Dusk | Akatsuki no Yona [1]

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
9 21287

Chapter 8
Published 5 years, 8 months ago

For many years it has been known that when a princess has twins, one of them is to either be given up or executed. It was seen as a bad omen for their to be two children born at the same time.

One princess, however, decided to keep her other child, her king who loved her unconditionally agreed to this, not wanting any of his own children to be taken away from him.

It was on that fateful day, that the laws of men were to be changed, and a warrior was born.

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Chapter 8

The trio, Amaya, Hak, and Yona, were all treading through the deep forest. Hak was in the lead, guiding the sisters to an unknown location. Amaya found it incredibly difficult to keep up with his brisk pace, constantly having to push herself just to keep him in her line of sight. She’s never really gotten the chance to do anything related to exercising which has given her a major disadvantage. Yona, however, was even slower than her sister, staggering with each step that she took. It was very clear that she was going to collapse at any moment, but she tried her best to brace through it and continue walking.

Sadly, it didn’t seem to be enough as she suddenly collapsed to the ground, falling on all fours. She was extremely exhausted after all of the walking she’d had to do. Hak turned, hearing Yona and ran back over to her. Amaya had also moved over to her sister and was kneeling beside her, rubbing her back. Hak did the same thing.

“Shall we rest for a while?” Hak asks gently, which was a rare tone for someone like Hak, but it just went to show how much he truly does care about Yona. Amaya smiles softly as she thinks about it.

A sharp glimmer catches Amaya’s attention, turning to see what it was she noticed Yona slipping something back into her cloak. Her brows furrow as she realizes what it had been. It was the hair brooch that Soo-Won had given to Yona on their birthday. Clearly, she didn’t want to let it go just yet. Amaya couldn’t blame her for that.

Hak gently takes Yona’s arm, pulling he up before assisting her over towards a tree, so that she could lean against it. Yona pushed her hood back and lent back tiredly, her eyes falling shut almost instantly. Hak sighed softly before situating himself right beside her, while Amaya chose to rest against a tree across from the two of them. She would hate to ruin the moment.

Not to long after that, Amaya hears a rustling and bolts up. She hadn’t even realized that she had fallen asleep. She quickly notices that it was Hak who had made the noise. He raised his pointer finger to his lips. “Shhh, I’m just going to get some water. Watch your sister.” He explains, waiting for Amaya to nod before he left.

Amaya sighed, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to keep herself distracted. She didn’t have to do that for too long before Yona gasped, bolting upright and panting heavily, scanning her eyes around the area. Amaya got up, rushing over to her sister just as she had begun hyperventilating. She wraps her arms around her sister, cradling her head to her chest.

“It’s okay, Yona. I’m here.” Amaya cooed softly into her ear in an attempt to calm her sister down. Yona nods, managing to relax a little and then wraps her own arms around her.

The two girls were startled by the sudden rustling of bushes, the two of them briskly turning their heads to the direction it had come from. A sigh of relief escapes Amaya as she spots Hak. “I’m sorry. I went to get some water.” He apologizes to Yona, as Amaya had known where he was. There was a sharp intake of breath beside her and Amaya turned back to her sister just in time to see her break down in tears. Amaya pulled her back to her, stroking her hair softly as she hummed a small tune.


Amaya and Yona were currently huddled together next to a river. Hak was next to them, cooking some fish that he had managed to catch earlier. Amaya had offered to help him, but he insisted on doing it on his own. She didn’t really see what the big deal was about it, she simply wanted to learn some new skills. Catching fish would come in handy from time to time.

There were three fish that he had manage to catch, all of them were pierced with a stick and placed next to a fire so that they could be cooked. Hak picked one of them up before holding it in front of Yona, offering it to her. She didn’t even acknowledge it though, simply staring into the fire as if she was in a trance. Amaya sighed at her non-response and picked up her own food, taking a small bite as she wasn’t exactly hungry, but she knew that she had to eat something.

“You should eat something.” Hak insisted. “From here on, I don’t know if we’ll be able to secure food.” Still, Yona didn’t make a move, merely blinking. It was clear that she was becoming weaker as time went by.

