stay like this forever

1 year, 11 months ago
846 1

The night outside Honeycomb’s room is cold, which is why he’s turned up the heating and is now cuddled up next to Den under a blanket. The lights are off, but he’s turned on the fairy lights that are strung across the room. Den’s turned a few of the lights pink, and Honeycomb can’t stop looking at the way the pastel lights reflect off his face.

thumbnail art by starsailor

also i wrote this years ago so keep that in mind lol

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The night outside Honeycomb’s room is cold, which is why he’s turned up the heating and is now cuddled up next to Den under a blanket. The lights are off, but he’s turned on the fairy lights that are strung across the room. Den’s turned a few of the lights pink, and Honeycomb can’t stop looking at the way the pastel lights reflect off his face. He’s nestled in Honeycomb’s lap, playing Pokémon on his switch. Honeycomb wants to be here forever, which is why his mind starts wandering to when Den has to leave, and where he’ll be going.

“Hey,” he says gently. Den turns, smiling up at him. “I know you don’t have to go yet, but when you do… stay safe out there.”

Den looks at him, still smiling, and raises an eyebrow. He’s cute when he’s confused, Honeycomb thinks. He’s cute when he’s most things.

“I worry about you,” Honeycomb says, smiling back to make sure he isn’t coming off as too worried. Honeycomb didn’t expect to discover magic and aliens existed, and he definitely didn’t expect to discover it by becoming the boyfriend of a magical spacefaring adventurer. It’s weird, having cute mundane dates like going on picnics, and knowing that the next day your boyfriend will be exploring an unknown magical planet. “It’s hard knowing that my boyfriend going home means going to a magical spaceship and preparing for a dangerous adventure the next day.”

Den catches on. “I’ll be fine,” he says. “I can hold my own.” He definitely doesn’t look the type to be able to defend himself, with a total height of 5’2” and a general softness about him. Honeycomb knows better. “Besides, I have the rest of the team with me. Aria will be there.”

Honeycomb groans and smiles. “It’s Aria I’m worried about. She may be able to defend you all, but she’s also not going to shy away from danger.”

Den considers this. He has a point. “And London, and Violet-”

“It’s not exactly comforting to know my boyfriend’s adventuring squad needs someone with cosmic life powers to keep them alive.” Honeycomb’s being light, but he’s reminded that Violet has literally had to use her powers to bring Aria back from the dead (or almost-dead). “Listen, I know you guys are capable. But I’m your normal, mundane boyfriend. I have to worry about you. You’re out there exploring the unknown and fighting all the things that try to fight you. I want you to be safe.”

Honeycomb’s searching for more words to express his concern when Den leans in and kisses him. Honeycomb’s eyes widen, then he closes them and eases into his boyfriend’s embrace, as Den pushes himself up and wraps his arms around Honeycomb. His mouth on Honeycomb’s is maybe the best sensation in the world. Honeycomb can tell Den just put on chapstick a few minutes ago. The strawberry one that he often smells like. Honeycomb wants that smell forever.

Eventually, Den slowly leans back. He’s sitting on Honeycomb, having pushed himself up all the way, facing him. He’s turned all of the fairy lights a bright pink. Honeycomb feels himself blush as he looks up at his boyfriend. He could count all of the freckles on his face. Honeycomb’s heart is racing as fast as the first time he saw Den, that one day at the beach. He doesn’t have to try and look casual this time, though. He lets himself marvel at Den’s beauty.

Den’s smooth smile transforms into one of his wide smiles as he sees the expression of Honeycomb’s face. He looks down and blushes, then sits up and resumes his confident expression. He snaps his fingers, and the lights go from pink to blue to pastel yellow, and soon Den is aglow under a shifting rainbow of light. “See? I know you worry, but… I was made for this.” The lights go back to pink. “And I can facetime you tomorrow. So you can see I’m okay.”

Honeycomb smiles. London’s figured out how to enchant Den’s phone so it works on planets with no satellites, and it results in the occasional static and weird glitches, but it’s not too bad, and Honeycomb gets to talk to Den.

“And maybe soon, I could take you with me. A date on another planet,” Den says, getting excited.

“I’d like that a lot,” Honeycomb says, his voice soft.

“And… I don’t have to go anywhere yet,” Den says. He reaches for Honeycomb just as Honeycomb wraps an arm around him, pulling him to his chest. Den looks up, and kisses Honeycomb lightly, before settling into him, leaning his head against his shoulder. Honeycomb wraps one arm around him and uses the other to play with his hair. He could stay like this forever.