Getting Ready

2 years, 4 months ago

In the Wonderland AU, in which Gailen helps his brother get ready.

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Xord sat on the old couch in their living room as Gailen gently ran a brush through his ebony black hair, meticulously making sure every lock was settled in its right place. //There.// He set the brush down, admiring his work for a moment before he got off the couch, taking Xord's pale hands to help him up. //All neat.// Xord smiled at Gailen's satisfied expression, letting him softly thread a ribbon underneath his collar, tying it neatly, brushing off the baby blue bowtie. He knew how happy it made Gailen to help him and make sure he was clean and proper. He watched as he pulled up his own white blond hair, twisting it into a bun in a few simple motions. He paused for a moment, noticing his bandaged fingertips. //Did you bite your nails again?// He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side. Gailen froze for a moment, before looking over at Xord with a weak smile. //Accident, I promise.// //It's not good for your fingers-// Xord pouted faintly, his brows drawn together. //It's alright-!// Gailen went over to grab both of their coats hurriedly. Xord held up his arms almost automatically as Gailen helped him slide it on, buttoning it like he had hundreds of times before. //I'll do my best not to do it again, okay?// He seemed to contemplate that for a moment, before an easy trusting expression slid over his face. //Okay!// //Now, all ready?// Gailen looked down at him with his sparkling green eyes, and Xord smiled, squishing up his cheeks slightly. //All ready!// Gailen broke out into a smile as well, swiftly giving him a hug before taking his hand in his own gentle grip. //Off to work we go!// Together, both brothers left their small ramshackle house, heading to bright neon lights beyond.