After Hak and Amaya had both finished eating their fish, Amaya decided that it would be a good idea for her and Yona to take a bath in a small creek nearby. To her surprise, it didn’t take much for Yona to get up, a simple nudge and a few words was all it took. Once the two of them were out of Hak’s sight, they both disrobed quickly before slowly entering the water. It was rather relaxing. Not the same as the tub that Amaya would bathe in at the castle, but still enjoyable.

Amaya dunked her head under the water, that being the only real way for her to wash her hair as she didn’t have any products with her. Once she was finished she swam over to her sister, who was still silent.

“I’m just going to wash your hair, alright Yona?” Cupping some water in her hands she lifted them above Yona’s head, before letting the water wash over her hair. She repeated that process a few more times. Amaya tugged on her sister’s arm, guiding her out of the water as there was nothing more for them to do.

Yona glanced down at her body and let out a small shriek, causing Amaya to jump in fright at the sudden yell. Glancing down she saw that there was a bunch of small black things on her legs. She had no idea what they were.

Hak appeared seconds later, asking the girls what was wrong, not caring that the two of them were naked.

“What are these?” Yona mumbles, her voice frail as she hadn’t spoken for a few days.

“They’re leeches.” Hak explains as he kneels down in front of the girls, reaching out to pick the small creatures off their skin. Amaya winced as she felt a small stinging sensation as they let go. “They live in lakes and swamps, and they suck yours blood.” Amaya’s eyes widen at his words, memories of what had happened not too long ago flashing in her mind. Yona was also affected. “Blood…” Yona whispers.

Hak looks up at the girls, his eyes softening as he shows them a small smile. “They won’t kill you.” He reassures them, and they girls both visibly let out a small sigh.

Suddenly Amaya had realized that she was completely naked, alongside Yona, and she flicked Hak on the forehead. “You can leave now, you pervert.”

Hak seems to also realize their state of dress, or rather lack of, and quickly stands up, placing the girl’s clothes on the ground in front of them before running off. Yona was utterly clueless as to what had just happened, her brows furrowed in confusion. “I’ll leave your clothes here. Once we gather our belongings, we’ll leave.” He says over his shoulder.

The two of them get dressed as quickly as they can, before making their way back over to Hak. The three of them double check to make sure they have everything before they begin walking once again.


“We’ll rest here for today.” Hak announces. Amaya let out a small sigh in relief as she plops down to the ground. Yona does the same but in a more graceful manner, the two of them making themselves as comfortable as they possibly can.

Yona suddenly gasps, startling Amaya who had closed her eyes for a moment to rest. Yona frantically glanced around the area surrounding her, her hands checking her clothes as though she had lost something. Amaya was confused for a moment before she realized what it must’ve been. The hair brooch.

“What’s wrong? Did you lose something?” Hak asked her although judging by the look in his eyes he already had a feeling about what it was. After a few second Yona stood up nimbly, causing Amaya and Hak to look at her in slight confusion. “Where are you going?” Hak asks curiously.

“I’m… I’m just… I’ll be right back.” Yona stumbles over her words, before she runs off.

Amaya glances over in Hak’s direction, seeing him staring after her rather intensely. Amaya sighs loudly, causing Hak to look at her. “Just go after her, would you? I’ll be fine here.” Hak nods before getting up and walking off in the direction that Yona had headed. Releasing a small huff, Amaya smiled softly.

Not too long after, Hak came bolting out of the forest with Yona cradled in his arms, startling Amaya. “What on earth happened?” Amaya exclaims as he places Yona on the ground before bending down to tend to the wound on his leg that Amaya had only just noticed.

Amaya glanced over to her sister, kneeling down beside her as she assessed her for any injuries of her own. “Are you alright?” Yona nods slowly before sending a small smile her way.

Yona then looks to the ground, her eyes narrowing in sadness. “Hak, I’m sorry- “

“Is this what you were looking for?” Hak cuts in, pulling out Yona’s brooch from his pocket, holding it up in front of her. She gasps slightly before reaching out to grab it from his hands. Hak stares at her confidently. “I can’t forgive Soo-Won. But more than that, I want you to live.”

“That was rather forward of you.”

