Maddie Info Dump

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

collection of character memes probably. still a decent amount of info and written content

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Barebones Character Meme

thanks Erradox for this list of questions :)

1. What are some of your character's motivations, roles, or goals in their story? Maddie is currently still recovering from her time in UFOgirls. She lives with her best friend Brad and makes music. She is also trying to come to terms with embracing her transness after being stealth for a lot of her living life.

2. Is your character more comfortable in a group or in solitude? It depends. She gets uncomfortable quicky. In a group of good company, she's great but in bad company she'd rather slink into the dark.

3. Does your character have any distinguishing features (such as scars, birthmarks, tattoos, etc.)? A pretty noticeable slash across her face from Kristen, a member of the now broken up band UFOgirls. She also has many scars on her body from when she was alive that are all results of self-harm or accidental injury like a wrist cut, neck cut, several arm cuts, and several thigh cuts. She also at some point as a zombie gets a tattoo of the trans flag on the (her) lefthand side of the stomach.

4. How does your character feel about looking after children and animals, and how well would they do? She loves animals but doesn't currently have any. She may adopt a cat in the future. She sees herself as too mentally ill to be able to take care of children. Plus, zombie kids grow up at an extremely slow rate so what's even the point?

5. Can your character take care of a house plant? Her confidence is not where she wants it to be but she sure as hell TRIES because she tells her following, she can do it! she can keep a spider plant alive! she promises!

6. Does your character have any special interests or hobbies? Maddie LOOOOOOOOOOOVES 1960s-1980s fashion. She knows a lot about it. Ask her! She also loves 60s-70s music. She saves a load of it to sample in her own music and even tries to meet up with the people who made the originals in person or on video chat since a lot of them are zombies now and no longer need estates speaking for them.

7. How much do they care about their physical appearance (including stuff like keeping clean and tidy or being into fashion)? A LOT most of the time. seeing her in normal clothing is a rare occurrence. she loves clashing patterns and barely owns anything pattern less. only for special occasions. She cares a lot about her hair, so she is usually clean otherwise as well.

8. Name at least one positive, one negative, and one neutral trait about your character POS ---> she is very humble and never gets full of herself even when she receives fame. NEG ---> despite her perceived levelheadedness she can be very hard to convince to do things even if they are for the best. NEUTRAL ---> her connections span so far and wide that she can sometimes fall in with people who are not exactly the best.

9. Do they have any physical health disorders, (including stuff like allergies or blood pressure issues)? not that I'm aware of currently, and even if she did, she likely does not have to worry about it much anymore due to dying.

10. Do they have any mental health disorders? Maddie is autistic and has anxiety and internalized feelings of self-hatred from """""supportive"""" family when she was alive.

11. Do they have family (including found family) and how do they get along with them? she gets along with her born family, but they leave a lot to be desire despite them letting her transition. they aren't really very understanding of her own idea of transness and meddle in her business for not being the cookie cutter trans woman she SHOULD be. smh cis people. Brad and Farrah are her very close friends. she would consider them found family. they get along very well and are very understanding.

12. Do they have any other important relations? not really. she struggles with intimacy due to her body and internalized issues. she wants a romantic interest but she's still in recovery from the living world

13. Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project? not really, she IS different than how she projects herself, but she does it well enough to mask her insecurities unless you know her well.

14. Does your character value honesty and integrity, and does that reflect in their own actions? yes! and yes. she is willing to take apologies as long as she views them as genuine. With Kristen it took her a second to take it in but even despite her listening to the apology she did not forgive her. she called someone to take her in for recovery so that she could be sure she was actually wanting to change. cutting someone across the face is horrible, but the fact she had been forced to do someone's bidding for 15 years+ made her feel different than she would have otherwise.

15. Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale? depends on how she feels about you. she tends to be very blunt because of her neurodivergency. the way people perceive her is different every time.

16. How likely is your character able to read social cues and body language from others? like said above it depends on her knowledge of you. She is bad at reading strangers

17. How emotive / emotionally expressive is your character? she loves to smile and gets excited easily at things she enjoys but can also be unresponsive and quiet if she is overwhelmed

18. Do they care more about getting their own way, or about treating others fairly? she thinks she is 100% understanding about treating others fairly but sometimes her own predisposed notions can get in the way of her perception.

19. What kind of climate do they prefer? medium weather. not too hot not too cold, but with seasonal variation so she gets to have a wardrobe that changes from season to season.

20. How do they respond to confrontation? she usually stresses and her heartbeat gets fast, but she can usually still react in a pretty ordinary way even if she is freaking out internally. it may take her time to stop short circuiting.

21. Do they enjoy or desire intimate relationships? as previously mentioned, she DOES but she is terrified because of internalized transphobia towards herself. she may have romantic relationships here and there but will usually give up before it gets more serious than making out. one day she hopes to have a great romantic/sexual relationship with someone but for now she is still recovering.