Pride and Security short stories.

2 years, 2 days ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 2 years, 2 days ago

As the title says short stories of Security and Pride, may feature other characters. These are just drabbles I write while in the mood as these two have infected my brain. A lot of these will probably be inspired by songs. !These will contain spoilers of the Strong hearts are mandatory book series!

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Author's Notes

!Spoilers for Strong hearts are mandatory Straight to video(I think)!

Don't you dare.

Pride watched as the silver tabby cast another spell, Enthusiasm instructing him on how to do it, stopping him. The cat listened to the owl with great interest, nodding to whatever the avian was telling him and attempting the spell again. He grinned at his friend's determination, ever since he introduced Security to Enthusiasm and got them to agree to mentor him he’s been so serious on this. Pride originally thought he’d do a few training sessions, start slacking before declaring it too hard and giving up. The feline had surprised him with his skill and how much effort he was putting in, watching him work filled with Pride with a fuzzy feeling. He watched as Enthusiasm taught Security magic, he felt sadness creep up on him as well as nostalgia. He remembered his old training with his old mentor. Phantascope, the fluffy calico had found him when he snuck into the Clowder city construction, intending to cause a small fire for fun. The large mage had caught him, looking unimpressed with his attempt. Pride at the time thought he was done for, he was for sure not getting out of this one. But when the noble in charge came up to the pair and asked what was happening he had hidden Pride. After that he offered to help train Pride in magic as long as he stopped trying to burn buildings down, or at least calmed down with it. His mentor was the closest thing to family he had, an orphan ever since he was a kitten. He learned magic from the mage later introducing himself by his mage name, Curiosity. He lived with the older mage, he felt like the closest thing he had to a family, to home. He remembered watching the forest Curiosity lived in burn, he stood there watching it hoping that his mentor would eventually come out of the flames alright. He never did, ever since the death of his mentor he was once again out on the streets causing fires, until Enthusiasm found him and introduced him to the Carnivora colony. Even though he’s lived here it hasn’t felt quite as much of home as the forest did…. ‘Until now.’

What? Pride wasn’t sure where that thought came from. Sure he’s lived here for a few seasons now but it hasn’t felt this good until recently. As he wondered what the comforting feeling was his eyes once again landed on Security. He was talking with Enthusiasm it seems he’s finished his training for the day. Security was getting close to finishing his training, soon he’d get his mage title and would leave the colony, leave Pride. That thought hurt the calico more than he thought it would. Security felt like home, he’s brought the most comfort to Pride since the death of his mentor. He thought of what life would be like after the silver tabby left and went back home. He’d be on his own again, he knew Enthusiasm yes but he could tell the owl was uncomfortable around him. Security was the first cat to ask him not to laugh because it scared them, the first person to not yell at him for the choices he made. He laid his head on his paws as he watched Enthusiasm and Security go their separate ways. As Security trotted off he heard him vaguely calling his name. He felt his heart leap, he wanted to see Pride. He finished training that probably left him exhausted and instead of pushing Pride away because he was too tired was looking for him. Pride wanted to leap up from his spot and run up to Security, to snuggle into him. He wanted to cuddle Security until they fell asleep together, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Security. He shot up at that last thought, what was that? He shook his head to clear his thoughts, did he really want that with Security? He never wanted to spend his life with anyone before, even with Curiosity he never planned to stay with him forever but Security was different. Security was a warmth in Pride’s life. He was something that Pride loved to have with him. He was someone Pride loved. He blinked again and noticed Security had disappeared, most likely moving on from the area to look for him. He went back to his thoughts again, did he really love Security? The silver tabby was almost finishing his training, he’d be gone soon out of Pride’s life the calico doubted he’d see him again. Afterall Security was a noble, Pride was a wanted criminal. How could they be together? He knew he wouldn’t ever get the chance to be with Security; he couldn't dare fall in love with him. Still, he felt it was too late for that. He would try to snip the feelings at the bud but he already knew it was too late, he was in head first. Security snuck up on him and made him fall in love with him before he could ever realize. He couldn’t fight them off now, and he didn’t really want to. What was he going to do once he left though? He would never be able to go with him.

“Pride?” A voice called, it was Security. He had gotten closer since he last saw him. He didn’t realize he was still looking. He debated getting down from his spot, going up and greeting Security with a purr. As he could hear Security’s steps grow closer and smell his scent, he could feel the fuzzy feeling come into him again. The feline finally entered his vision and looked to Pride.

“There you are! I was looking for you.” He had an annoyed look on his face, but Pride knew better. As Security walked up to him ranting about how long it took him to find him and how he should’ve just come out of hiding, Pride knew it was true.

He had fallen in love.

Author's Notes

Wrote this while listening to the song Don't you dare (make me fall in love with you) on loop. Inspired by that song.