As soon as the words left Amaya’s mouth, Hak immediately started throwing a barrage of small stones in her direction. Clearly, he didn’t appreciate her comment at that very moment. Amaya raised her arms to cover her face from the stones, chuckling at his attempts to make her be quiet.

“I hope you realize that won’t stop me.” She says, a smirk dawning on her face.

“Just be quiet.”

Amaya giggles, wrapping her arm around Yona’s shoulder as she rests her head against the rock behind her. It wasn’t too long before she ended up falling asleep.


The gentle sounds of birds chirping were what managed to wake Amaya up. She stretched her arms above her head, moving her head side to side as her muscles were quite stiff after sleeping on the ground for so long. Hearing movements from beside her she sees that Yona was just waking up as well. She looks around slowly before her eyes land on her sister, giving her a soft smile and Amaya’s does the same in return.

Yona looked over towards Hak, or more specifically, the wound on his leg from the night before. She reached out to touch it before Hak grabbed her hand, stopping her. “It’s fine.” The girls jumped, not realizing that he had actually been awake. Hak opened his eyes, glancing over to Yona. “A little snake bite isn’t going to stop General Hak.” he states before standing up.

Yona jumps up after him while Amaya takes her time getting up, her back still in a bit of pain after the odd position she had slept in. “Um, Hak?” Yona asks hesitantly.


“Couldn’t we head into some village for some food and medicine?” Amaya nods, agreeing with her sister.

Hak glanced between the two girls before he responded. “Villages are dangerous. Even if the villagers don’t recognize us, castle soldiers could be anywhere.”

“Then, where are we heading?” Amaya asks with confusion lacing her tone.

Hak looks down towards the ground, his eyes narrowing. “Probably the only place we can count on now. Capital Fuuga, my hometown.”


Next chapter should be up in a few days, hope you guys enjoy this one for now!

The trio, Amaya, Hak, and Yona, were all treading through the deep forest. Hak was in the lead, guiding the sisters to an unknown location. Amaya found it incredibly difficult to keep up with his brisk pace, constantly having to push herself just to keep him in her line of sight. She’s never really gotten the chance to do anything related to exercising which has given her a major disadvantage. Yona, however, was even slower than her sister, staggering with each step that she took. It was very clear that she was going to collapse at any moment, but she tried her best to brace through it and continue walking.

Sadly, it didn’t seem to be enough as she suddenly collapsed to the ground, falling on all fours. She was extremely exhausted after all of the walking she’d had to do. Hak turned, hearing Yona and ran back over to her. Amaya had also moved over to her sister and was kneeling beside her, rubbing her back. Hak did the same thing.

“Shall we rest for a while?” Hak asks gently, which was a rare tone for someone like Hak, but it just went to show how much he truly does care about Yona. Amaya smiles softly as she thinks about it.

A sharp glimmer catches Amaya’s attention, turning to see what it was she noticed Yona slipping something back into her cloak. Her brows furrow as she realizes what it had been. It was the hair brooch that Soo-Won had given to Yona on their birthday. Clearly, she didn’t want to let it go just yet. Amaya couldn’t blame her for that.

Hak gently takes Yona’s arm, pulling he up before assisting her over towards a tree, so that she could lean against it. Yona pushed her hood back and lent back tiredly, her eyes falling shut almost instantly. Hak sighed softly before situating himself right beside her, while Amaya chose to rest against a tree across from the two of them. She would hate to ruin the moment.

Not to long after that, Amaya hears a rustling and bolts up. She hadn’t even realized that she had fallen asleep. She quickly notices that it was Hak who had made the noise. He raised his pointer finger to his lips. “Shhh, I’m just going to get some water. Watch your sister.” He explains, waiting for Amaya to nod before he left.

Amaya sighed, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to keep herself distracted. She didn’t have to do that for too long before Yona gasped, bolting upright and panting heavily, scanning her eyes around the area. Amaya got up, rushing over to her sister just as she had begun hyperventilating. She wraps her arms around her sister, cradling her head to her chest.

“It’s okay, Yona. I’m here.” Amaya cooed softly into her ear in an attempt to calm her sister down. Yona nods, managing to relax a little and then wraps her own arms around her.

