
1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
2 1078

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Explicit Violence

Noah's past has always been like a shadow lurking just behind him, but now, it's standing before his very eye.

(This is just a thing for fun and won't be updated frequently!)

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A cold breeze wafted through the open window of the public toilets, causing Bo to shudder slightly. He watched as Noah, his newest adversary, removed his eye patch to reveal a more clinical looking one beneath it. He then removed that too, with an off-putting squelch. Though he tried not to stare, the knowledge that the fresh looking wound on Noah's face was caused by his current roommate made Bo rather curious. He felt strangely guilty as he looked over the scarred, goey, empty eye socket and the torn eyelid hardly covering it. "That... Looks infected." He muttered, the first words spoken since they had entered together after a few punches were thrown. Noah hummed in agreement. "I've been tryna treat it but... Might have to pay a healer." He grumbled in response as he pulled out a new medical patch from his pocket, along with a cotton ball which he wetted in the sink he was standing over. The discarded patch lay on the side of the bowl, much to Bo's discomfort. "There's a bin, dude..." He growled before turning away.

After a few moments of silence as Noah patted his face gently with the wet cotton, Bo took a few steps closer. "Did Val really do that?" He asked in a hushed tone. Noah went still, then dropped the cotton ball on top of the old patch. "Yeah. Don't... Don't hold it against him. I deserved it." He responded, staring into his own remaining eye in the mirror. He seemed disgusted by the image before him. "From what I've heard, yeah, you did." Surprisingly, Bo's reply made Noah chuckle. He mumbled something to himself, too quiet for Bo to hear, as he applied the new medical patch then covered it with the more decorative one. "I'm glad he has you. I know we can't be friends but... You seem nice." Noah spoke quietly, rubbing his neck awkwardly. Bo nodded. "Yeah, we can't be friends. But ah, I'm sorry for going ape on you back there... That wasn't my place." As Bo talked, he noticed a sad look on Noah's face. "And hey, you'll find someone one day. I know you're not a bad guy. You fucked up, but... Yeah." He patted Noah's shoulder, and Noah shot him a weak smile. "Better get back to Val... He's probably pissed, heheh... Maybe we'll meet again, or whatever." And with that, Noah was alone again. After a final sheepish glance from Bo, that is.

The breeze ruffled Noah's hair as he stared down at the sink, holding onto the sides as though letting go would send him plummeting through the floor. Somehow, being told he's not bad only furthers his belief that he is. If not, why did they feel the need to bring it up? He clenched his fists, his fingertips growing cold against the porcelain. The sound of footsteps caught his attention. "What now?" He groaned, turning to the entrance, before feeling a wave of panic rush over him. Standing in the doorway was a tall, older woman with a sophisticated aura about her. She was a catfolk, and bore a striking resemblance to Valentine. Noah took a step backwards, feeling the woman's ice cold gaze piercing his skull. After a short while, she spoke the first words.

"I have come to kill you, Noah."