Pride and Security short stories.

2 years, 2 days ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

As the title says short stories of Security and Pride, may feature other characters. These are just drabbles I write while in the mood as these two have infected my brain. A lot of these will probably be inspired by songs. !These will contain spoilers of the Strong hearts are mandatory book series!

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A dilute calico cat stood on a rock above a river. The rock was amongst many creating a wall on the river, a drop in the river making a miniature waterfall. The calico grinned up at the trees and the night sky. Amusement dancing in her gaze.

“Mischief, you idiot come down here.” She laughed. A large red figure flew down, landing on the other side of the river before her, that water rushing between their legs and flowing down the waterfall. The bearded vulture, regarded as Mischief stared down at the calico playfully.

“Confidence,” He purred, as well as a vulture could purr anyways. “Nothing ever goes unnoticed by you, does it?” He chuckled. The calico, Confidence, laughed. She stepped further into the river, taking a moment to get a good footing on the slippery rocks and rushing water.

“It’s hard not to notice the big red bird in the sky I’m afraid.” She purred, tail swishing happily. Green eyes met yellow, as they both moved forward meeting in the middle. Mischief and Confidence stared into each other's eyes. Love seemed to be radiating from the duo, as they stood close to each other.

“Our kits,” Confidence purred. “What should we name them?” She said head tilting. Mischief seemed to brighten up at the mention of kits.

“Well that’s a good question isn’t it?” The two then walked out of the river and off into the distance together, chatting happily about kittens and how they were going to raise them.


Ambition let out an oof as he was tackled into the river. He quickly stood up and shook out his fur, looking at his cackling mate.

“Pride!” He hissed, “I’m soaking wet now!” He yowled. Pride however, didn’t seem to have any sympathy as he just kept laughing. With a growl Ambition lunged at Pride, the calico not expecting the attack, just widened his eyes as the silver tabby knocked into him. He was knocked over and landed on a wall of rocks, creating a miniature waterfall in the river. Ambition huffed as Pride stood back up grinning at him.

“Wow Ambition! I had no idea you had it in you!” He cooed at his mate. Ambition gave a look at Pride before smirking.

“Not my fault you don’t have the spatial awareness to notice attacks.” He responded, jumping in front of Pride, now also standing on the waterfall. The two grinned at each other as they stood on the slippery rock wall together. Ambition finally looked away and surveyed the area around them.

“How did we even get this far out?” He asked, concerned now. “This doesn’t seem to be anywhere near where Enthusiasm dropped you off.” He said , looking at the trees above them. Pride blinked and looked around them as well.

“I’m not sure, I guess we were so busy walking together that we didn’t notice how far we went.” He said, Ambition scowled. Remembering the pleasant walk they were having until Pride decided to tackle him into the river. He swiped out at Pride, who dodged his attack with a grin. Ambition rolled his eyes and turned away from Pride, looking into the distance. He saw something that surprised him, the woodland past them looked newer, fresher then the forest around them currently. It looked like it just started growing.

“What happened there?” He asked, Pride seemed to know more about this area then he did so he assumed he’d know more. Pride shrugged.

“Enthusiasm just told me the woodland had been dead there, a little time after I was born it seemed to heal and start springing back to life though.” He thought for a second. “Enthusiasm actually said they found me near here.” He said looking back at the newer woodland. Ambition remembered Pride mentioning how Enthusiasm found him as a kitten, Enthusiasm watched over Pride until he was about 2 seasons and then they went their separate ways. Ambition grinned back at Pride.

“Wow, it came back after you were born? Aren’t you a little miracle.” He grinned at the calico. The taller cat threw his head back and laughed at that. He then grinned down at the silver tabby.

“I mean I’d have to be a miracle to deal with you.” He smirked, Ambition’s eyes widened.

“You!” He yowled and jumped at Pride. The calico turned away laughing, and ran off. Ambition chased after him. The two quickly leaving the waterfall.

Author's Notes

Inspired by Rule#13 waterfall by fish in a birdcage.