The two girls were startled by the sudden rustling of bushes, the two of them briskly turning their heads to the direction it had come from. A sigh of relief escapes Amaya as she spots Hak. “I’m sorry. I went to get some water.” He apologizes to Yona, as Amaya had known where he was. There was a sharp intake of breath beside her and Amaya turned back to her sister just in time to see her break down in tears. Amaya pulled her back to her, stroking her hair softly as she hummed a small tune.


Amaya and Yona were currently huddled together next to a river. Hak was next to them, cooking some fish that he had managed to catch earlier. Amaya had offered to help him, but he insisted on doing it on his own. She didn’t really see what the big deal was about it, she simply wanted to learn some new skills. Catching fish would come in handy from time to time.

There were three fish that he had manage to catch, all of them were pierced with a stick and placed next to a fire so that they could be cooked. Hak picked one of them up before holding it in front of Yona, offering it to her. She didn’t even acknowledge it though, simply staring into the fire as if she was in a trance. Amaya sighed at her non-response and picked up her own food, taking a small bite as she wasn’t exactly hungry, but she knew that she had to eat something.

“You should eat something.” Hak insisted. “From here on, I don’t know if we’ll be able to secure food.” Still, Yona didn’t make a move, merely blinking. It was clear that she was becoming weaker as time went by.

After Hak and Amaya had both finished eating their fish, Amaya decided that it would be a good idea for her and Yona to take a bath in a small creek nearby. To her surprise, it didn’t take much for Yona to get up, a simple nudge and a few words was all it took. Once the two of them were out of Hak’s sight, they both disrobed quickly before slowly entering the water. It was rather relaxing. Not the same as the tub that Amaya would bathe in at the castle, but still enjoyable.

Amaya dunked her head under the water, that being the only real way for her to wash her hair as she didn’t have any products with her. Once she was finished she swam over to her sister, who was still silent.

“I’m just going to wash your hair, alright Yona?” Cupping some water in her hands she lifted them above Yona’s head, before letting the water wash over her hair. She repeated that process a few more times. Amaya tugged on her sister’s arm, guiding her out of the water as there was nothing more for them to do.

Yona glanced down at her body and let out a small shriek, causing Amaya to jump in fright at the sudden yell. Glancing down she saw that there was a bunch of small black things on her legs. She had no idea what they were.

Hak appeared seconds later, asking the girls what was wrong, not caring that the two of them were naked.

“What are these?” Yona mumbles, her voice frail as she hadn’t spoken for a few days.

“They’re leeches.” Hak explains as he kneels down in front of the girls, reaching out to pick the small creatures off their skin. Amaya winced as she felt a small stinging sensation as they let go. “They live in lakes and swamps, and they suck yours blood.” Amaya’s eyes widen at his words, memories of what had happened not too long ago flashing in her mind. Yona was also affected. “Blood…” Yona whispers.

Hak looks up at the girls, his eyes softening as he shows them a small smile. “They won’t kill you.” He reassures them, and they girls both visibly let out a small sigh.

Suddenly Amaya had realized that she was completely naked, alongside Yona, and she flicked Hak on the forehead. “You can leave now, you pervert.”

Hak seems to also realize their state of dress, or rather lack of, and quickly stands up, placing the girl’s clothes on the ground in front of them before running off. Yona was utterly clueless as to what had just happened, her brows furrowed in confusion. “I’ll leave your clothes here. Once we gather our belongings, we’ll leave.” He says over his shoulder.

The two of them get dressed as quickly as they can, before making their way back over to Hak. The three of them double check to make sure they have everything before they begin walking once again.


“We’ll rest here for today.” Hak announces. Amaya let out a small sigh in relief as she plops down to the ground. Yona does the same but in a more graceful manner, the two of them making themselves as comfortable as they possibly can.

Yona suddenly gasps, startling Amaya who had closed her eyes for a moment to rest. Yona frantically glanced around the area surrounding her, her hands checking her clothes as though she had lost something. Amaya was confused for a moment before she realized what it must’ve been. The hair brooch.

“What’s wrong? Did you lose something?” Hak asked her although judging by the look in his eyes he already had a feeling about what it was. After a few second Yona stood up nimbly, causing Amaya and Hak to look at her in slight confusion. “Where are you going?” Hak asks curiously.

