History and orbs of Dysphoria

2 years, 2 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
6 2010

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

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Music orb & wax orb


A orb for the music to flow, pretty funky neat place. Its a civilized place with a slight futuristic technology.

Mostly populated by birdfolk and warforged, this place is the best place for musical talents that desire to make their way into the industry.

Arcade places are pretty common, as public rap battles and dancing shows.

Everyone in here is compelled to move along the rythm thanks to the inner music of the place, constantly playing.

A recognised animation studio works hard to deliver quality content for the rest of the orbs, its The Midnight Mutiny show, a popular show that you might stumble with in your adventures.

[You guys are currently stated as dead in this place]

The music orb counts with a satellite as the red orb did, it consists in a black and white place where everything is 2d. Everything is shaped in an old cartoony style and swing is heard and played constantly. As the orb the satellite orbitate, you are compelled to move rythmically with the music.



An orb cursed by a terrible vengeful god. It once was a thriving colorful high tech civilisation, however it wass left to decay.

The place is currently destroyed as the orb melted after your arrival.  Its gem stays lost in the arid dreadful deserts.

Before your arival, population and even dragons have been turned into amorphous like wax creatures as the rest of the place. The wax engulfs the victims, dooming them to its own fate itself.

Some lesser gods tried to stop the vengeful godess, however they were trapped into scrolls, sealed their powers within.

Those scrolls contain information of the background of this place:

1- Turn on the lights, light the candlesticks because god has chosen our city.
A great city indeed, the city of wonders. No pain nor death isolates this place. Light must prevail. Always.
Peaceful times await ahead. Divinity is our lighthouse and we shall follow its trail.

2- The big serpent ascended into the terrenal plane and shattered the lands. The great city, its technology... the eternity... it must prevail... over the light.
Turn off the lights, drop the candlesticks because god has abandoned us. We must solve this, we must sacrifice.

3-The city has risen into the skies over the unbearable desert, but at what cost? Rivers of blood make this city stink like the vultures we became. We needed the light, we needed god. Both have left and there is only death with us. What will become of this place? None of us know. Light the candle and see the how it smelts before we fade away.

4- It hurts. Let at least our souls take rest. God has punished us. Was it worth it? Were we eternal? Can we really defy god? I don't know, none of us do. All we can do is leave a brooding wail as we forget who and what we were. Turn on the lights once again, leave us to melt.  

Long short story- 

When orbs weren't a thing they were cool and chill, however an upper god separated the land and wrecked it so their solution was to encapsule the kingdom into an orb with a gem. 

Gems are made with a God's soul, so they encapsulated partially their goddess of light.

They also resourcedto sacrifices as they needed blood to keep the extra ascension in their orb

She managed to halfly scape and released a deadly curse into the lands, everything and everyone would be covered with wax. 

So everything went wreck.

Now enjoy flipping off the godess of light herself.