flash activities

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

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gideon's routines

Gideon's Bedtime Routine - WC: 278 - Add'l Coins: 1 (pippet)

Gideon's nightly routine is generally pretty loose. Although some nights he has to stand watch or perform other knightly duties and this effects it, those are outliers. For those nights, he obviously can't sleep during the night, but must wait until daybreak. Luckily, he usually has the company of his albino pyropine, Little Knight for these hours. For the fortunate days where he doesn't need to stand watch, he heads home once the sun goes down, and walks home at a leisurely pace. Making sure that there are no threats at all before returning to his humble abode. His house is just a one-bedroom place, and is hardly a home in any sense. Regardless, he'll settle on his cot, usually trying all kinds of different techniques to fall asleep if it doesn't come easily. If it's early enough, he might even advance a few chapters into whatever book he's slowly working his way through. A few chapters every now and then before bed. Other techniques include counting, meditation, and more! However, he's normally tired from all of his workouts, patrols, sparring, and more. After all, his desire to be a strong and reliable knight requires a lot of work and training! He usually tries to get at least some rest, but he can go a few days on only a few meager hours of sleep, and usually averages around 6 or 7. When he does fall into sleep, it usually is into quite a deep sleep, able to let go of his consciousness easily. However, it's different if he's in the barracks or otherwise needs to be alert. But he usually feels quite safe in his home, luckily!

Gideon's Morning Routine - WC: 281 - Add'l Coins: 1 (pippet)

Now, Gideon's morning routine is completely different from his nightly routine. Although, his personal morning routine is likely not too different from other's knightly routine! As a knight, he wakes up at daybreak, taking care of all of the necessities. Breakfast, an intensive workout to break a sweat, a shower, more eating to make sure he can repair those muscles he just exhausted... all of this before the time that he's supposed to report to his duties as a knight! He's a bit of a stuckup, always performing the recommended exercises or homework for each day, and never being late. In fact, he always shows up 10 minutes early, right on the nose! He personally dislikes it when other knights are late, or falling asleep in the morning. To him, it's sloppy-- and he makes absolutely sure that he never comes off sloppy. His pyropine, interestingly enough, gets up around the same time as him, and participates in all of these activities. Right up until he leaves to report to the knights, at which point the pyropine hops off in it's own direction. Gideon is quite curious as to what else this pyropine has during it's morning routine-- as it is only around him at night and leaves in the morning. Never sticks past that, or in the afternoon, or anything really before around sunset. Gideon once asked if it lived a different life during the day, and it simply looked at him with a weird glint in it's eye. Weird! Regardless, the two's morning schedule is pretty strict, with Gideon wanting to have a 'disciplined' appearance and presence at the barracks while Little Knight has something... else to attend to.