“I’m… I’m just… I’ll be right back.” Yona stumbles over her words, before she runs off.

Amaya glances over in Hak’s direction, seeing him staring after her rather intensely. Amaya sighs loudly, causing Hak to look at her. “Just go after her, would you? I’ll be fine here.” Hak nods before getting up and walking off in the direction that Yona had headed. Releasing a small huff, Amaya smiled softly.

Not too long after, Hak came bolting out of the forest with Yona cradled in his arms, startling Amaya. “What on earth happened?” Amaya exclaims as he places Yona on the ground before bending down to tend to the wound on his leg that Amaya had only just noticed.

Amaya glanced over to her sister, kneeling down beside her as she assessed her for any injuries of her own. “Are you alright?” Yona nods slowly before sending a small smile her way.

Yona then looks to the ground, her eyes narrowing in sadness. “Hak, I’m sorry- “

“Is this what you were looking for?” Hak cuts in, pulling out Yona’s brooch from his pocket, holding it up in front of her. She gasps slightly before reaching out to grab it from his hands. Hak stares at her confidently. “I can’t forgive Soo-Won. But more than that, I want you to live.”

“That was rather forward of you.”

As soon as the words left Amaya’s mouth, Hak immediately started throwing a barrage of small stones in her direction. Clearly, he didn’t appreciate her comment at that very moment. Amaya raised her arms to cover her face from the stones, chuckling at his attempts to make her be quiet.

“I hope you realize that won’t stop me.” She says, a smirk dawning on her face.

“Just be quiet.”

Amaya giggles, wrapping her arm around Yona’s shoulder as she rests her head against the rock behind her. It wasn’t too long before she ended up falling asleep.


The gentle sounds of birds chirping were what managed to wake Amaya up. She stretched her arms above her head, moving her head side to side as her muscles were quite stiff after sleeping on the ground for so long. Hearing movements from beside her she sees that Yona was just waking up as well. She looks around slowly before her eyes land on her sister, giving her a soft smile and Amaya’s does the same in return.

Yona looked over towards Hak, or more specifically, the wound on his leg from the night before. She reached out to touch it before Hak grabbed her hand, stopping her. “It’s fine.” The girls jumped, not realizing that he had actually been awake. Hak opened his eyes, glancing over to Yona. “A little snake bite isn’t going to stop General Hak.” he states before standing up.

Yona jumps up after him while Amaya takes her time getting up, her back still in a bit of pain after the odd position she had slept in. “Um, Hak?” Yona asks hesitantly.


“Couldn’t we head into some village for some food and medicine?” Amaya nods, agreeing with her sister.

Hak glanced between the two girls before he responded. “Villages are dangerous. Even if the villagers don’t recognize us, castle soldiers could be anywhere.”

“Then, where are we heading?” Amaya asks with confusion lacing her tone.

Hak looks down towards the ground, his eyes narrowing. “Probably the only place we can count on now. Capital Fuuga, my hometown.”


Next chapter should be up in a few days, hope you guys enjoy this one for now!

The trio, Amaya, Hak, and Yona, were all treading through the deep forest. Hak was in the lead, guiding the sisters to an unknown location. Amaya found it incredibly difficult to keep up with his brisk pace, constantly having to push herself just to keep him in her line of sight. She’s never really gotten the chance to do anything related to exercising which has given her a major disadvantage. Yona, however, was even slower than her sister, staggering with each step that she took. It was very clear that she was going to collapse at any moment, but she tried her best to brace through it and continue walking.

Sadly, it didn’t seem to be enough as she suddenly collapsed to the ground, falling on all fours. She was extremely exhausted after all of the walking she’d had to do. Hak turned, hearing Yona and ran back over to her. Amaya had also moved over to her sister and was kneeling beside her, rubbing her back. Hak did the same thing.

“Shall we rest for a while?” Hak asks gently, which was a rare tone for someone like Hak, but it just went to show how much he truly does care about Yona. Amaya smiles softly as she thinks about it.

A sharp glimmer catches Amaya’s attention, turning to see what it was she noticed Yona slipping something back into her cloak. Her brows furrow as she realizes what it had been. It was the hair brooch that Soo-Won had given to Yona on their birthday. Clearly, she didn’t want to let it go just yet. Amaya couldn’t blame her for that.

