An unfinished letter

2 years, 1 month ago
219 2

a letter written to oneself, unfinished and left to rot in a drawer.

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Author's Notes

This is written from the POV of ealdwine. he has written this and then crumpled it up in a drawer. some words are missing... some are smudged... the rest is up to your interpretation my love.

Gazing towards the moon i hum, illuminated. My hand, my only hand, finds perch on the grass i solemnly crush. Am i waiting? Listening? Tuning? Wishing? I do not necessarily know the answer. I am craving. I wish for the crisp coolness the sun does not offer me. That my home, my fur, my...

The moon. She holds me deep inside her chest. I bask in her coolness. The cold, it is not overbearing. It is comforting. It is all i crave, i desire.

There is something... someone... who reminds me of the moon. They are stoic. They are not warm, they do not look warm. Constantly windswept. They.... them... the... the cold i crave it.... they have graced me... i...

I lay down in the grass, feeling the eyes of the moon on my form. She loves me. She does? She does. I hope so. I hope they do too.

The comfort the cold gives me is all i wish for... the cold... i...

The sun beckons me... daring my name. It feels odd in his lips. The warm... suffocating... nothing... pain... i...

...Mother left me here again, warmth the sun has given me nothing anymore to the cool coldness my beloved has shown me. Oh darling moon... my name in your lips.... let me.... i wish so...