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1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

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Author's Notes

base coins: 4

total words: 1085 (+8c)

total poufs: ryiah, gideon, briar, tao, atlas, terryn (+6c)

total = 18c

fog of war and tin soldier alignment

Fog of War


wc: 671

Gideon was always my 'first' character to go through the entirety of the Fog of War story and perhaps because of this, his alignment has changed the most. He went from being almost certain that Terryn was lying and not wanting to involve himself in the matters to believing that something isn't right about the whole situation, and now he even begins to believe Terryn. Well, only a little bit. His believe has been swayed a bit by Briar. Although Briar is a naturally skeptical pouflon, she finds it hard to believe that Terryn could be lying about everything. Perhaps bits and pieces, but he is so incredibly injured and pitiful that she finds it hard to completely believe that a pouflon so near to death could possibly lie about such things. Making him seem more truthful to her. Because Briar was so earnest to believe Terryn, Gideon found himself a bit more swayed from the neutral 'something isn't right' to a bit more of 'maybe he is telling the truth...'. In Gideon's 'What If' storyline, which is based on him not being the guard to let Terryn out, he would still be strongly on the right, perhaps even more so after propaganda is released of how dangerous of a criminal Terryn is.

Although Hutao's main story line is her hunting for Terryn rather than being the guard that let him escape, she too thinks something fishy is going on. Or at least, she doesn't have all of the right information. It was very clear during her time in the court when the Arbiter came that there is a lot more going on. Wars, pain, guilt, treaties, there is something that doesn't make sense. They know that it's big though, if it involves the saints, the queen, and the arbiter. Although Hutao has not even heard of Terryn-- let alone his side of the story-- she finds herself questioning everything in regards to the state of politics and such. Something that she never even thought of doing before, always content to play the perfect royal knight in her eyes and never question authority or the way things are. If Hutao had been the guard to let Terryn out, she would likely act strongly on the right to Terryn, saying things like, "once we 'save' Bellacoste I'm turning you over to the queen!" although she would find herself believing him more and more over time. Especially when he says that it's fine if he is turned over later.

Ryiah has yet to make her debut into this series but she genuinely is the type of pouflon to believe that there has to be better ways to deal with criminals than to lock them up to never see the light of day again and drain their power away using magic. As such, she is much more inclined to believe that Terryn is a victim of something cruel rather than the perpetrator. Growing up surrounded by power-hungry, selfish, and greedy individuals, Ryiah has no sympathy for those that will shut down others just to get what they want. Although she doesn't want to fully trust Terryn and wants to come off more indifferent, the truth is that she believes him, perhaps even pities him, quite a bit. But wants to investigate more.

Atlas similarly hasn't found his way into the series (yet), but if he was in it, he would be quite content to believe in Terryn. Atlas is very sensitive to these things, and would feel like something about this whole situation has always been weird. Terryn's insistance on things would shed a light (although a dim one) on things, giving validation to his wariness and doubts. He would likely have a bunch of questions about things, but if Terryn was able to answer them in a sensible and believable way then he'd likely believe Terryn. That doesn't mean he trusts him, as he keeps an eye on Terryn's power and status to make sure that it would never catch him off guard.

Tin Soldiers


wc: 414

Gideon is already on edge from everything... entering the dangers of Brouzet only enhances that. As tension and stress grow, Gideon finds himself more and more on-edge. The sweltering heat of Brouzet doesn't really help with that. Usually more collected and willing to consider all options before picking one, he will automatically lean more towards fight. After all, he is in danger, isn't he? The storm outside, the se golems however, when it comes down to it he might realize that fighting them is impossible and if he hears a golem attempting to communicate, he definitely would be able to stop and calm down and at least consider. Even if... they look strange.

Always the pacifist (or well... usually the pacifist...) Briar would definitely be interested in helping the Golems. After all she trusts Terryn, and why would Terryn knowingly put them in more danger? If they're alive ... have they been trapped here? She would almost even pity them, and be very concerned with making sure that she freed and help them.

If Hutao was here, she would definitely be freaked. What are those things..? With no idea of what they are or if they are dangerous, her first instinct would indeed to go. Although the storm is dangerous, if she can still see a path to leave, she would definitely bolt to it no questions asked. However, she could be stopped by Terryn or the golems trying to communicate or otherwise being non-aggressive.

Ryiah is similar to Hutao, but she would definitely flee, no questions asked. She's not confident enough to fight, and perhaps is smart enough to have heard about such things before-- from legends, and realize that she probably can't fight them anyways. Through the wailing and fear, she likely wouldn't even hear the golems trying to 'talk' to her and simply value her life and escaping as more valuable than anything else.

On the other end of the scale completely is Atlas, who is more than happy to take on a challenger and fight for his life. After all he does it every year. Dispatching dangerous and strong leviathans, how different can a golem be. Although wary of his opponent and their numbers and size is nothing to scoff at, he would definitely prepare to fight if need be, if his words or Terryn's wouldn't be enough to get out of the situation. Terryn could convince him to stand down and not attack, although he would still remain on edge.