Hak gently takes Yona’s arm, pulling he up before assisting her over towards a tree, so that she could lean against it. Yona pushed her hood back and lent back tiredly, her eyes falling shut almost instantly. Hak sighed softly before situating himself right beside her, while Amaya chose to rest against a tree across from the two of them. She would hate to ruin the moment.

Not to long after that, Amaya hears a rustling and bolts up. She hadn’t even realized that she had fallen asleep. She quickly notices that it was Hak who had made the noise. He raised his pointer finger to his lips. “Shhh, I’m just going to get some water. Watch your sister.” He explains, waiting for Amaya to nod before he left.

Amaya sighed, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to keep herself distracted. She didn’t have to do that for too long before Yona gasped, bolting upright and panting heavily, scanning her eyes around the area. Amaya got up, rushing over to her sister just as she had begun hyperventilating. She wraps her arms around her sister, cradling her head to her chest.

“It’s okay, Yona. I’m here.” Amaya cooed softly into her ear in an attempt to calm her sister down. Yona nods, managing to relax a little and then wraps her own arms around her.

The two girls were startled by the sudden rustling of bushes, the two of them briskly turning their heads to the direction it had come from. A sigh of relief escapes Amaya as she spots Hak. “I’m sorry. I went to get some water.” He apologizes to Yona, as Amaya had known where he was. There was a sharp intake of breath beside her and Amaya turned back to her sister just in time to see her break down in tears. Amaya pulled her back to her, stroking her hair softly as she hummed a small tune.


Amaya and Yona were currently huddled together next to a river. Hak was next to them, cooking some fish that he had managed to catch earlier. Amaya had offered to help him, but he insisted on doing it on his own. She didn’t really see what the big deal was about it, she simply wanted to learn some new skills. Catching fish would come in handy from time to time.

There were three fish that he had manage to catch, all of them were pierced with a stick and placed next to a fire so that they could be cooked. Hak picked one of them up before holding it in front of Yona, offering it to her. She didn’t even acknowledge it though, simply staring into the fire as if she was in a trance. Amaya sighed at her non-response and picked up her own food, taking a small bite as she wasn’t exactly hungry, but she knew that she had to eat something.

“You should eat something.” Hak insisted. “From here on, I don’t know if we’ll be able to secure food.” Still, Yona didn’t make a move, merely blinking. It was clear that she was becoming weaker as time went by.

After Hak and Amaya had both finished eating their fish, Amaya decided that it would be a good idea for her and Yona to take a bath in a small creek nearby. To her surprise, it didn’t take much for Yona to get up, a simple nudge and a few words was all it took. Once the two of them were out of Hak’s sight, they both disrobed quickly before slowly entering the water. It was rather relaxing. Not the same as the tub that Amaya would bathe in at the castle, but still enjoyable.

Amaya dunked her head under the water, that being the only real way for her to wash her hair as she didn’t have any products with her. Once she was finished she swam over to her sister, who was still silent.

“I’m just going to wash your hair, alright Yona?” Cupping some water in her hands she lifted them above Yona’s head, before letting the water wash over her hair. She repeated that process a few more times. Amaya tugged on her sister’s arm, guiding her out of the water as there was nothing more for them to do.

Yona glanced down at her body and let out a small shriek, causing Amaya to jump in fright at the sudden yell. Glancing down she saw that there was a bunch of small black things on her legs. She had no idea what they were.

Hak appeared seconds later, asking the girls what was wrong, not caring that the two of them were naked.

“What are these?” Yona mumbles, her voice frail as she hadn’t spoken for a few days.

“They’re leeches.” Hak explains as he kneels down in front of the girls, reaching out to pick the small creatures off their skin. Amaya winced as she felt a small stinging sensation as they let go. “They live in lakes and swamps, and they suck yours blood.” Amaya’s eyes widen at his words, memories of what had happened not too long ago flashing in her mind. Yona was also affected. “Blood…” Yona whispers.

Hak looks up at the girls, his eyes softening as he shows them a small smile. “They won’t kill you.” He reassures them, and they girls both visibly let out a small sigh.

