Did Our Relationship Mean Anything to You?

2 years, 1 month ago

After about a month of infecting her, Kiepfri’s host asks a serious question. Written in 2017, edited in 2022.

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Kiepfri stood in the small clearing, looking above at the sky. It had not been long since she had infected “The Child”, as she called them. Only about a month had passed. At first, the soul had fought with all its might. But it had learned quickly. The more it fought, the more it hurt. So they stopped. Kiepfri let out a small sigh. Then, something unexpected happened.

“…Kiepfri, did our relationship mean anything to you?” The child asked. Kiepfri was actually a bit surprised. They never really talked much, mainly because there was nothing to talk about. What were they supposed to say? “Hey, what’s it like having the life force slowly being dragged out of your soul everyday?” Or maybe, “Hey, how does it feel, knowing the one person who accepted you for what you are is slowly dying by your hands?” Not very good conversation starters. Kiepfri was instantly suspicious. She narrowed her eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?” She asked. “It means exactly what I said. Did our relationship mean anything to you?” The child repeated. Kiepfri closed her eye sockets. She remembered the months the child came to see her. The months they played. The times the child would sneak out at night to point out constellations to her, giving Kiepfri the habit of mentally noting constellations when she looked at the sky. The months spent slowly realizing that she didn’t feel anything. She opened her eye sockets again, the colors now brighter than before.

“…No. It meant absolutely nothing to me. I only stuck around so long because I was waiting for the perfect time to strike.”  She said in her same, bored tone she used with everyone who knew her true self. The same tone she used with the child ever since infecting them. The same tone that reminded her that the only ‘emotion’ she could ever feel… was boredom. “Ah.” The child responded. Unlike usual, there was no extra emotion. Just a normal response. Like she expected Kiepfri to say that. They sat in silence for a small while longer. “Kiepfri… I know you don’t care, but…” The child paused. “I just want you to know… that even though you didn’t care about me and only wanted to use me as a host, that you were the best friend I ever had.” Kiepfri remained silent. She just grabbed her messenger bag, put her sunglasses on, and left. Little did the child know, she was thinking… ‘You too.’