knock knock

1 year, 11 months ago
750 1

Wave delivers a package.

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.wave: hi! I’m in schloss! i’m not sure which

.wave: um

.wave: … palace? is yours

Angel Face: I have an extensive rose garden. It shouldn’t be difficult to miss.

WAVE was delivering… Well, he wasn’t entirely sure, since the box wasn’t see-through, but it wasn’t particularly large. It was probably pretty expensive, though, considering… This guy lives here! In Schloss! Where everyone is royalty!

… Do Regenazians have a concept of royalty?

Whatever. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is finding the right… Palace, among all of the palaces here. The sizes and architectural styles, and colors varied between all of them a fair bit, but man… This “Angel Face” guy could have at least given her so,etching else to go off!

White wings, one with rounded feathers, and the other more choppy, sprouted from the rabbit’s back with a snap of their fingers, and they climbed up a nearby fence before jumping off of it. A sort of head start for their flight. It’s easier to fly when you’re already up in the air. She supposed she could have brought Horse along to make this a little easier, but it looked like it wanted to rest today. Besides, it would probably be easier to find his way from the air, and Horse isn’t very good with flight.

WAVE flitted around above Schloss for a while, getting an aerial view of practically every building in the city, before eventually spotting what was probably the right place. Even from… Actually quite high in the sky, she could tell that there were a lot of rose bushes down there. There also seemed to be… Sprites? It was difficult to tell, from all the way up in the sky, but they were pretty sure they could see some tiny things moving around amongst the rose bushes on the ground.

.wave: hi! i think i’ve found your place!

Angel Face: Oh, good. I was starting to get impatient.

Angel Face: The gate is unlocked.

.wave: 👍

She didn’t really need the gate to be unlocked, considering… Well, you know. But he would feel strange explaining to this perfect stranger that he was about a mile above his residence at the moment. With little regard for how dangerous it would actually be, she dove right out of the sky, nearly landing in the roses, but she stopped her falling and gently fluttered to the ground at the last moment.

The poor Sprites rooting around in “Angel Face’s” garden were spooked regardless. Mostly some noodly dragons, though there were some unicorns, and other whimsical little creatures that had collectively scattered and ran—or flew—away from where WAVE had landed. He guessed he couldn’t blame them, but it still kind of sucked. They wanted to take some pictures of them, maybe. Oh well.

She had made her way over to the front door… It was probably the front door, it was directly across from the previously mentioned unlocked gate, and knocked on it. Once. Twice. A third time conjured a sound of hooves clicking against the floor indoors. WAVE quickly stepped back as the door was opened so as to not get hit with it—it’s happened before, and it hurt—and took his hat off.

Callisto glanced around. Nobody was there. Odd, and annoying, considering he was expecting someone. A quiet chime alerted him to WAVE, who was… Ridiculously small compared to him. No wonder he didn’t notice them. Realms, if he wasn’t careful he could have kicked them and probably killed them by accident…


Callisto was a bit startled at the text box that popped up in front of his face. It disappeared a moment later as WAVE again chimed after pulling a long cardboard box out of her hat. He crouched down to take the box and mumbled, “Um, thank you…”

WAVE made eye contact with the strange dragon situated around the faun’s as Callisto was taking the package. It’s expression was blank. She might be intimidated, but it honestly looked like it didn’t have a single brain cell in it’s little head. … Actually, it isn’t that small compared to WAVE himself, but…

Callisto handed him some sum of shimmers before standing back up, bowing to WAVE, and returning indoors. She couldn’t help but wonder what he had ordered. They wouldn’t be finding out, though, now would they?