Suddenly Amaya had realized that she was completely naked, alongside Yona, and she flicked Hak on the forehead. “You can leave now, you pervert.”

Hak seems to also realize their state of dress, or rather lack of, and quickly stands up, placing the girl’s clothes on the ground in front of them before running off. Yona was utterly clueless as to what had just happened, her brows furrowed in confusion. “I’ll leave your clothes here. Once we gather our belongings, we’ll leave.” He says over his shoulder.

The two of them get dressed as quickly as they can, before making their way back over to Hak. The three of them double check to make sure they have everything before they begin walking once again.


“We’ll rest here for today.” Hak announces. Amaya let out a small sigh in relief as she plops down to the ground. Yona does the same but in a more graceful manner, the two of them making themselves as comfortable as they possibly can.

Yona suddenly gasps, startling Amaya who had closed her eyes for a moment to rest. Yona frantically glanced around the area surrounding her, her hands checking her clothes as though she had lost something. Amaya was confused for a moment before she realized what it must’ve been. The hair brooch.

“What’s wrong? Did you lose something?” Hak asked her although judging by the look in his eyes he already had a feeling about what it was. After a few second Yona stood up nimbly, causing Amaya and Hak to look at her in slight confusion. “Where are you going?” Hak asks curiously.

“I’m… I’m just… I’ll be right back.” Yona stumbles over her words, before she runs off.

Amaya glances over in Hak’s direction, seeing him staring after her rather intensely. Amaya sighs loudly, causing Hak to look at her. “Just go after her, would you? I’ll be fine here.” Hak nods before getting up and walking off in the direction that Yona had headed. Releasing a small huff, Amaya smiled softly.

Not too long after, Hak came bolting out of the forest with Yona cradled in his arms, startling Amaya. “What on earth happened?” Amaya exclaims as he places Yona on the ground before bending down to tend to the wound on his leg that Amaya had only just noticed.

Amaya glanced over to her sister, kneeling down beside her as she assessed her for any injuries of her own. “Are you alright?” Yona nods slowly before sending a small smile her way.

Yona then looks to the ground, her eyes narrowing in sadness. “Hak, I’m sorry- “

“Is this what you were looking for?” Hak cuts in, pulling out Yona’s brooch from his pocket, holding it up in front of her. She gasps slightly before reaching out to grab it from his hands. Hak stares at her confidently. “I can’t forgive Soo-Won. But more than that, I want you to live.”

“That was rather forward of you.”

As soon as the words left Amaya’s mouth, Hak immediately started throwing a barrage of small stones in her direction. Clearly, he didn’t appreciate her comment at that very moment. Amaya raised her arms to cover her face from the stones, chuckling at his attempts to make her be quiet.

“I hope you realize that won’t stop me.” She says, a smirk dawning on her face.

“Just be quiet.”

Amaya giggles, wrapping her arm around Yona’s shoulder as she rests her head against the rock behind her. It wasn’t too long before she ended up falling asleep.


The gentle sounds of birds chirping were what managed to wake Amaya up. She stretched her arms above her head, moving her head side to side as her muscles were quite stiff after sleeping on the ground for so long. Hearing movements from beside her she sees that Yona was just waking up as well. She looks around slowly before her eyes land on her sister, giving her a soft smile and Amaya’s does the same in return.

Yona looked over towards Hak, or more specifically, the wound on his leg from the night before. She reached out to touch it before Hak grabbed her hand, stopping her. “It’s fine.” The girls jumped, not realizing that he had actually been awake. Hak opened his eyes, glancing over to Yona. “A little snake bite isn’t going to stop General Hak.” he states before standing up.

Yona jumps up after him while Amaya takes her time getting up, her back still in a bit of pain after the odd position she had slept in. “Um, Hak?” Yona asks hesitantly.


“Couldn’t we head into some village for some food and medicine?” Amaya nods, agreeing with her sister.

Hak glanced between the two girls before he responded. “Villages are dangerous. Even if the villagers don’t recognize us, castle soldiers could be anywhere.”

“Then, where are we heading?” Amaya asks with confusion lacing her tone.

Hak looks down towards the ground, his eyes narrowing. “Probably the only place we can count on now. Capital Fuuga, my hometown.”