The Vessel and his Lord

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
2 1215

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

A collection of short stories about a tiefling that lost everything after deceiving the world, getting the two rival kingdoms to team up against him and bringing them peace as a result, and a demon, that the tiefling made a contract with, promising to free him from the anger that wasn't its own, that happen to decided to stick around him, taking interest on this tiefling and his actions and wanting to see how far he would really go.

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Chapter 2

A long-haired tiefling with tired red eyes hovers across a forest, only to quickly get down when he sees movement.

Nop, not them once again. - says a semi-transparent dark figure floating besides him.

...I guess I'll keep looking - says the man with a sigh, his breath unsteady and his vision starting to blur from tiredness.

Come on kid, you've been at this for one week straight, time to take a break. - says the demon, with an annoyed tone.

I can't stop now, they got away because of me I have t- - the tiefling starts to argue, when he is interrupted by the bigger one materializing in front of him making a big black barrier with his bulky body.

Go sleep for a bit - says the demon, slouching over the tielfing, covering him up with his dark shadow.

...Lord Deimos I- 

I said REST - the black figure's voice echos in a terrifying tone and in the next second the tiefling falls unconscious onto the bigger one shoulder that crouches to catch him with his body. 

The demon sighs glaring and the tiefling with a preoccupied look hoovering his hands over the smaller one's body as if he was about to hold him, but stopping suddenly and simply putting the unconscious one's body in the ground next to him and letting him sleep. 

The demon stops for a second looking at the man's body and then staring his own I getting soft..? - the demon clinches his fists with a grin. - Tch, no of course not he's just a stupid mortal - the demon looks again and the unconscious man body, the grin in his face slightly disappearing and a pensive expression setting in.