Now That We're Alone, Friend

1 year, 11 months ago
650 1

Glade struggles with what it means to be on the right side of a conflict. May Event Prompt [3].

Gold: Word Count (+6) Milestone (+2) Other Character (+1) World Specific (+1) Character Arc (+1) -> 11 (x2 May Event Prompt) = 22 Gold

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When did the lines all blur to gray?

You may never see them.

How can I sleep when you’re awake?

What’s the point in dreaming?

I close my eyes and feel the weight...

... falling from the ceiling.

Glade trotted away from the old mill with a solemn gait, heavy hooves plotting on loose cobblestone. The safehouse was overgrown, but not invisible, if you knew were to look. And Glade knew where to look -- she'd returned after the madness of a dual corruption event to rest at the informal inn, curious to see what her acquaintance Rusalka had to say about the madness that was Ivras' current affairs. After having been rewarded for having a hand in the Ravenous takedown, though she didn't feel she deserved it, and then barely arriving in time to see the Decahedron fall from the sky, she was feeling insecure. Rusalka, though, was always unshakable in her opinions. Glade supposed that level of conviction was inevitable, after what she'd been through. 

"Miriam's rule is ruinous for all mages, and it's clear now more than ever after the beast of the jungle was felled." She'd said firmly, but gently. Glade had balked at that - wasn't it order mages, and witchfinders themselves, who had been the ones to take it down? But no, she was right - just because some were more impactful than others doesn't mean it wasn't a massive group effort, and in this instance, hidden mages fought alongside their hunters, at risk even to their own livelihoods. 

"Her and her 'loyal witchfinders' can take the effort of honest mages - that they hunt - and twist it all they like. She was pulling her forces back as soon as the monster appeared, and is only taking the attention because it didn't have the opportunity to destroy civilian homes or step much past the Sunless Jungle." It was true, in a way - there was no order from Miriam for her legion to pause any of their witchfinder duties to prioritize the hunt, which frustrated Glade. Wouldn't she see, at least, that the greater threat was corruption? A clearly unaffected mage should be allowed to roam about, as long as they weren't hurting anyone. The aggressive roundups were only sowing fear and confusion among the villages. But... if they did catch one mage on the verge or corruption... would that be worth it? But then what was the weight of one justly imprisoned mage, when dozens were rounded up heedlessly, crying out for help? The Order should be making itself a welcoming haven for mages, drawing them in with knowledge and safety, instead of turning itself into a terrible prison. Things used to be so... different.

"If it had left the Sunless Jungle, and if it had reached Namarast, I think her tone would have changed quite drastically. Don't you?" Glade didn't know. She truly didn't, and wasn't terribly keen on speculation, having left shortly after their conversation, but not before wishing Rusalka a fond farewell. The speech and actions of the political types baffled and frustrated her, most days, so she kept her muzzle out of things and tried to do some simple, humble, tangible good. The kind that would help ordinary people. And sometimes... sometimes that ordinary person was a hidden mage, just trying to live a life with their family, away from the prying eyes of the Order. Glade would certainly turn a blind eye to the... legal nuances of that sort of thing, as long as it was just in her own eyes. After all, if the mage hadn't revealed themselves to her specifically, who was she to pry into their personal lives? She'd guide all sorts, from witchfinders, to hidden mages, to common folks just trying to get by in between. 

After all, what was a glade if not a small clearing, a haven among the trees?