A gift from a God

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
2 1929

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Anthousai has just hit level 100, he doesn't really know what that means but however it does mean he gets a special visit from a god. The real questions is, how does he explain this afterwards

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It's Hatching

Anthousai yawns and drops to his stomach, he’s absolutely exhausted. He never thought looking after an egg would take up this much energy, he’s worried that if taking care of this egg is this exhausting, then how bad will it be looking after whoever hatches from it.
He has however been provided some respite, a couple of days after he got the egg, and awkwardly explained it’s origins to his friends someone else came wondering into their life, and Anthousai would be lying if he didn’t say that they were breath taking. His name’s Steven, and much like Goblin, he’s a melanistic hybrid. Steven is the only other member of the group as interested in the egg as Anthousai, and he was absolutely smitten about the fact it came from a god, not only a god but the god of gods.
The two of them have been tag teaming since then, and right now, while he has his feet up, Steven is sorting more stuff out, getting the bed more nest shaped to keep it warm and make sure nothing shifts it or damages it. Anthousai can’t help but watch his every move,
“Are you sure you don’t need any help with that Steven, I know it’s surprisingly heavy.” He calls out as he watches Steven try to tug over the heated blanket, there’s a chill in the air and they’ve both been worried about keeping the egg warm enough.
“Nope, I’ve got this, you keep your feet up.” He manages to say, mouth full of blanket as he starts to tug it backwards. He manages to get it just tucked around before then letting out a gasp.
“What? What’s wrong?” Anthousai asks, scrambling to his feet and over to where Steven is stood. There they both stand and stare at the large crack that has formed before the whole egg then shakes and they glance form the egg to each other.
“It’s time.” They both say at practically the same time, and Anthousai can feel himself get slightly faint. He’s not really sure if he’s ready for this, it really doesn’t feel like it’s been long enough for him to be fully prepared. Steven leans slightly into his side,
“It’s alright Anthu, I’m here to help out when you need me, we can both do this together. Anyway, I’m sure Arceus wouldn’t have done this if he wasn’t sure that you could cope, my dear.” And like that already, Anthousai feels more ready, but then there’s another crack and his heartrate spikes again.