskets around him, none of them seem to be disturbed by this apparent sound. He shakes his head and places it firmly back onto his basket, maybe if he ignores it, it will just go away and leave him alone.
No! There it is again! His head shoots up, ears craning trying to locate where that sound is coming from, who it could possibly belong to. It doesn’t sound like trainer, nor does it sound like anyone he knows. If he’s honest it makes his head hurt slightly as he glances around, he can still hear it, it seems to be calling out to him, but why, why him? The voice is still calling, and it suddenly occurs to him that it’s not going to leave him alone until he comes and follows.
So very slowly he climbs up out of his bed, legs feeling slightly heavy, and as he gets to the window he glances out. The sky is a beautiful night, the moon seems so bright tonight, as if it is still daylight out there and it’s not gone midnight. His tail bristles in anticipation, as well as fear if he’s honest, he’s never heard of something like this happening before, though would anyone really talk about it if it did. The sensible part of his brain is telling him to just lay down and ignore it, or wake up the others to make sure that he’s okay; however, the curious side of him just wants to know whatever it is that’s calling out to him. It must be something important if it can call him like this, surely? He comes back to reality, turning his eyes away from the window, glancing again at the bodies of his sleeping friends in the room. The world seems so peaceful right now, even that voice is in his head, it’s nagging but it feels and seems so peaceful.
So he follows the voice, out of the bedroom and down the stairs he only pauses to think again once he’s gotten to the back door, paw pushing the flap that lets them out without their owner having to open the whole door, that is when he stops again for a second. The fear and panic from the day he got lost in the woods runs through his head. What if he gets lost again? His trainer won’t be there to come and save him this time. Which means if he get lost, if he gets stuck then, then… He gives his head a strong shake, thoughts like that will just get him panicky and more likely to get lost then if he just goes. If the voice is capable of leading him to it safely, then he’s sure it can do the same to get him back home again, that is if it does want him to get to them safely. The voice itself doesn’t really seem to be telling himself on the matter, just telling him to come, that he will know the way. So, with a quick glance back, he then dips his head and scarpers out of the flap.
He's not sure for how long he walks, or even where he’s really going, the voice isn’t really telling him where to go, there’s just the voice and he knows where he needs to go. Anthousai has a feeling that tomorrow, tomorrow he will question all of this, but there’s no point in questioning it now. His feet feel unnervingly light, he’s walked far, he knows that, but it doesn’t feel like it, but these woods, they’re not his woods anymore, and he’s honestly not sure when they stopped being his, just that they very clearly have. Anthousai then looks up. And he stops.
He glances around, his location, paws shaking slightly. It’s a far sparser part of the woods, but it’s also, it’s not. The colours seem slightly off and as he breaths, the air feels slightly heavier than it should be, it’s not hard to breath but it’s like he can feel it settle in his lungs.
“W-Where am I?” He speaks for the first time in the night, his ears twitching and craning for noise, of any sign of someone else being there and him not being alone.
“Where you are doesn’t matter right now little one~” The voice seems to come from everywhere but also nowhere at the same time and it lands heavy on Anthousai’s ears. He doesn’t know how to respond, if he’s honest, he doesn’t think that he should respond to the voice. So instead, he just shuffles on his feet a little bit, waiting and almost hoping that the owner of the voice will reveal itself soon and that he really isn’t in any trouble.
“I can see you worrying small one, don’t worry I mean you no harm, in fact I am here to supply you a gift.” As it speaks, Anthousai can feel something brush against his ears, he looks up to try and see what it was, but there’s nothing left. Then he turns to look forward again and he almost jumps out of his skin as he see’s what’s stood in front of him. It takes a couple of seconds for Anthousai to process what, or rather who he is looking at, but then it connects in his head and he has to stop his jaw from dropping.
“Lord Arceus” Is all Anthousai manages to breath out, his eyes widening at the literal god of gods that is stood just in front of him. He’s trying his hardest to not just embarrass himself in front of the god, but he can feel his legs shaking, and he is just trying his hardest to apply enough pressure to them so that the god cannot see them move. What happens next, Anthousai wouldn’t expect, the god actually laughs softly at him.
“You do not need to panic, Anthousai, I simply want you to look after something for me, something special that I am confident that you can take great care of.” It continues, and smiles at the way Anthousai sits up straighter as his name is said.
“I want you to take great care of this egg for me, Anthousai, it is incredibly important but I can assure you that, you can do the task.” It continues, an egg appearing as it speaks, floating softly, “It will be there once you return back home, it should not take long to hatch but I know you shall be a good father to the pokemon that is inside there. Is there anything you wish to say before you go again?” Arceus adds.
Anthousai just sits there, twitching a little bit, stammering as he tries to form some words,
“I- I don’t really know what to say, but thank you my lord, I don’t, I would say I don’t deserve this but you of course know what you’re talking about. But, how do I get back home?” He asks, and suddenly he feels rather exhausted.
“That my dear, is something I can take care of, now take care of yourself, I hope to see you again someday.” Anthousai feels himself become warm, Arceus approaches him, and the next thing he feels is a hoof brushing across the top of his ear, a kind and gentle feeling. Anthousai looks up and makes eye contact with the god, before his vision starts to become blurry, he would panic if he didn’t feel so safe right now in this god’s presence something about it is just, so calming. His eyes flicker close.
Anthousai’s eyes snap open as gentle daylight filters in through the window, his head feels foggy but that imagery, it felt so real but he doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere. He goes to shift in his bed, but then hits something, he glances to his side to see what he hit and his ears drop, in the bed next to him is an egg, the egg from his dream. Well, that proves it doesn’t it, it wasn’t a dream, it was real, he actually, oh boy he actually met Arceus and he gave him an egg. That is one hell of a responsibility he has been given, but he will more then happily accept it. What his next step is however, is how to explain this to everyone else…