
1 year, 11 months ago
543 1

Callisto uses the Jigsaw he stole. On accident.

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Well, here he was, back home, treasure in hand. Or, well, shirt.

A “Jigsaw.”

Callisto shed the more unwieldy parts of his outfit; the cape, pauldrons, and arm guards, and removed the jewelry adorning his horns, and put them all away, before taking the Jigsaw out from its hiding place. It was a curious thing; he liked the way it glowed. It was a nice shade of green. Much nicer than the plain gray it glowed in the box before he took it. Boring color.

He set the Jigsaw down on his dresser so he could remove his corset, as well, and put that away too. He could breathe a bit easier. Not that it was particularly hard with the corset on.

He picked the Jigsaw back up and took it with him as he left his bedroom, retreating to a parlor of sorts, where he sunk into one of the plush chairs that he kept there. After he’d settled in, Pretzel finally left his spot at Callisto’s neck, uncoiling and slithering down to his lap.

Callisto turned the Jigsaw in his hand, continuing to… Well, just stare at it.

“These are supposed to give knowledge, yes…?” He mused, stroking Pretzel’s mane with his free hand. “… Nothing is happening, though. Maybe the Keepers lied about that.”

Hah. That would be funny. If they scammed people out of their hard earned shimmers with these things. It wouldn’t really surprise him either, considering how greedy they are. They don’t need to hoard so much money all for themselves… Still, with as much as they want money, it was a bit surprising that Shop hadn't confronted him about stealing it if she really did see him…

Amidst his anti-capitalist musings, Callisto had removed his hand from Pretzel, and passed the Jigsaw from one hand to the other. More just idly playing with the thing than trying to glean any knowledge from it at this point; he’d given up on that. Though, it had ended up hitting his Seelenhalter…

He absolutely wasn’t expecting the sensory nightmare that came with that.

His vision went fuzzy, then became overpowered with… Colors. All kinds of colors. And his body… It didn’t feel numb. More like the sensation you feel when you stop being numb. He couldn’t recall the name for it, though he wasn’t exactly thinking about much right now.

… And like that, he was… On a rooftop? Sitting on the edge, looking down at a city. It reminded him of Metallict, except… Something was off. And he noticed, he felt strange. The scent of his mist was completely absent.

His legs were wrong, his tail… He couldn’t feel his tail…

… The sight of the city below him was dizzying. If he wasn’t careful he would surely fall.

… And just like that, as quickly as it had started, the vision was over. What the hell kind of “knowledge” was that?! He was still incredibly disoriented. It would be a while until he would dare to try and stand up. Which was annoying because he really wanted a drink. Instead he just scooped Pretzel up and held him close to his chest.

Petting him might help him feel better.